2700+ entries in 0.005s
mod6: True enough.
mod6: Without some considedration, anyway.
mod6: Fair point, I just didn't want to judge if how much someones money is worth to them outright.
mod6: trinque: Thank you, fair enough.
mod6: I can see that too, Sir. I just wanna make sure we're doing the Right Thing (tm).
mod6: I agree, it makes everything a nightmare really.
mod6: This one was setup on May 3rd, and goes through the end of 2018.
mod6: mircea_popescu, for instance is paying for one of these for Mocky.
mod6: Initially, I thought this was the right approach. But also could see that maybe, this wasn't square enough for longer dated contracts. However, this sets a bad precedent of reprincing active contracts if pricing or circumstances change.
mod6: There are five (I previously thought there were four) accounts that have longer dated contracts, people who have signed up for a full year, or multiple months. We want to compensate those accounts for a mis-pricing posted since May 29th. The idea was to credit them 0.001 BTC/mo for June, July, and August.
mod6: Ok, so this whole pricing thing with Pizarro. (Thread begins here: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-8-31#419975). We've been discussing this for a few days now. And anyone who has month-to-month service has been made correct in their pricing for August, as well as anyone who has established new "Shared Hosting" in August (nicoleci).
mod6: !!ledger
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: np at all, totally understand.
mod6: asciilifeform: plz to take a look at hanbot's question in #p
mod6: mornin'
mod6: bah, #pizarro
mod6: see #trilema
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: !!v 75594E2897E8568158B52428D4638D0C5846DDCF53E054B50DCE28A2580EE14B
mod6: !!invoice trinque 0.02100855 Pizarro Invoice for Colocation Service and Shared Shell through August 31st, 2018
mod6: !Qcalc (141.70/7454.54)+0.002
mod6: So now, we simply adjust the Shared Shell component.
mod6: That invoice (#4) was from this trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-04#1839357 ☝︎
mod6: !!v AE788D78152F0029C2AD9ED9DA47118C84BF12F1E888CC6A8DDBB306F998376A
mod6: !!v 0AA97C391ED601E6E8EA6602CFA2C5AD91C69ACA79D3BB79A36A27744AD715EA
mod6: !!cancel-invoice trinque 4
mod6: hang tight
mod6: trinque: your August invoice is incorrect, and I'll cancel the one currently open and give you the 0.002 price.
mod6: lobbes: Ok your invoice was 100% spot on. So you're good to go.
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.00819354 Pizarro Shared Hosting for bimbo.club through December 31st, 2018
mod6: Ok so that is what it's going to be; 0.002 BTC/mo for the shared hosting with the web and mysql + 10 Gb storage
mod6: But yeah, invoice is coming, so you can come back to it when you have time. No need to wait around for me to get it figured out tonight.
mod6: I'm gonna invoice as soon as I have confirmation. I apologize. I just wanna make sure it's right before I do; measure twice, cut once.
mod6: I was still referring to our website for the pricing, and we had not removed that line item from the page. So where I thought it was 0.003 BTC per month, I perhaps should have been charging 0.002.
mod6: That's the thought, yeah. I think a while ago ben_vulpes knocked the price down a bit to make it more appleaing. ( ben_vulpes, plz to correct me if I'm wrong here ). And I didn't know that this had happened.
mod6: Thought you guys might like these. I'll throw up a blog post with the specs and stuff if there is interest.
mod6: :]
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.002/31)*3)+.002
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.002/31)*3)+(0.002*4)
mod6: Alright, I'm gonna get back to work here. Will update you all here on this pricing info.
mod6: hah, that would be pretty cool imho.
mod6: Were bascilly shipped within 24 hours of order, to my surprise.
mod6: Not too bad... 5 for 21.25 + shipping.
mod6: :D had those made custom
mod6: Here's a pic for ya mircea_popescu : http://www.mod6.net/2018/August/28/20180828_191227.jpg
mod6: totally get it, Sir.
mod6: *nod* totally fair point.
mod6: I gotta do a few things here, but I'll be back to sort the rest of the pricing fiasco out.
mod6: But maybe that's the right approach. I dunno.
mod6: Anyway, mircea_popescu, agree with your sentiments here. I just hate to see us slam the door in peoples face without even asking.
mod6: ok, yeah, will try to resolve all of it here tonight. #pizarro has the details of the debate.
mod6: well, I think it ~might~ be.
mod6: aside from that there is a on-going debate about the pricing for the service.
mod6: mircea_popescu: hey, sorry about that quote. I never did get to invoice you as I was hoping to do that tonight.
mod6: perfect.
mod6: "You want Rockchip?" "No." "Ok, fuck your mother."
mod6: pitch 'em, before you pitch 'em.
mod6: i.e. shell/rockchip, anything. having Pizarro linked to peeps in the wot is hard-enough, but if we can't get anyone in the wot, than that's worse. ☟︎
mod6: before we throw anyone out the door, maybe ask them if they want service?
mod6: brb, f00dz
mod6: mircea_popescu: this would be the quote through December 31st, 2018 ^ ☟︎
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.003/31)*3)+(0.003*4)
mod6 catches back up
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.003/31)*3)+(0.003*12)
mod6: mircea_popescu: surely, lemme see what the pricing will be on that.
mod6: This would be the quote through the 30th of september: 0.00329032 BTC
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.003/31)*3)+.003
mod6: !Qcalc (0.003/31)*3
mod6: 0.003 btc/mo is the rate on that.
mod6: Shall I invoice you later Mr. Popescu?
mod6: bimbo.club is live
mod6: oh hey cool!
mod6: mircea_popescu: mornin! good, you?
mod6: mornin'
mod6: thanks BingoBoingo!
mod6: !!ledger
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: !!v DF444151D33EFDE153BC5966765568491C2AFD2A9A08D715CC772940586755BE
mod6: !!invoice lobbes 0.00219354 Shared-Shell Hosting 10Gb Storage through September 30th, 2018
mod6: !!v 2371EEE0F3BE3BD6417272D9028FE8C05F2D94E3F2D493A781FAB8BC8AB8BA3A
mod6: !!cancel-invoice lobbes 2
mod6: We've talked about this before, and I may just do that yet. Will think it over and report back.
mod6: ben_vulpes brings up a good point about my regrind of his Excise Hash Truncation vpatch, I should put in the manifest.
mod6: sound good?
mod6: 0.00219354 BTC for your shell then through Sepetember 30th
mod6: !Qcalc ((0.002/31)*3)+0.002
mod6: !Qcalc (0.002/31)
mod6: Ok qq. Do you want me to just prorate the rest of august + all of september for ya then?
mod6: alright Sir, sounds good. Gimme a bit, i'll make a new invoice for ya.
mod6: 5Gb = 0.0015 BTC/mo, 10Gb = 0.002 BTC/mo
mod6: Do you want 5Gb or 10Gb of storage?
mod6: lobbes: ok sounds good, do not pay that invoice.
mod6: And in my notes, you weren't currently being billed.
mod6: lobbes: ah, ok! sorry, I was way confused because I saw that you had a current shell still in UY1.
mod6: nbd
mod6: (I may have to cancel that invoice I sent ya just a minute ago.)
mod6: lobbes: Are you currently using the hosting, or are you looking to get set back up going forward? And if so, great! Do you want just a shell account or do you want wp-mp too?
mod6: Yeah, looks like he hasn't logged in since April 23rd.