21800+ entries in 0.205s
asciilifeform: ( python3 was pushed as 'fix' for this, but -- as iirc described in mircea_popescu's www -- never actually worked. )
mircea_popescu: in any case it should have been, it's ancient, dude keeps signing others with it etc. "strong set" as they call it.
mircea_popescu: dude's key is ancient and yet reported as submitted today
mircea_popescu: as that's the only soul he's got.
mircea_popescu: in other news : ##crypto did 530/738 lines as join/part spam Apr 27 13:21:01 to Apr 27 21:26:05. the remainder 208 lines were 90% of the material and about 450% of the signal us. i think asciilifeform 's evaluation prevails.
mircea_popescu: aha. funny as all shit, one egg's growinfg legs.
BingoBoingo: mod6: Well good category to start is probably tomatoes. Growing process is well documented. As far north as you are "Early Girl" or similar may be your cultivar of choice.
asciilifeform: phf: perfectly legal to call with same variable as in and out.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1649111 << this however is the correct aproach, build the item entirely so as to avoid it. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-04-27 21:26 asciilifeform: after working as exterminator long enough, all rats begin to look quite alike
asciilifeform: given as it can go negative.
mircea_popescu: besides, one doesn't regard 64 bits currently as a byte
asciilifeform: the saddest thing about ada is that there is only one. ( only one properly-specified, multi-implementation typesafe language that can build for small (kB ram) as well as large systems . )
phf: unfortunately it seems to work as expected
asciilifeform: Framedragger: test with/without numlock. betcha it worx as-is.
mircea_popescu: xilinx could work as cpu in theory!
mircea_popescu: basically what happens is they hang out in these "professional" venues being "polite" and as a result they misunderstand something and it becomes a thing for them and then they end up in arguments with outsiders over it.
asciilifeform: after working as exterminator long enough, all rats begin to look quite alike ☟︎
framedr: their root is one 'ISRG root', trusted by firefox as of 2016 it seems, but it makes a whooooolotta sense to tend to one's cert garden manually as mircea_popescu does. (then again, if it's all snakeoil anyway?..)
mircea_popescu: i still think the item existed and was quoted in the dude's slides as a phuctor decoy and nothing more. this is not really something i can be talked out of through showing that a website wireframe existed ~same eyar.
mircea_popescu: <eightyeight> he clearly doesn't understand the differences between shannon entropy and entropy as defined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics
mircea_popescu: well, the guy is evidently not in the mood to indulge, but let's try this. "<eightyeight> his "Is there such a thing as better or worse entropy ?" paragraph is equally as painful to read
mircea_popescu: it wasn't much foir the first coupla though. as these things usually go.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger because webarchive is worth trusting about as far as you can throw alexa, an amazon company, in the business of making up shit about the web since the 90s.
Framedragger: ^ probably worth a peek. tls/ssh as input.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger tjhere is some skullduggery at work here, as that link redirects me to a 2013 item ( web.archive.org/web/20121023082642/factorable.net
Framedragger: okay, look, their paper was published in 2012. people referred to it as "that 2012 paper". now it's possible all them people are sybils, but i'll go ahead and say that factorable came before phuctor.
mircea_popescu: around in 2012 as a what ?
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, intel provideds us with a Taylor Campbell anchor for the ~riastradh@netbsd/developer/riastradh symbol, and other than an empty packages maintainer list, choice items such as https://www.slideshare.net/eurobsdcon/devrandom
Framedragger: i mean, testing and comparing results of these rngs is probably useful (i'm outta time as of now), hm
trinque: not so much the copying as 1) copy what? and 2) why are the copies so lossy
mircea_popescu: * Topic for ##crypto is: Welcome to ##crypto for cryptography theory and practice | "We appeal, as human beings, to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest." | Resources: http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac http://www.keylength.com | Ethics: http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf
trinque spent months years ago not talking to a soul except as needed at work ☟︎
Framedragger: yeah, mk :) i mean, you may as well be right lol.
