800+ entries in 0.046s
ThickAsThieves: i mean i'm worried this will turn into a whole new CDC that operates like Homeland Security
ThickAsThieves: i'm worried this will turn into the thing that traps me in the US forever
ThickAsThieves: “I’ll be honest with you,” one soldier told the newspaper. “I’m kind of scared.”
ThickAsThieves: i have peterl a list of blawgs to make a new aggregator, i *think* i got everyone
ThickAsThieves: "You have to improve the institutions responsible for indoctrination of the young. You have to control children. You have to make sure that they're not too free and creative and independent, and it shows up in all sorts of ways."
ThickAsThieves: "...there have been fewer than 10 confirmed cases in the country. Today President Obama named an “Ebola czar” to help coordinate the federal response to the outbreak threat."
ThickAsThieves: <+mats_cd03> 'pink eye print' really? /// hey, i remembered it cuz the name!
ThickAsThieves: <+TomServo> ThickAsThieves: Great post. /// Hey, thanks!
ThickAsThieves: so a rough takeaway from your charts, wait 2 years to buy s.qntr ;)
ThickAsThieves: i can curate it myself with my feed reader, but i also like seeing the links tick in here
ThickAsThieves: here's a tweet if ya wanna rt too twitter.com/Bitcoin_Assets/status/523105108650102784
ThickAsThieves: i may have missed it, but is there a plan to reimplement the pankkake blog aggregator and penguirker announcements?
ThickAsThieves: <+nubbins`> ah yes, every child here is taught the story of приспособленец /// lol
ThickAsThieves: sure, but i'm playing on the fact one human will read this
ThickAsThieves: Please, take a step back and ask yourself, as a consumer and citizen, what you are really doing, who you are really protecting, and then consider the price that will be paid in privacy, freedom, and consumer value."
ThickAsThieves: you can't steal with a bitcoin, and you can't smuggle drugs with a bitcoin.
ThickAsThieves: The crimes that may be committed with bitcoin are no different, and lesser, than those made with cash dollars, an area which our government has a lose grip on itself. These crimes are ultimately realized not when the money is laundered, but when that money is obtained. Those are the crimes to focus on. You can't hide a kidnapped child in a bitcoin, you can't make a bomb with a bitcoin,
ThickAsThieves: the US in transition to the new paradigm. Odds are that bitcoin, and the people in its regard, are a sovereign that no one nation can control.
ThickAsThieves: "This regulation just won't work other than to give big institutions a way to feel safe getting into bitcoin services. That's fine, but the fact is that this is global, and money as a concept needs to change to be a private concern along with this. A centralized government should not try to impose its ideals on the world, it just can't work, will be expensive, and will ultimately hinder
ThickAsThieves: note i just sent it quickly off so youre gonna be mor epicky than i probly was
ThickAsThieves: i think new regs on btc should amount to giving pre-existing institutions an avenue for entering the bitcoin fray
ThickAsThieves: fwiw i wrote to nydfs today sharing some thoughts about why they should ease up
ThickAsThieves: i think i was proving there wasnt so much depth there in the first place
ThickAsThieves: everything we do is either totally natural or wholly unnatural
ThickAsThieves: everything we do is either totally or wholly unnatural
ThickAsThieves: i need two things, a place to trade and a place to cash out