700+ entries in 0.076s
ThickAsThieves: hmm
ThickAsThieves: in the current sense, yes, but if decentralized wouldnt it be a way to purposefully maintain a continuity in your online identity?
ThickAsThieves: the advantage is keychaining a lifestyle that uses 10 3rd parties as is
ThickAsThieves: disqus is good enough therein
ThickAsThieves: well we have ebough of centralized evil SSO, yeah probly
ThickAsThieves: ;;google SSO
ThickAsThieves: dunno SSO
ThickAsThieves: yes
ThickAsThieves: sure
ThickAsThieves: maybe of a way to auth on any website with one account?
ThickAsThieves: the concept of a spec'd way to comment on websites with one account?
ThickAsThieves: yeah sure fuk whoever at disqus think sthey can get money outta the arrangement
ThickAsThieves: ok but i meant to highlught the concept of having a crypto version tho
ThickAsThieves: it's the point you made
ThickAsThieves: they cna just rmeove the option
ThickAsThieves: i have no power over whether i cna comment on a website regardless
ThickAsThieves: um
ThickAsThieves: why a crypto version?
ThickAsThieves: i kinda like the disqus concept tbh, i wish there was a bitcoin/namecoin/wot version
ThickAsThieves: oh, tat's just in amsterdam again, it's cool!
ThickAsThieves: and better track your spending and travel behavior
ThickAsThieves: yknow what, fuck any website that embeds Gravity ad widgets
ThickAsThieves: file under: shoulda used bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: certainly running out of credit
ThickAsThieves: oh it's up
ThickAsThieves: or some version of that
ThickAsThieves: if*
ThickAsThieves: tol, what qntra was simply a private news site, and you had to buy subscription and be in wot to have IPs cleared
ThickAsThieves: one man's discount...
ThickAsThieves: that SEC gave a shit about moolah and 7 companies are under investigation and SEC tries to tell people to shut up
ThickAsThieves: even if it was in fact passed down
ThickAsThieves: it was news to me
ThickAsThieves: particularly a reporter?
ThickAsThieves: can the SEC even tell someone not to share info?
ThickAsThieves: forensic accounting is finding evidence to support your pre-determined conclusion
ThickAsThieves: are there even 7 businesses offering securities?
ThickAsThieves: so are they waiting for late tax filings to go after people?
ThickAsThieves: "On October 10th, we received a second confirmation of the information and an updated list showing that several companies while under active investigation have been placed on the back burner so that forensic accountants brought in from the IRS and other federal agencies to begin combing through the information."
ThickAsThieves: "On October 9th Coin Fire received information from a source inside the US SEC that Moopay LTD along with seven other cryptocurrency companies were under active investigation for unregistered securities in the cryptocurrency world. "
ThickAsThieves: http://coinfire.cf/2014/10/17/sec-investigation-alex-green-underway/
ThickAsThieves: luckily, i'm off for a while, toodaloo
ThickAsThieves: not with me around!
ThickAsThieves: well you can do both yknow
ThickAsThieves: check out The Fades too if you like creepy stuff Adlai
ThickAsThieves: bbc just makes some great short series
ThickAsThieves: mp would probly like ep1
ThickAsThieves: it was actually recommended to me by someone else here, and then when i watched it, i realized i had already seen it when it aired
ThickAsThieves: so it's basically a list of women that are safe to rape?
ThickAsThieves: we means i when i want you to agree with me
ThickAsThieves: “If people use bitcoin in a lazy, easily censorable way where they are reusing addresses – which were always intended to be one-time in the design of the system – then this creates a serious systemic risk in that someone might try to order nodes, developers, and/or miners to censor the system.” ~Maxwell
ThickAsThieves: "This is well known, but swearing won't do anything except insult people and elicit responses like: If you think you can do better then do better."
ThickAsThieves: life credits
ThickAsThieves: they both play on same concept though
ThickAsThieves: he was talking about In Time
ThickAsThieves: shhh
ThickAsThieves: but ep2 is best
ThickAsThieves: the whole series is cool
ThickAsThieves: Black Mirror is a much different take
ThickAsThieves: guilty, but i liked it
ThickAsThieves: still fun to watch
ThickAsThieves: or In Time
ThickAsThieves: adlai watch The Black Mirror ep 2 ☟︎
ThickAsThieves: even a 12-person board can ruin a company led by a masterful ceo
ThickAsThieves: exponentially too
ThickAsThieves: crowds are horrible at decisions
ThickAsThieves: and theyd be wrong too
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> that's what "chomksy" means. "disappointed over how the people running his ideology apportion the proceeds of the theft that ideology entails" /// i like that
ThickAsThieves: well how can we social media and seo while making important choices about the past?
ThickAsThieves: sounds like a horrible drunken philosophy conversation, inventing moments of choice in the past
ThickAsThieves: i gotta agree, if thats the TLDR of Chomsky's thing, it's useless babble at best
ThickAsThieves: well we're all here aint we
ThickAsThieves: answers!
ThickAsThieves: what we all want
ThickAsThieves: gotcha
ThickAsThieves: !b 1 ✂︎
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: i'm sure you KNOW the answers
ThickAsThieves: so lets just skip formalities and settle some bitbets now
ThickAsThieves: formalism?
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: i wouldnt dare
ThickAsThieves: sorry mp, just cuz you haz confidence in your ability to predict what predictable will do, doesnt make your predictions news or fact
ThickAsThieves: prophesizing?
ThickAsThieves: not news
ThickAsThieves: satire
ThickAsThieves: i
ThickAsThieves: sature
ThickAsThieves: maybe not all, i couldnt read to the end...
ThickAsThieves: their update is ALL hirings
ThickAsThieves: ttheyre like branded into the ground as is
ThickAsThieves: wtf
ThickAsThieves: Ethereum announced they hired new people to make a new website and new 'brand'
ThickAsThieves: true
ThickAsThieves: mpex you slackin
ThickAsThieves: maybe swol would be better
ThickAsThieves: where the fuck is my qntra wallpapers
ThickAsThieves: fukn wallpapers
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: "Check out new CEX.IO wallpapers!"
ThickAsThieves: i'm game i guess