5200+ entries in 0.026s
Framedragger: hence in effect, bob would control john's domain. hierarchy is baked into dns root.
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-13#1566874 << re. republican dns root (i think this term is not ambiguous), as far as i can see, if bob owned .whatever TLD and john owned john.whatever SLD, then queries for john.whatever would still "pass" through bob's .whatever zone file. ☝︎☟︎
Framedragger: sweet dreams! bbl.
Framedragger: "Inferring your mobile phone password via wifi signals": https://blog.acolyer.org/2016/11/10/when-csi-meets-public-wifi-inferring-your-mobile-phone-password-via-wifi-signals/
Framedragger: (and unrelated comic, https://i.redd.it/uhizdry01fxx.png )
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-13#1566897 << nice. phucted simply by sharing a known-to-phuctor factor. on cursory glance appears to be in use - and from known uni - and i like the s3cur3 email of seclab at airgapped.sec.t-labs.tu-berlin.de !1 ☝︎
Framedragger: ^ punctuation wrong, excessive commas
Framedragger: (covered by me, that is, i.e. i'm a bit..behind)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: and if A registered fags.com and later an established WoT member B, started a commercial "fags" project, B shouldn't be able to claim ownership of A's fags.com, presumably? sorry if this should be stupidly obvious, there is some.. conceptual ground to be covered
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: and it's a matter of first-come, first-serve (assuming no conflicts with names owned by established keys)?
Framedragger: i was just looking at IDN TLDs. myeah, a bit of clusterfuck
Framedragger: right.
Framedragger: apart from the lulz, the point would be, i suppose, that there should be no reason to disallow for that. assuming registering party is in good standing within WoT; and if there were an actual .lemonparty on current reptilian dns, they'd better cough up a pgp sig.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: apologies if you deem this masturbatory at this point, but one more curious q re. jurisdictional matters for dns - just interested what you think - so would the republican dns allow registration of any arbitrary TLDs (.cocks etc)? i assume there is no reason not to allow for that?
Framedragger: amsuing.com is framedragger's future "How to sue 1-2-3" service, details tbd.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: ah yeah! amsuing.
Framedragger: incidentally, iirc apple does have a key for security@apple.com or somesuch; would be amusing if later on, a 'security' intern at apple (who was the one to create the key as nobody else bothered with it) came forward..
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i'd imagine making any changes to domain records to be a matter of sending a pgpgram, like you said and like mpex works.
Framedragger: oh, that is for certain. "are you apple? really - prove it."
Framedragger: aha. i see what you mean.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: re. dns which serves the republicans, and thinking along those lines ("are you in good standing to even register a name?"), fair enough if you'd prefer to have someone else than me do the republican dns thing. (i'd be interested, and would be good education, but then, republican efforts != educational charity). :)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: re. dorks registering trilema, gotcha. i wasn't sure how "human-neutral" you imagined the system to be (I wasn't thinking of anything along the crazy lines of "no humans needed" ethereum, note).
Framedragger: (bbl)
Framedragger: ref. http://www.unix.com/ip-networking/133552-howto-linux-multihomed-dns-client.html
Framedragger: trinque: ^ (but to be tested etc)
Framedragger: (cf. dns timeout, which is different)
Framedragger: apparently however, if first dns server returns no-record, (at least) linux will not attempt 2nd dns server :(
Framedragger: (actually, ideally there'd be a quick way to switch dns servers so that whitehouse.gov could be resolved via dns1/dns2. i guess it's a matter of having two+ .conf's, and symlinking resolver.conf to any one of them.)
Framedragger: </wall-of-text>
Framedragger: oh god, and of course there's no standardised dns client design in relation to primary/secondary dns servers. or so it seems. linux supports nice multihomed dns, but the latter works best if there are separate TLDs for the different dns servers.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i assume that you would not care much for a "preferred and secondary dns servers" setup, wherein if dns1 returns no record for whitehouse.gov, dns2 is queried? i personally would still like to be able to visit the reich's web. but dunno if this is compatible with teh republic :p
Framedragger: "automated admin interface direct to the server so you can update anything at any time with a signed pgpgram" sounds very juicy indeed
Framedragger: tempting, tbh. and educational. i'll ping after i sit down and consult my depressing TODO.
Framedragger: ..yeah i'm not going for sindarin or w/e language(s) tolkien invented. could be fun, but.. eh
Framedragger: jurov: curious why german in particular. but hm! fair enough i guess
Framedragger imagines mircea_popescu learning declensions by writing with ink on a girl's back
Framedragger: that's pretty cool.
Framedragger: wowza
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: nice, that sounds.. not like a chore. some very nice advice to be tried.. thanks.
Framedragger: i'd like to be able to read some god damn decent literature in something else than english or lithuanian (the latter is an OK language, too bad it's language of proles)
Framedragger: i haven't decided. last time it happened i was in high school. healthy dose of conversation + good textbooks, though that is not really a concrete process at all.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: incidentally, any recommendation on which of the following to pick to learn as a new tongue? (sample at hand is due to some future pragmatical considerations, in terms of possible living places etc. - maybe not he last entry): french (i can't french at all), german (some knowledge), portuguese (none), russian (very rudimentary, call it none)
Framedragger: i've never read the latter, and my deutsch is bad (but in principle passable with a dictionary at hand, possibly)
Framedragger: i wonder, maybe some of frege's stuff can be read in english in 'relative' (i'm naive yes) safety. for example his foundations of Arithmetic
Framedragger: hm. yeah
Framedragger: :)
Framedragger: (they're supposed to be proper names, not just 'table')
Framedragger: ugh, translation.
