500+ entries in 0.004s

jfw: mp_en_viaje: would you like to schedule
a continuation on the wallet effort (on which I've quite appreciated your role) once I've got my V ducks in
a row? I can offer the same time Tuesday.
jfw: re GNAT, it occurs to me the better question is not "what does mp_en_viaje have handy" but "what am I going to test and require of the user and support by explaining at whatever level necessary?" Which is not
a question for mp_en_viaje at all as stated.
diana_coman: jfw: listen, you do
a full test-run of everything so that you can properly guide someone step by step and you know 200% what is required and at what point.
mp_en_viaje: anyways, /me shall now go for
a little walk. laters!
diana_coman: it does at that; and my "starter" thing there is precisely
a stopgap; that comes...miraculously handy at times but still apparently not worth checking upfront or something, huh.
jfw: I'm digging for
a known working zipper-opening guide, I know diana_coman has one.
mp_en_viaje: i guess it became fashionable in grenwich village at some point, just
a pile of indistinct rags and "sit anywhere" -- but i confess i never sat. i always left.
mp_en_viaje: i'm willing to pay
a visit, but... can i have like...
a chair ? because no, "sit anywhere" isn't really an equivalent
jfw: That I'm misusing the tool you invented and haven't fully tested
a better process?
mp_en_viaje: i'm not specifically trying to be an asshole here, even though i apparently manage splendidly regardless. do you see what might make
a different me throw up his hands at this juncture ?
mp_en_viaje: +already removed it. Needed to store to
a temporary.
mp_en_viaje: this premise is contrary to the other premise,
a secure system is specifically one that doesn't do everything.
mp_en_viaje: so don't you try solving the grave problem of the user being entirely surrounded by
a sybil inside the secure code. let him worry about that outside the box.
mp_en_viaje: hitler essentially lost the war by making ever bigger tanks. "bigger is better". wel... it sure as fuck makes
a better target...
jfw: mp_en_viaje: reminds me of
a jules verne novel but not as such
mp_en_viaje: yes, "if one is surrounded by
a sybil". do you know the story of the man who made
a submarine so strong, it'd have withstood even falling off
a cliff ?
jfw: adds tamper resistance, unless one is surrounded by
a sybil. This is interesting though, re absolute view
mp_en_viaje: see, this is what i mean above : you take
a very absolute view, which happens to be inadequate. "how is the secure machine to know" is not an interesting problem in the absolute sense you contemplate it.
jfw: If it is acceptable to you to install new software on
a machine with the private key, and to trust the inputs from somewhere online (possibly correlating from multiple sources), then we might have basis to continue. (catching up...)
mp_en_viaje: you don't need
a secure machine to "find it on its own"
jfw: Alright. What I have is
a program that could be included on
a secure machine built now, with which to do that computation, and
a companion program that can suggest what you might use for its inputs given an online machine.
mp_en_viaje: if this reduces to "you must do your computation on
a machine wtih
a node running" i am not interested -- it's definitely no different, and self-evidently mroe expensive than using
a -- say -- web wallet.
mp_en_viaje: well i dunno. let's see, again. what i'd like to do is produce
a broadcastable tx such as to pay the fellows in question out of the pile of coin i have.
jfw: I suppose I'm the one making assumptions then. Should I have started
a node up by seeking again to establish which pieces you needed?
mp_en_viaje: it's one thing to say "well mister... no secure systems made before this date are practically useful anymore, because they must include this mb, and so it's practical to make NEW ones, including it". it is ANOTHER thing to say "your secure system must actually be always-on connected to
a net interface and via trb at that"
mp_en_viaje: that's okay, not like it's your job. but your offline wallet is ~maybe~ problematic, especially if i'm correct in not comprehending how is it supposed to actually do any useful work for
a secure system.
jfw: It does in that I see
a typo finder would be useful; I fall short in not having one to offer now.
