28300+ entries in 0.076s
mod6: mircea_popescu: i was sort of pissed supa ruined my perfect rating :/
mod6: m00
mod6: always moar cowbell
mod6: :(
mod6: :>
mod6: :P
mod6: Sail strong MPEx!
mod6: those were some HUGE numbers, but the reality of those statements to me adds some trust there. MPEx sailed through some massive attacks this past month too.
mod6: yeah! and I like how after the march MPOE beatdown the statements are there in full glory - ugly or not.
mod6: no worries
mod6: ups and downs
mod6: it's been landing on .0006 a few times in the last number of days
mod6: mircea_popescu: nice results on s.bbet for march!
mod6: won some off the basketball games this weekend!
mod6: <3 bitbet
mod6: just was curious. thx :)
mod6: yeah, i guess blockchain.info sometimes loses its wallet connections and takes a bit to reconnect to other nodes.
mod6: hmm only 500 nodes connected today?
mod6: you make me almost want to rage quit this shit
mod6: i expected someone as smart as yourself to know the differnce
mod6: im using it as a simple example dickweed
mod6: and how is that fucking different than what i was trying to say before you called me an idiot you faggot
mod6: NO
mod6: by eskimobob
mod6: yes
mod6: *here
mod6: what in the world are you doing her
mod6: STFU
mod6: thats what i've been trying to say
mod6: you fucking dipshit
mod6: stfu
mod6: *OFF too :)
mod6: ;;gpg info tiberiusiv
mod6: you know what I mean?
mod6: like gas station pricing
mod6: there needs to be a few more exchanges with just as much or more liquidity and volume which don't race eachother to "a bottom" but just find a happy stable price amongst themselfs
mod6: but...
mod6: 3 stations, three corners of the intersection.
mod6: i mean, think of how they do gas-station pricing on price per gallon?
mod6: i don't think anyone should choose anything per-se
mod6: everyone else wants to sell their BTC to tiberiusiv for $25 if there is too low of vol and the price collapses
mod6: but its /the/ signal for price
mod6: it would be awesome if it was "just one signal for price"
mod6: ThickAsThieves: exactly
mod6: the fact we hang on gox data so much needs to change imho
mod6: but you can trade on MPEx evne through the heaviest and most coordinated DDoS attacks and it's solid
mod6: i dunno, it seems pretty accurate, i guess because the price signals from gox fuel which strikes are most active..
mod6: http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD#rg30zig2-hourztgSzbgBza1gTMAzm1g30za2gTMAzm2g200zi1gMACDzi2gWilliamRzi3gCVolatilityzv
mod6: the OIX is simply getting to be a better ave
mod6: and I think since gox is all fuxd all the time with its price signals
mod6: still, what a toolbox
mod6: well, i guess he's only had 3 posts.
mod6: =)
mod6: s/\?/\>/
mod6: </rant?
mod6: mircea_popescu & MPOE-PR are right, the btctalk people are turbo-idiots
mod6: and with UNIX, it's tried and true, open and tested. and loved by the best compsci people in the world for a /reason/
mod6: the path of least resistance is where the river will follow and flow through, to meet his own anaology
mod6: WRONG you want to end up exactly like unix
mod6: We have a world to conquer out there, and we don't want to end up like Unix.
mod6: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=156960
mod6: this might be one of the more idiot posts in a while
mod6: $vwap ^OIX
mod6: sweet
mod6: mine is 70 days behind still
mod6: i hate starting it up cause it send my HD to 0 response time damn near
mod6: it's on the .7 though
mod6: my client is so far behind....
mod6: i don't see any orphand blocks yet.. http://blockchain.info/blocks
mod6: haha nice
mod6: i guess those guys were losing their minds
mod6: trolled these d00dz hard lastnight 'eh
mod6: (02:10) < tiberiusiv> zyphus you should exit (02:10) < tiberiusiv> single digits are not that far
mod6: oh we're talkin bout different things -- im talking about that twitter dillhole
mod6: haha
mod6: because its not all bots, i know for sure, because im not a bot - at least I don't think i am...
mod6: that guy is smoking crack
mod6: $vwap s.mpoe
mod6: that pete earle guy has it figured ou though
mod6: (15:02) < mircea_popescu> "o no, too busy yakking" << yeah like wt
mod6: he followed me too
mod6: mircea_popescu: yeah i dunno what that guy is on
mod6: lol smickles
mod6: (its warm back there!) lol
mod6: reminds me of when I used to sleep behind the servers in the NOC
mod6: i think its awesome that btc gets people out of bed
mod6: heh i've got bad data
mod6: i see ~800 @ 65.5
mod6: ;;bids 60
mod6: seems to be good support down to $60 though
mod6: mircea_popescu: *nod*
mod6: or if you put one in, it'll match it.
mod6: it just get's 'em and displays them
mod6: its agnostic to the nomanclature of the MPSIC
mod6: ok my stuff is ok with that change.
mod6: 250k @ .0044, time to back the truck up?
mod6: $depth s.dice