Framedragger: though, then it's not clear that 'morning star' and 'evening star' are *proper* names (like Jacob), so...
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: good point. a fair note though, some translations use 'morning star' and 'evening star', which convey the meaning well, i think.
Framedragger: 'prenatal child gets introduced to semantics' kind of mental blur >.<
Framedragger: "but if the first star is planet venus and the second star is planet venus, then.. WHO WAS PHONE"
Framedragger: my whole worldview is an array of name-object confusions. half of my mental life is like that "hesperus is phoshorus" problem
Framedragger: look i didn't have much hope for this eurolaw thing on google etc, i did however assume that to circumvent it, one would have to spend at least a few minutes (masking IP whatnot), not a few seconds
Framedragger: okay, this is ridoinculously ineffective. lol.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: fuck, you're right. "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe" when running from google eu; both trilema URLs when running from .ar. what is this nonsense
Framedragger: basically.
Framedragger: i got confused. basically, i think a european customer would get the same (doctored) results if they ran a search on .ar.
Framedragger: hmm
Framedragger: so yes it's super trivial, but then - .eu can't dictate google's search results for non-european customers
Framedragger: i'm sure that google did not want to do more than was required, so they made the effects visible on the "european" version of google, for european users (the latter identified by ip address or, if logged into google accounts, selected country there; or somesuch).
Framedragger: I am of course not disagreeing with the spirit of the matter, incl. regarding impotence etc.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: re. http://trilema.com/2015/trilema-burns/ : you write that "Apparently the EU is about as impotent in practice as its fame for impotence promises in theory" in response to you being able to search for that person on google.com.ar ; whereas that letter plainly states that "Only results on European versions of Google are affected."
Framedragger: still though, not exactly much of an answer. (it was a small web shop, granted, but yes ridiculous title)
Framedragger: phf: in truth, not sure if coffeescript had source maps back then
Framedragger: ikr. that's what it did to me when i had to debug it. ugh
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: ya i figured.. i mean, it's a pile o' nothing, can't argue with that.
Framedragger: i remember having to debug frontend code (which i wasn't supposed to touch in the first place), looked at JS exceptions, didn't make any sense, until realized that it was "compiled from coffeescript". asked "lead frontend engineer" how do i debug, he said he'll check and sort it himself, "it's not really debuggable". OK.
Framedragger: it's a shame that large part of 'infrastructure' is built and run by those teenagers. then again maybe it shouldn't even be counted to be part of anything.
Framedragger: for sure.
Framedragger: web shitstack sits on a language designed and implemented in 10 days
Framedragger: The language was absolutely not designed for programming in the large, and our implementation decisions, performance targets, and so on, were based on that assumption. [Goes on to show just how insanely dynamic JS is, and how it's mostly suitable for one-liners, etc.]"
Framedragger: (I worked on the original versions of JScript at Microsoft from 1996 through 2001.) The by-design purpose of JavaScript was to make the monkey dance when you moused over it. Scripts were often a single line. We considered ten line scripts to be pretty normal, hundred line scripts to be huge, and thousand line scripts were unheard of.
Framedragger: 2) "Let's take JavaScript for example.
Framedragger: dynamically typed and a language also lacking all the other facilities that make lowering the cost of maintaining a large codebase easier"
Framedragger: 1) preamble: "[...] there is a strong correlation between a language being
Framedragger: for the logs - nothing new - but was a nice short summary - http://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/221615/why-do-dynamic-languages-make-it-more-difficult-to-maintain-large-codebases/221658#221658 - regarding JS:
Framedragger: https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/_landings/contract/O-TRU-102316-Contractv02.pdf ☟︎
Framedragger: via pankkake, https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/796359749352701952
Framedragger: would have been nice to short peso.
Framedragger: local news http://i.imgur.com/9ecC6Yg.png
Framedragger: my precious polls
Framedragger: butbutbut the polllls
Framedragger: "statistics" "polls" LOL
Framedragger: hence tripped grammar wire in my head
Framedragger: i think so, yeah
Framedragger: probably multiple valid ways of interpreting that sentence anyway :)
Framedragger: (modern english is not an inflected language; latin is more inflected. "phenomenon" is a latin word. suffix "on" here denotes singular; "a" denotes plural. but this is probably known, apologies if patronizing tone)
Framedragger: BingoBoingo: "Digestive intolerance of unfamiliar plant proteins is not an uncommon phenomena" -> phenomena, i thought, refers to the subject, i.e. "digestive intolerance", which is a singular (not many phenomena, but a single: intolerance)
Framedragger: BingoBoingo: s/is not an uncommon phenomena/is not an uncommon phenomenon/ (singular, not plural) i think?
Framedragger: what a clusterfuck
Framedragger: lol.
Framedragger: right, okay, fair enough.
Framedragger: i thought part of the fuck up was "what happens if you pass half of the bill through". something like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-15#1542331 ☝︎
Framedragger: (re. putin, can't see how one could disagree there)
Framedragger: okay
Framedragger: but i thought it was just a negotiating tactic by the republicans - had happened before
Framedragger: sure, that was a shitshow
Framedragger: hm
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: oh, that. budget not getting approved, you mean