13 entries in 0.514s
assbot: We wish you a merry christmas and a lot of dead people next year, preferably killed by our products. thanks for choosing us ... ( http://bit.ly/1YCae50 )
ben_vulpes: anyways, merry christmas ninjashogun
dignork: and Merry Christmas! :)
decimation: Merry Christmas!
thestringpuller: "Oh hey it's bingoboingo! Ah, we love 'dis guy! Merry Christmas muthafucka!"
mircea_popescu: and with that i wish you a merry christmas!
assbot: 1 results for 'merry christmas' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=merry+christmas
elementofone: !s merry christmas
nubbins`: merry christmas, heathens
mod6: merry christmas, you are free.
thestringpuller: merry christmas
thestringpuller: merry christmas
thestringpuller: merry christmas mr. popescu ;)