5 entries in 0.809s
mircea_popescu: whereas if we decide we dislike the "packages" abstraction (and not merely dislike it a little bit, but quite a lot, enough to justify a lot of rewriting) then the available solution's to just make one big v tree. coming with the obvious problem that if indeed the whole world's just one tree, then trying to play BOTH duke nukem AND warcraft 2 will result in two copies of the kernel compiled, like if we were idiots.
mircea_popescu: as it's unclear from the logs whether phf actually has done this and not published it yet or not done it at all, diana_coman will release a third keccak, that should resolve both the above problem and the "everything is 8x because NIST idiots" thing blowing up vdiff's stack, hopefully later this week.
assbot: 1 results for 'both not idiots' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=both+not+idiots
BingoBoingo: !s both not idiots
cads: I mean ideally both idiots would be punished - one is already dead, and the other needs to get his. Not for some moral reason. Only to deter further idiots.