12 entries in 0.673s
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-22#1828645 << iirc great 17th c jesuit crackpot athanasius kircher invented this. he had one for music composition also. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: diana_coman it is said the lord of the jews has a special foible for idiots. at least so discovered the current (jesuit) pope.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and since we're doing amusings -- i wonder why exactly hasn't the "alt right" picked up on JESUIT heritage to bitch and whine about ? it's just about the core of modern pantsuitism, it was historically oppressed specifically for pantsuitism, and when i say historically i mean centuries not decades, why exactly nobody knows enough to say "the jesuits will not replace us" ? << The Return of Kink thing has done some jesuit
mircea_popescu: the important point here, as far as the latin-american "liberation theology" marxist reinterpretation, as typified in the latest (and first jesuit) pope is concerned is : that property is not a right.
mircea_popescu: to this very day teh episode does truly bother the pantsuit press. because here's the thing : whether alt-right knows or doesn't know there's such a thing as jesuit, the thing they know or don't know still is, and still works.
mircea_popescu: (the link, for the curious, is that in any other time than the present the above charles f. wilson would have been counted as a jesuit. both his stepping-stone and ultimate destination 2nd education institutions being -- jesuit.)
phf: too obscure, though that would be an amusing thing to do. jesuit "protocols" on twitter, quotes and condemnations. it would be closer to an art project, than anything. "the who?"
mircea_popescu: and since we're doing amusings -- i wonder why exactly hasn't the "alt right" picked up on JESUIT heritage to bitch and whine about ? it's just about the core of modern pantsuitism, it was historically oppressed specifically for pantsuitism, and when i say historically i mean centuries not decades, why exactly nobody knows enough to say "the jesuits will not replace us" ?
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski pretty sure the "eating babiez" is a medieval (properly speaking, 11th century) jesuit nonsense.
mircea_popescu: a jesuit, a pedophile, a wrestling fan, whatever.
BingoBongo: They elected a Jesuit, so they boy touching is never going away
mircea_popescu: whoa they eleced a jesuit as pope ?!