52400+ entries in 0.414s
BCB: mircea_popescu, I could reccomend a cpa for around 10K for a full audit
novusordo: mircea_popescu: i remember playing it with aethero and lucidlepidoptera, lol
BCB: mircea_popescu, BTW i'm an excellent monopoly player
benkay: mircea_popescu: must be my broken american brainz
BCB: mircea_popescu, what about the bitcoin foundation
BCB: mircea_popescu, the pirate victims were just greedy
BCB: mircea_popescu, shocking. I guess I should MOP PR
BCB: mircea_popescu, what about jon matonis
benkay: mircea_popescu: my klutzy ass would implement patches over email anyways
moiety: mircea_popescu: i thought that lol - the sign behind them says, "you are limited only by your imagination" errr and those chaps
AccountantPierre: mircea_popescu: Daniel drew it. I'm thinking we'll phase out disqus and roll our own
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cunt size post ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've often wondered if there is, somewhere, a literal 'money laundry' - for trips to Dubai, etc. where a nanogram of coke merits the firing squad
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'pleasure throne' link from your 'twitter' seems to be a knock-off of the famous 'sybian' auto-wanker.
[KS]: "<mircea_popescu> like you know... i'm an allegedly me sort of thing" - I can see a quote coming... :)
turbo_ac100: (16:37:25) mircea_popescu: MisterE: heh, I got a little nervous nelly today, thought we were going to test 400, so I sold some coin for 484 that I bought at 505 :/ << that's how fortunes are made. << oracle of delphi, alexander the great
moiety hands mircea_popescu the tissues
moiety: earlier, but i went to do things (mothers day here) - thats why they released me XD how are you mircea_popescu?
xdotcomm_: mircea_popescu: we have known each other... but none of us has helped one another move
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> so apparently lmb gifted itself a hefty 28% equity stake post-ipo /// To my knowledge LMB never gifted itself anything nor moved shares to Havelock
Apocalyptic: yeah mircea_popescu, i'm so happy
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: "and I experienced complete awareness", lel
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: servers that are rebooted are not really the same servers anymore << i bet i'm not the only one who wonders why kernel-in-ROM never caught on
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: feasible - expensive
jurov: mircea_popescu: withdrawals pls
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu the alt-twitter one?
andyfletcher: mircea_popescu, am on wot just wasn't authenticated
benkay: so hey are we distinguishing between incompetence and malice in Bitcoin these days, mircea_popescu ?
moiety: <mircea_popescu> than cooking your boobs << lmfao
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: idk if that snakepit still exists
moiety: actually, pubic bones... yeah what mircea_popescu said
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> http://trilema.com/2014/heres-an-idea-for-you/ --- Futura is my favorite typeface, but the world seems to be catching on
moiety: LOL mircea_popescu i dont think i have a big enough arse to qualify
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: one can buy marine radar domes quite small enough to fit on a car.
artifexd: mircea_popescu You make me sad. I wanted to believe in NeoBee.
mircea_popescu: you mean https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/447869151756161025 ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that'd be because the only way to have reliable access to latest xxx is to... build it
moiety: ty mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cpu-friendly vs. what?
benkay: mircea_popescu: what are you on about
benkay: mircea_popescu: never going to happen.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as is virtually everything done by usg post-fdr
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: griggs: this was one of those cases that ended in creating a 'talmudic wall' (as the hassid jews call this situation)
benkay: this isn't funny mircea_popescu i'm going to die
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: earlier thing: 'griggs vs. duke power co.'
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu isnt it easier to just limit nubbins` ?
benkay: mircea_popescu: i know how to cook!
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Try listen for one minute in a clip from this audio book http://open.spotify.com/track/1ydFN3EK0bhqlzjT1cRKxR
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/6219520-the-50th-law
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: We live in a corrupt world you should know that
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Is this your strategy in the future?
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: So you think SD is a legal service?
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Because of legal problems obviously
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Is MPOE a registred company in US or why did SEC contact you?
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: But the original prospectus was really well thought thru
benkay: what's your read, mircea_popescu?
benkay: say it ain't so, mircea_popescu
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Boring answer really..
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: I have never understood how MPOE works, but anyway the questionn goes how many trades can you handle per second right now?
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Are you in bed with MPOE-PR or have I misunderstood that?
skinnkavaj: That pankkake and mircea_popescu you are the same person
benkay: mircea_popescu: not only do they read yahoo boards, they also go after 15 yo's
copumpkin: then I can finally be richer than mircea_popescu
Musk: mircea_popescu, he's busy with exploding Tesla's
kanzure: mircea_popescu: yeah, i should
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu and his room of Trinitrons
kanzure: mircea_popescu: it's the principle
andyfletcher: mircea_popescu, yup. It is on Europa http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-186_en.htm
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> I've seen some tweets about the letter you received
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in our case it was a gurl holding a fist over 'big red button'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'therac-25'
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> they can also charge you of conspiring to help US citizens avoid taxes and such and whatever charges or charge you with money laundry
kanzure: mircea_popescu: i don't have a specific project in mind, and if i did, i would just buy the dna from a synthesis company.
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> yes but if you are called as a witness in a trial, they might bring you there by force
kanzure: mircea_popescu: all sorts of things. it's a basic requirement for conducting almost any interesting molecular biology project ever.
tg2: mircea_popescu: what is mpex's SEC analogue
kanzure: mircea_popescu: dna synthesis
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> you mean cos of megauploads a legal entity?
kanzure: mircea_popescu: i had a colleague on that project and he's still convinced that microfluidics is the way to go, so he's still working on that in portland
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> civil matter? Kim Dotcom was civil matter also and US managed to get him arrested so...
kanzure: mircea_popescu: trouble? mostly software at the moment https://github.com/kanzure
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> you may want to prepare yourself for that scenario
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> US has authority to arrest you and bring you to the US. They have done this before. Just check Liberty Reserve incident
kanzure: mircea_popescu: there's also this person from theverge with my name.. sigh.
kanzure: mircea_popescu: interesting. there's a few people showing up with my name. i want them gone.
kanzure: mircea_popescu: huh? probably not. i don't know who you are referring to.
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> are you afraid about US taking legal action? can they bring you to US to testify?
velacreations: mircea_popescu thanks, is there a way to reference their name just by clicking on it, or do I have to type it out every time?
kasa32: <mircea_popescu> can you tell us more about the letter you received from US authorities?
mircea_popescu: like this fellow : https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/449558141525827584
benkay: are you not reading logs today mircea_popescu ?
mircea_popescu: "Feb 24 21:08:44 <mircea_popescu>what's going on in your head ? "
benkay: mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-03-2014&bots=true#588733
benkay: wasn't via me, tho mircea_popescu, was it?
mircea_popescu: benkay check it out, @benkay is nao more famous than you are https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/449585590187880448
mike_c: mircea_popescu: carmack and abrash were the talent & brains behind id software (doom,quake)
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Thanks
moiety: ;; later tell mircea_popescu a turtle surfing seal pup?! lolol
mike_c: mircea_popescu: three shields, aluminum bar, then titanium shield, then aluminum deflector shield.
tg2: > bolt holding plates in, mircea_popescu