mircea_popescu: the windows "computer expert" generally got hired as an intern by some usg."corporation" and specialiuzed in the workplace.
asciilifeform: ( can do it as many times as you like )
asciilifeform: no optimizations of any kind whatsoever. ( in fact, pessimizations, e.g. comparisons all take same amount of time regardless of where difference is, or whether there is one. addition of 0+0 takes same time as, e.g., 2**256 - 1 + 2**256 - 1 . etc )
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 12:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258));
mircea_popescu: "we perceive that there's significant differential between the illiterate tards we are targetting and the people capable of following this ~blogger's~ (you know, as if that's somehow derrogatory) article."
asciilifeform: what'd that look like ? it isn't as if typical, e.g., usaschwitz inmate, will ever touch real money with own hands
mircea_popescu: does this count as plagiarizing tmsr rhetoric or notrly ?
asciilifeform: 'As one person put it to me: MyDataAngel believes that they’re the “founding fathers” of truly-secure encryption. If you have a problem with this, then you must hate America. '
mircea_popescu: FG allows airborne unit to be as qualified at X picking as ground unit is.
mircea_popescu: yes you have the traditional model where quad talks to computer, and computer says "your next freq is X and encrypt to key Y" and it's all fine. but now quad can talk to quad, and pick an X just as good as computer'd have picked it. yes this is worthless if Y is weak anyway -- but if Y is not weak anyway it is in fact valuable, even if it might be irrelevant for arbitrary usecase Z
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: frequency hopping is a solved problem in 1980s, you use blum-blum-shub (or variant) if using public key crypto; or same otp as for everything else, if otp.
shinohai: I'll sell them as MIGs - Magical Integer Generators
asciilifeform: fwiw it dun have the name printed on it. can resell as whatever you like, folx.
mircea_popescu: and also buys houses as-is!
mircea_popescu: in order to... use it as ddns!
asciilifeform: 'Now, as soon as I looked at this device I already had a really bad feeling. First of all, through the vent holes on the top I could see that the PCB inside took up ~25% of the footprint of the device, the case was considerably larger than the PCB inside it, which seemed odd. Second, the MAC address on the bottom looked familiar, really familiar. Putting that little thought to the back of my mind I cracked open the case by removing t
asciilifeform: hard to say, too far departed from what i see as human form
mircea_popescu: would you describe them as "young women" ie "girls" ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but you need something to judge on. otherwise what you're saying is "on the basis of all the dogs i've seen, elephant is as canine as caniche", ie, http://trilema.com/2017/zuleika-dobson-or-an-proper-love-story/#footnote_10_71892
asciilifeform: 'fat african women' are as american as crapple.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648477 << i dun think this 'equality' nonsense exists, or ever existed, as anything other than a ~professed~ belief among the rotters. nobody actually buys it. ☝︎
asciilifeform: the basic sin of the orc and 'human' jujuist are the same. just as, e.g., murder committed with a wooden club is exactly as murderous as with death ray; or scam pulled with 'shell game' is just as scammy as with derivatives.
mircea_popescu: seeing how the only graduation paper i reviewed was "entrepreneurship as a succession of pictures of faces" as opposed to "entrepreneurship modeled as a banach algebra"...
mircea_popescu: in my experience there's two major demographics interested in the business school, one being kids who could master physics but do not wish to because they'd much rather live with a half dozen whores than with a labful of mice ; the other being girlies who could not actually master poledance who figure they should not have to try anwyay and live out their whole lives as mediocre strippers because reasons ("i'm smart! everyone
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648419 >> lol rank nonsense. the left is willing to talk about how it's just as good as the right. ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'He recruited a former hedge fund salesman named Kyle Ferguson as co-founder and launched Wags Lending, thinking dog leases would mark just the first step in a vertically integrated pet-financing company that would eventually include food deliveries, chew-toy subscriptions, and veterinary loans. Then their point-of-sale lease financing became a hit, and they decided to double down on it.'
