4 entries in 0.593s
snsabot: Logged on 2017-02-09 12:53:33 asciilifeform: incidentally -- there is more to this crapolade than meets the naked eye. regexp is a fundamentally braindamaged concept -- not only in the way described by naggum (how do you infer false positives?) but also in the haskellian idiocy where 'reasonable' and 'thermonuclear self-annihilation' programs look nearly identical, and distinguishing them is np-hard
a111: 1 result for "naggum false positives", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=naggum%20false%20positives
asciilifeform: !#s naggum false positives
asciilifeform: incidentally -- there is more to this crapolade than meets the naked eye. regexp is a fundamentally braindamaged concept -- not only in the way described by naggum (how do you infer false positives?) but also in the haskellian idiocy where 'reasonable' and 'thermonuclear self-annihilation' programs look nearly identical, and distinguishing them is np-hard