mp_en_viaje: it provides me, for instance, the knowledge that among the things that need fixing in an "eventual pgp implementation" such as will never likely be,
a typo finder'd be quite useful. i even know HOW useful, by practical, real, lived measure.
mp_en_viaje: this takes time, typos occur, there's even
a script to check lines individually because obviously gpg is too dumb to mark WHERE an error likely lies in
a broken pad.
mp_en_viaje: then
a response would come out, and she'd type that.
mp_en_viaje: the ~reason~ they were there was that now and again i'd break out the red machine, which is an actual machine, and
a slavegirl would sit in front of it, and type, by her pretty little hand, meaningless strings, from the black machinery connected to y'all and everything else.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:26:10 jfw: mp_en_viaje: do you have
a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about
a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires
a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
mp_en_viaje: now then, is gbw-node
a node, in the sense that it'll want to eat
a metric ton of ram and piddle blockchain vomit on the disk at such
a massive rate as the "too small" mb blocks require ?
mp_en_viaje: well, gcc doesn't know what to do with genesises, so there's
a gap.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: I didn't think there was such
a thing established, indeed, hence the question
jfw: mp_en_viaje: I'm available should you still wish to have
a look at the wallet.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 21:26:33 mp_en_viaje: this is of course my problem ; you can do it elsewhere cheaper / better / whatever, i'm the last dood to get in the way of any such
a thing.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-12 dorion: just gave the
latest article
a second read. seems like he's saying, "you all could be men, but for whatever reason you're not and I've had enough of the retardation to interact with it further. perhaps me walking away is what's needed to wake you up."
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-12 16:59:56 mircea_popescu: so it's basically
a training tool, as far as that goes,
a didactic example
trinque: this is
a wall of hubris, my friend, and sorta flies in the face of what I was trying to convey with the series.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-11 02:03:07 trinque: because the final post is little else than gathering the selected items into
a source tree, wrapping them in
a build process, and cutting
a genesis.
dorion: if you've made progress on the selecting and organizing into
a source tree, why not be satisfied with publishing that and getting feedback ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-11 02:03:07 trinque: because the final post is little else than gathering the selected items into
a source tree, wrapping them in
a build process, and cutting
a genesis.
dorion: 2 was out of poorly documented dissatisfaction with bb ash, yet he
said, "perhaps his pdksh can be of use."
jfw: it's impossible to keep track" to quote its init.c. One thing I take from this is one's not likely to get
a good sense of the code quality of
a given part from
a random sampling of the overall tree.
jfw: that's 1). 2) what do you mean by "busybox-only" - because far as I know you can't possibly mean exactly that, it doesn't have an mkfs or make for example, let alone
a compiler. Do you mean, "system which selects components outside busybox only if busybox $version does not contain them"? I'll note that busybox is an amalgam of code from
a variety of sources and, ahem, "Adjusted by so many folks,
jfw: trinque: I'm also tardy on jumping back into the OS fray, for one thing my wallet project has dragged out way longer than I naively expected, but I look forward to doing so shortly. But in hopes of advancing the discussion
a bit: is there
a particular merit to busybox-1.31.1 ? For all I know it's an entirely different thing from the older one I've been looking at and we'll need some common basis
trinque: because the final post is little else than gathering the selected items into
a source tree, wrapping them in
a build process, and cutting
a genesis.
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: okay, sounds like
a plan then. So, I guess for my part I'll go back and see what I can do about
a sane history-backfill process.
mp_en_viaje: honestly i think what i'll go for will be : (using trilema.com for current trilema and trilema.net for pizdi's box), hve
a mysql server run on both, have t.com update both rather than just its own, and have it read the day's logs at some point tomorrow. this way people can use t.net for any purpose except write
a comment.
lobbes: hm, I am not familiar with federated tables myself. I'd need to look into them
a bit.
mp_en_viaje: there could be
a sync script, but then how often does it run
lobbes: that's what I tried to do last time; ended up faffing about. I'm
a little hesitant to try again but I guess I'll need to at some point
mp_en_viaje: lobbes, did you do
a buncha testing on this then ? all sorta lines, changes in say topic, etc ?
