10 entries in 0.65s
lobbes: that's what I tried to do last time; ended up faffing about. I'm a little hesitant to try again but I guess I'll need to at some point
lobbes: Mocky: yeah, I'm waiting for the power grid to start faffing about over here too. So far though, ~0 effects felt from the old 'cane
mircea_popescu: do you picture him better going to academia in the same continous way, and faffing about "o, radical nvoelties" ?
lobbesbot: Logged on 2016-01-23 23:05:59: <diana_coman> I suppose on really short ones there isn't enough time for all the faffing about anyway; the io thing is 100secs in my books
mircea_popescu: people have bene FAFFING ABOUT with "bdsm" and "castles in europe" for FIFTY YEARS.
a111: 3 results for "faffing about", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=faffing%20about
ben_vulpes: !#s faffing about
mircea_popescu: in other news, diana_coman now using "faffing about" ; trinque prevails linguistically!
trinque: imagine with all the faffing about you did here, you could've done something worthwhile
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: you realize that every day you continue faffing about like this the odds anyone here will pay one red cent for masamune goes down?