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Framedragger: ahh. i guess in the same vein, "stop what you're doing iran because it's weapons, and wrong"
Framedragger: asciilifeform: as in, nuclear waste storage is a propped-up issue/narrative? interesting
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: re. "integration", heh have you by any chance read any of jean piaget? iirc he did quite a bit of "logical system development in children, integration" etc. may be a curious read.
Framedragger: okay. can you give an example? "for the self" is too continental-philosophy ;)
Framedragger: seriously, i'll write an mp-bot with markov model to rebuke any arguments people throw at me. i'll reap ca$h.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: as regards that particular point, you are probably right. but what do you mean by "i-ontology"? the latter becomes wibbly-wobbly
Framedragger: waitwait, algebra, okay [i'm trying to actually follow]
Framedragger: because first of all these are not the same thing. we would first have to introduce, say (as an example), peano arithmetic atop set theory, and go from there. "multiplication" is a diff beast. why not division? etc etc.
Framedragger: (and just for the record, i'm interpreting any remarks by anyone here charitably, assuming no snide, and trying to be snide'y myself.)
Framedragger: here's a compressed internal model: "mircea_popescu wants truth-conditions of predicates in set theory to abide by a kind of falsification-based criterion."
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just to clarify so you don't think i'm trying to fuck around, i mean that all predicates would be true under null set. i don't find that to be a good idea. that's all
Framedragger: i don't know how a logician can entertain the latter. well, many things can be entertained, but it's not exactly.. how shall i put it.. ontologically economic?
Framedragger: well, okay, i'm not sure. but all predicates obtain in null set.
Framedragger: *internal framedragger thought process*. "ok, so, maybe mp is empty set.. and he wants to be god.. AHH" :D
Framedragger: ( and amusingly under classical ontological argument, empty set will be god :D )
Framedragger: but then if you want to entertain the latter "check if any *does not obtain*", you will have a "empty set if holder of *all* properties"
Framedragger: anyway, i agree that there is a way to construct an "every" so that given a null set, it spits out true. however, "every" of what? usually there's a predicate, and then the way you'd test "every" with a predicate is that you run that predicate on every element encountered. and you test that it *obtains*, not that it *does not obtain*.
Framedragger: hey i thought trinque unrating phf was a stupid reactionary thing. don't use this as a red herring.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: notice, the "all" in python takes a predicate
Framedragger: wtf is this shit anyway. even if it's a logical operator, and then, look: it's an AND underneath. and you all know the very-noncontroversial truth-table for AND. true iff for every member, predicate applies. NOT vice-versa falsification goofyness.
Framedragger agrees. (but fwiw i don't think it's legit even in terms of logical analysis, even before practical considerations)
Framedragger: (inb4 mp quotes last sentence from tractatus logico philosophicus) :D
Framedragger: that's swell guys but a bit of a non sequitur neh. that being said, yea "if you try to formalize fleshworld, you're gonna have a bad time" :)
Framedragger: maybe there could be an empirical-tmsr-set-theory thing :) but for logical analysis, that's weird imo. for one, ontological arguments in regards to god's existence may gain more grounds.
Framedragger: that's all well and good when you can enumerate countable set elements exhaustively / have firm grasp of a term's extension, but what if you don't - any predicate stands true until shown otherwise?
Framedragger: suddenly karl popper in set theory? :O *suspicious*
Framedragger: (imho lisp's use of nil as false *is* incorrect, even if you disagree with "every member of the empty set had blue hair" having to be true. it *is* an unholy confusion, falsehood != nil.)
Framedragger would like to carry on with phi of lang but will resume later, need to move self body
Framedragger: note, strawson, frege would say that the king of france *expression* fails to provide a *(logical) proposition*. i.e., it does not have one. imho this is a valid thought, i.e. the matter is not 100% clear.
Framedragger: (ruseell's theory of definite descriptions says "yes", other frameworks say "not necessarily")
Framedragger: re. asking questions involving properties which do not exist, hah this is something that russell was actually battling with. what is the truth-value of the statement "the present king of france is bold"? some would say it does not have a value (because the term "present king of france" does not have a referent); russell would say "false".
Framedragger wonders how "let's axiomatize from set theory, frege/russell style" would go for 1st year students tho :p
Framedragger: (fwiw UK unis appear to decently cover basics of ZF set theory in CS classes, too, so at least there's that)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: that subdomian forces
https on traffic, was originally intended for 'reddit gold' (sic) users, but is available to all nowandgodwhydoiknowthis
Framedragger: i agree, and there is the whole utilitarian framework to be considered in specific instances, such as, "make bloodmoney now, to be invested for quantifiably more good later", etc.; still, it's a nuanced thing...
Framedragger: (that being said, /me considers working part-time in the future to come, and working more on personal/worthy projects on the side. i don't know how asciilifeform is tmsr-productive while doing other stuff full-time - maybe i should go on a modafinil diet heh)
Framedragger: (it may however be noted that lacking material wealth, the extreme case of the above appears to be gabriel_laddel (
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-18#1570190); and i *do* prefer to have a friggin' mailing address; and there are places to work which do not do heaven-important things, but are not microshit, either; i.e., there's a spectrum.)
☝︎ Framedragger: "It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a parameter."
Framedragger: mircea_popescu, what do you have in cert list if you don't mind me asking?
Framedragger: well there's no cert *outside* mozilla dir. maybe it's the ubuntu's organized. fresh install, don't ask...
Framedragger: gotta love the empire's press and resulting ignorance
Framedragger: operating margins consistently above 9%—more than twice the industry average." << wow
Framedragger: "In the first year of the Nissan Revival Plan, Nissan's consolidated net profit after tax climbed to $2.7 billion for fiscal year 2000, from a consolidated net loss of $6.46 billion in the previous year. Twelve months into his three-year turnaround plan, Nissan had returned to profitability, and within three years it was one of the industry's most profitable auto makers, with
Framedragger: hey that vc dude apparently likes to call everything cocks, and it's working out for him
Framedragger: "adventures in procedural cock drawing, vol 1"
Framedragger: i would avoid inducing all of this confusion if i wrote all of this shit up in place - mea culpa. will be done eventually.
Framedragger: i guess one should standardise terms here. the larger number corresponds to "something's running there" servers, found via 1st scan phase. the lower 15M number corresponds to "actually speaks ssh protocol" servers, found via 2nd (ssh-keyscan) scan phase.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: the 20M or so servers which responded to TCP SYNs sent to port 22. however, out of those, about 5M (or however many) did not respond to ssh handshakes, hence the lower number in the banners and phuctor payloads.
Framedragger: apparently i'm behind on linux graphics software
Framedragger: "i wanted to try something new, and now i have sharks."
Framedragger: k@burokas:/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla$ find . | wc -l
Framedragger: `sudo apt-get install pinta` << is what i did. default ubuntu repos, default ubuntu install fwiw.
Framedragger: wait i'm checking. there's a chinese root authority there... maybe package name denoted something else... still, who in their right mind?...
Framedragger: i'm actually pissed, which just means that i was too optimistic about ubuntu. *i was installing a simple image editor*