10 entries in 0.785s

a111: Logged on 2019-04-09 21:47 diana_coman: the easy
gauge would be -
go mention Ada and see reaction; far from "martian artefact" style; but that being said, I'm not giving it as "fact, here it is, started on x-y-z at 5pm"
diana_coman: the easy
gauge would be -
go mention Ada and see reaction; far from "martian artefact" style; but that being said, I'm not giving it as "fact, here it is, started on x-y-z at 5pm"
☟︎ TATdoesReno: Scientists, increasingly able to detect minuscule amounts of compounds, have begun to test sewage to
gauge communities' use of illegal drugs. When people take drugs, they are either unchanged or the body turns them into metabolites before they're excreted."The amphetamine levels
go through the roof during finals," Burgard said.
KRS|gotyawallet: not hungry enough to
go catch something like this and eat it..now boar..I'll hunt and eat the hell out of wild boar..about 20 miles from where i live, my 4x4 .45 sidepiece and 12
gauge shotgun, its on...knife, winch and hunting dogs ready to