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gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: hrm. I don't remember that one, but now that I think about it, there is a comment you made on a nonsense article ~"MP took a delivery of some potent smokables?".
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-07-2015#1203282 << there are three relevent trilema articles. One describes MP's stance on drug legality (perhaps they should be illegal b/c else they'd be mandatory) the second doesn't have a comments section and shows off some MDMA on a tea tray (biz meeting iirc?) and the third mentions the purity of Ar cocaine in the footnotes.
☝︎ gabriel_laddel: Sure it doesn't run "on the web" but one can socket one lisp proc into another and done?
gabriel_laddel: Should be easy enough to add on top of CLOS if one really needs it.
gabriel_laddel: decimation: what happened to that "new country on unclaimed land"
gabriel_laddel: I could go to africa (or stanford) if I wanted to be "considered intelligent"
gabriel_laddel: Even if what I'm suggesting for interns is state of the art for some people.
gabriel_laddel: I want to move *up* the ladder of abstraction. Purely mechanical lisping doesn't interest me.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: the problem with templates is that generating syntatically correct code is fucking impossible.
gabriel_laddel: phf: Nothing interesting. Twas already covered in the logs...
gabriel_laddel: !s dawg just make the cardano already so we can sell em
gabriel_laddel: I mean that someone should have paid for you to write CL, preferable packaging it up as an unchanging distro supporting only a subset of hardware.
gabriel_laddel: seriously, redirecting a trinque at CL would make the development 100x better.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: this is what I mean by "we need people to carry the water"
gabriel_laddel: yeah, I wish you the best of luck on that quest. It is straightforwards, but ugh.
gabriel_laddel: related: I want to be able to inspect an object, mark it, then jump around through a bunch of other objects and hit a key to get a sexpr representing the accessor corresponding to my traversal.
gabriel_laddel: Generic functions for this class, sorted by if they're implemented yet, things that have been passed this type in the past...
gabriel_laddel: :/ I know. Climacs is the inevitable conclusion. Doing the elisp dance around the cl package system just isn't fun.
gabriel_laddel: trinque: well, you could do that, but it will interact with eldoc and slime-autodoc
gabriel_laddel: trinque: yeah, so fyi there is no obvious way to add the docstring to eldoc
gabriel_laddel: ascii_modem: dija read the part where I specified the reason for this is to impress a prince?
gabriel_laddel: phf: no one has done so much as even drafting a document specifying what is to be removed.
gabriel_laddel: sbcl, ccl, allegro, lispworks - each had own << You can still take portable CL programs and run the upgrade program on them without forcing compiler changes.
gabriel_laddel: If *any* of them did this, for any compiler, I'd be rather surprised.
gabriel_laddel: ascii_modem: there is a scheme which didn't throw away the CL compiler and start from scratch?
gabriel_laddel: phf: also, I think the loper device will end up being designed on top of CLIM.
gabriel_laddel: These metaprograms are great tasks for interns, especially those who don't "get lisp" yet.
gabriel_laddel: Work CL down to the core language and then when you get something new to play with you can build up that core and run (some) 'CL' programs on it.
gabriel_laddel: Even with a Loper device you'll still have programs composed of the same primitives: draw-circle*, draw-sphere*
gabriel_laddel: Over the course of a few years we can work the language down to something much smaller without at any point making it unsuitable for production work.
gabriel_laddel: I, for example, dislike having both defstruct and defclass in the language.
gabriel_laddel: the compiler can then be modified to take this into account.
gabriel_laddel: For example, say that you find the existence of both elt & nth to be stupid. write a (meta)program that walks an arbitrary CL program and fixes all elt's to nths. Let everyone know that it's deprecated, and that they can run this program on their code to update it to CL 1.2 or whatever.
☟︎☟︎ gabriel_laddel: People keep bitching about "all the things wrong with common lisp" while completely ignoring that you can meaningfully upgrade the language without throwing away all the work that has been done over the years.
gabriel_laddel: Look, there is no reason we can't take SBCL and incrementally modify it to work on a loper device
gabriel_laddel: I was going to put this off until later - but whatever.
gabriel_laddel: Though I wish everyone would *stop it* with making new CLIM, CLIMACS etc. and just make what we have work.