22600+ entries in 0.049s
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> i don't get why they'd make a x86 sparc. << this is scary. i'd think you'd lose all ops/clock-cycle optimizations doing some translation between the two right?
mod6: yeah, I don't remember having that problem before with CS... but maybe i'd forgotten?!
mod6: usually it's just hobo's drunk asf going on at high volume about aliens or jesus. but every now and then, a good fight breaks out.
mod6: train drama cracks me up. i see it from time to time.
mod6: yeah, then that something different entierly i'd guess as far as statutes, etc.
mod6: here it's like $200 fine if caught without a ticket.
mod6: not sure. you'd think the choad would have just bought a ticket of his own. or if caught without a ticket, kept his mouth shut and paid a fine.
mod6: "unpaid parking tickets"
mod6: naw, it died a few days ago... and i remained voiced, but stale from assbots' view
mod6: apparently Satoshi had some correspondence with Wei Dai
mod6: ahh, the naive writs of our forefathers. << ah yeah! isn't that from like '98 cypherpunks?
mod6: yeah, was just stale.
mod6: !down asciilifeform
mod6: mircea_popescu: ah, yah. good deal.
mod6: i was apologizing for the spec dump.
mod6: gcc (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5
mod6: this is the actual gcc version on the env:
mod6: [ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 (Debian 2.6.32-48squeeze10) (holger@debian.org) (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 18:33:39 UTC 2014
mod6: root@ip-M-O-D-6:/mnt/btc-dev/sandbox-20150504-orphanage-nuke/bitcoin-v0_5_3_1/bitcoin/src# dmesg | head -10 | grep "Debian"
mod6: oh my bad, I thought it said "debian " somewhere in that dpaste. that's weak.
mod6: mircea_popescu: yeah, i did put a `uname -a` in this latest dpaste, but its: AWS m3.medium debian6 x86_64 with 3.5Gb RAM
mod6: mircea_popescu: congrats on the Bitcoin ISP!
mod6: danielpbarron: hahah
mod6 is like EE preschooler.
mod6: well, actually, best to talk about this later when i actually /have/ the stuff. heheh.
mod6: hmm. how do you regulate the input voltage?
mod6: ah, *whew* guess you're right. no worries.
mod6: i will zap myself. question is, how many times lol
mod6: there is a 75pc wire pack looks like i might need too, ~$5
mod6: breadboard is only $7
mod6: ah, ok. seems right.
mod6: ah, ok. only $3 on ebay. ~$8-10 on amazon
mod6: i was talking actually about the other little guy.
mod6: i gotta get one of those little chips too!
mod6: i do need some EE practice anyway.
mod6: ok. i've gotta read through all of the docs & logs like 3 times before I play with it.
mod6: and some wires... and a serial port
mod6: now i gotta get a drive, solder & soldering iron.
mod6: got my pogo today :]
mod6: asciilifeform: this instance is a "m3.medium" which is allocated 3.75 gb RAM. the units in "free" and vmstat [free,buff,cache] are in bytes.
mod6: and units? as in mem page size? 4096
mod6: its on a deb6 x86_64 environment.
mod6: root 11454 42.4 7.9 506848 313992 ? SLsl May05 1797:41 ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/ -daemon
mod6: I started it up few days ago just after I looked over the Orphanage_Thermonuke Patch: # ps aux | grep "bitcoind"
mod6: ascii_field: ahhah, it does say it in the Email Subject. derp.
mod6: asciilifeform: just to be clear, all of your vagrind runs against bitcoind are: v0.5.3.1+Orphanage_ThermoNuke ? Or just plain v0.5.3.1 ?
☟︎ mod6: <+asciilifeform> [BTC-dev] Full Orphanage Thermonuke DHAT Output. << nice work! thanks :]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> [BTC-dev] Full Orphanage Thermonuke Massif Output (without 'pages as heap' flag) << thanks asciilifeform!!
mod6: dentist numbed me up so much even my nose is numb.
mod6: ahh, so this is for embedded systems -- to replace a bulky/asinine glibc?
mod6: what needs to be done there?
mod6: I also want to focus on the testing of your patch ascii_field. If it is to be merged, we must ensure that we do not regress.
mod6: im through stage 1 of the gentoo stuff; but now need to document and get that published hopefully by the start of next week. then need to get it setup for cross-compiling.
mod6: and as far as valgrind, I'll do some stuff with it as I get through these other things.
mod6: didn't mean to confuse them.
mod6: oh cool, i guess my pogo will be delivered tomorrow
mod6: (and yeah, that's on a deb6 - x86_64 env)
mod6: I can't really check from here, but later tonight will give some updates as to how my v0.5.3.1+OrphanageBurner build is running. last I saw, it was using quite a bit of available ram. was >200`000 blocks, and still running, but that was lastnight.
☟︎ mod6: <+asciilifeform> [BTC-dev] Full Orphanage Thermonuke Massif Output (Theoretically, covers entire address space of process) << great work, asciilifeform. thanks for putting that together :]
mod6: heheh, "what 5 slides??"
mod6: <+asciilifeform> 2d slide decks. << that
mod6: using 'default' just isn't the right thing.