mp_en_viaje: omfg, the coffee in this country. idiot germans come in and buy all the best sorts anyone can be arsed to sell them ; then you go to germany and can't have
a decent cup of coffee. i just can't set it down.
lobbes: mp_en_viaje, this is
a point. You mean we ought to just get the bot up and producing logs first and worry about the history later?
lobbes: mp_en_viaje, ah I see what you mean. Yeah I guess that may be
a bit of
a pain trying to produce something in that format. Hm
lobbes: mp_en_viaje, hm, I can't find
a reference to
a log8.txt in that discussion, but if that was what you used for your input file then yeah definitely I'd want to see that
mp_en_viaje: now, what you really want is
a look at say log8.txt, which is what in the end was finally used,
mp_en_viaje: lobbes, im digging through the stuff here, because i suspect there might;ve been more to it all than just that, so
a sec
mp_en_viaje: lobbes, so you want
a sample of the logstory file ? lesee here
mp_en_viaje: this is of course my problem ; you can do it elsewhere cheaper / better / whatever, i'm the last dood to get in the way of any such
a thing.
mp_en_viaje: there ~is~ of course substantial cost involved in i dunno, keeping
a capitalized company on the books while alf derps about re-doing the same mistakes on the chickenfeed he's found in his couch cushions. there's similarily
a substantial cost involved in maintaining all these trilema herramientas
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:38:48 jfw: mp_en_viaje: does the idiot list include me this time? I could try to be more mindful of when
a discussion should be moved or started here
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:57:45 lobbes: Also, are you good for tomorrow night or were you looking for doing this during the day? I'm slaving in the mines tomorrow but my night is clear. If need be I may be able to weasel
a work-from-home day though, so I'll check back when I wake up tomorrow
lobbes: To lay it out, my convoluted process last time of getting you the data you needed was: 1) Pulling logs from my Postgres database to
a flatfile 2) importing that into mp-wp's MySQL database 3) getting
a mysql dump of *that* 4) altering said dump with e.g.
sed escapes, etc. then finally 5) I give it to you
dorion: hey trinque, minding the previous
point and earlier
point and
questions, why don't we set
a time to discuss where you're at and what the next steps are ?
jfw: As best I could determine for my
spec, this is an unavoidable consequence of the design of bitcoin transactions. Specifically what's required: address (as an identifier for the private key from
a set of multiple; if you just have one then of course this is trivial); txid, output index within that tx, and value,
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:23:21 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i guess you're stuck with
a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: does the idiot list include me this time? I could try to be more mindful of when
a discussion should be moved or started here
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i guess you're stuck with
a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-03-09#1020492 << two things. in the positive, the sort of non-improvements like "supporting unicode" ; discussion with such
a moron recently in trilema. in the negative, actually adding useful things that the pantsuit do not add, for whatever reason ("other priorities", "hateful to protected groups", "illegal", whatever nonsense).
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 jfw: ah there was also Eucrypt, part of which was
a liberation of gcrypt from Werner Koch & co. right?
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 jfw: My plan is to start next week with creating
a 'gypsy code signing' key then I suppose get the list together and into some kind of order.
billymg: that's what i was telling the local: they are making demands without willing to pay. if they want lifeguard on duty they'll be at
a luxury resort paying 5x
mp_en_viaje: i wonder when they're gonna start pestering bars, "we want to come and spittle in
a beerbotle for three hours, but you gotta have driver."
mp_en_viaje: have people explain things to do, it's
a great tool.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: eh, read the whole, approx spelling is not
a virtue, no; neither is
a disqualifier esp online
billymg: probably, i'm interfacing through
a nice and capable tico who's been organizing these groups of americans and doing business with this property / previous owner for years now
mp_en_viaje: "even if you don't personally use the internet, it's like having electricity. you can go
a whole life without electricity too! but from experience,
a) you won't once it's there ; and moreover b) if you ever sell, it sells for more."