7600+ entries in 0.15s
mjr_: but i really don't want to go back and forth between a terminal window with a touchscreen and colloquy
mjr_: so, i have gpg on my iphone now
mjr_: yep, i think that is so far the best leading indicator i've seen
mjr_: ok my iphone is at least jailbroken so let's see if we can get gpg :)
mjr_: ;;ident
mjr_: this is funny though...to me at least
mjr_: i just meant i have an iphone
mjr_: oh yes, of course
mjr_: hmmm but i thought he was doing it for android
mjr_: how am i supposed to decrypt my OTP from my phone...i mean i could write a program that does it, but it is tough
mjr_: well that didn't work
mjr_: ;;ident
mjr_: ;;eauth Josh_Rossi
mjrIII: ok now i can try to get this WOT thing working
mjr_: rape is rarely expected
mjr_: ;;ident mjr_
mjr_: ident mjr_
mjr_: ;;ident JoshRossi
mjr_: ident JoshRossi
mjr_: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:2c057cc8dff074ee13a20df82b057767f81844e56105610c250b4618
mjr_: ok...
mjr_: ;;eauth JoshRossi
mjr_: I meant ability to be trusted not trusted yet
mjr_: lol
mjr_: so now I'm part of the web of trust?
mjr_: nice
mjr_: ;;gpg eregister JoshRossi C286BB96FE9B6CD3
mjr_: now I want to set up the pgp signature
mjr_: ok so I registered
mjr_: nah all good
mjr_: yep
mjr_: like I said he's my coworker
mjr_: OIX :)
mjr_: that was before it had hit 32 I think but I don't remember
mjr_: this month
mjr_: and I already use the mpex options
mjr_: he doesn't have any bitcoins
mjr_: you could be on the hook for millions
mjr_: like I know my risk it's $45
mjr_: I was too nice and told him I didn't want him writing naked calls
mjr_: lol
mjr_: so at first he told me that we should just say that i would owe him a dollar for every dollar it goes down and he would owe me a dollar for every dollar it goes up
mjr_: a coworker wanted to short them
mjr_: so where are they at today?
mjr_: lol my whole office asks me every day
mjr__: mpex is back up?
mjr__: lol nice
mjr__: hmm couldn't you conceivably use QoS to give http traffic priority on the router
mjr__: typo lol
mjr__: UDP
mjr__: damn UTP shit?
mjr__: ie. the router would drop all traffic that did not contain the signed header
mjr__: i'm wondering if you could basically require a signed message in the http header request to get to the webserver
mjr__: and whether you have control/access to it
mjr__: and would depend on what router capabilities
mjr__: but it is rough
mjr__: hmmm, i have a little idea
mjr__: hmmm, and since it is routers not boxes, proxies won't really help?
mjr__: this is quite sustained
mjr__: yeah lol;
mjr__: buy and hold
mjr__: i'm really fine regardless
mjr__: as to how one combats this
mjr__: i was just curious for my own benefit
mjr__: yeah
mjr__: i'm sure you have thought this through
mjr__: and CDN couldn't fix either?
mjr__: and i'm sure that they are randomizing the addresses enough to bypass any sort of blacklist rirght?
mjr__: true
mjr__: oh ok
mjr__: would a recaptcha and session timeout not solve most of it?
mjr__: out of curiosity and i haven't really thought this all the way through
mjr__: i like the protected message open channel
mjr__: i agree
mjr__: cool
mjr__: no big deal
mjr__: mircea: just wanted to see where my positions were at
mjr__: mircea, how can i get quotes right now?
mjr__: yep
mjr__: that is the whole point of the free market, everyone does what they want
mjr__: if it was worth his time or if he found it worthwihle
mjr__: !ticker s.mpoe
mjr__: !ticker mpoe
mjr__: !ticker mpoe s.dice
mjr__: no space mobphone
mjr__: mt gox finally got their websockets back up
mjr__: oh nice
mjr__: brought in users? check
mjr__: gave a lot of publicity to bitcoin? check
mjr__: let's see...provided successful model for crowdsourcing anonymously? check
mjr__: I am just tired of hearing about how bad sdice is
mjr__: i take it you don't like the Soft BP?
mjr__: i am just saying, if you have the mining hardware, then your thoughts on this (actually your actions) may matter...no one else's opinion really does
mjr__: i just think they are used to systems where they are in charge
mjr__: i don't think they are stupid necessarily
mjr__: anyways, i just am tired of hearing about what people "should" do
mjr_: exactly
mjr_: my point is that everyone votes with their mining power
mjr_: seriously, why does everyone feel the need to nurture something that is bigger than them and smarter
mjr_: transactions still working