mod6: was considering something of the same. but maybe it's not nearly as hard to get trbi or whatever we have under load; just hook it up, see what happens.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it is, the problem with it is that 10% or less of the payola is paid out as bezzle usd ; the remaineder 90% or more is paid out as pats on the back, empty and baseless congratulatory verbiage and generally speaking psychotronic noise. ☟︎
mod6: mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as dog, 100 years ago; your dog got cancer? you take it out and shoot the poor thing.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> kinda the problem with all the makework positions, "teachers", "daycare specialists" and on it goes. << If the "makework" doesn't include lift and move materials as needed for paying customers it's more welfare
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> "nursing profession" much like the various other "social science" experts, social workers etc are about as qualified as their weight in earthworms. << it was the social workers that were the ones who raised questions on us, after countless conversations about post-hospital care.
mircea_popescu: "nursing profession" much like the various other "social science" experts, social workers etc are about as qualified as their weight in earthworms.
trinque: well that's the whole thing, as I see it
mod6: well, i only use that as an exception
mircea_popescu: his project was a loose talk on the topic of "entrepreneurialness as a sport", and it was through and through pre-literare juju worship.
BingoBoingo: I dun think anyone gave Oregon as it presently exists much hope for much mercy when The Great Again comes
asciilifeform: imho biggest surprise is that there still is such a thing as a not fully vertically-integrated mining op.
shinohai: Apparently there is remote code execution exploitation in this backdoor as well: "unexploitable out-of-buffer read access in if(strstr(rec,"false")) as rec may not be zero-ended if 1024 bytes are received."
asciilifeform: apparently works same today as in 2011.
mircea_popescu: no i was quoting this as a right and proper observation.
mircea_popescu: shinohai well, if they keep talking about it as if someone does, certainly someone one day will.
mircea_popescu: no, i expect something more along the lines of http://trilema.com/2011/deci-de-revelion-acum-niste-ani/ ; ie providing they somehow landed in they'd identify a situation according to their own mental furnishings, which'd have nothing much to do with the actual situation, then proceed to "Strategize" on that basis and the girls would toy with her for as long as that's funny before chewing her up and spitting her out.
mircea_popescu: the whole "findom" business is a rather funny comment on female behaviour and the nature of the human brain. so out of all the services freeranged cunt could provide to substitute the wife in man's daily economy, "taking his paycheck" is certainly the least useful. but then again as far as the woman's concerned, it's why she got married in the first place.
shinohai: The whole of their twitter empire is an illusion, not that I care how much they lie as long as *my* payment is forthcoming.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ah no dispute as to the theory. just ... practice kills us.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "specifically made to" means a lot less than it appears to, for reasons such as euler's equality etc. pi is a fundamental constant, it's everywhere.
mircea_popescu: kinda give a time heatmap for the whole codebase, as it were.
ben_vulpes: parts of it have an odd feel, as though i were reading altcoin propaganda from another dimension
asciilifeform: ( the digits of pi do not autocorrelate, as far as anybody ever publicly found, in any other way )
asciilifeform: any rng test can be rewritten as a producer of a predictor. or the test is rubbish.
asciilifeform: but note that it dun have to be 'nth digit' , can also be 'next digit', o(n) , works just as well.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-26#1647917 << imho it's the only sane standard. rng 'weakness' can only be expressed properly as a 'predictor'. anything else is 'suggestively named token' ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( and on encrypt, as well as decrypt end ! leaking plaintext isn't more forgivable on transmitter end than on receiver )
asciilifeform: no normalization, either - adding 8kb of zero to another 8kb of zero takes same time as any other possible pair of 8kb bitstrings.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-26#1647926 << funnily enough, it's what i'm polishing for release as we speak. ☝︎
asciilifeform: poor ol' english folx, have not only toilet and sink in same rooms, but imperative same as infinitive verb...
pete_dushenski: as long as there's a little prayer scroll in all the tinfoil!
pete_dushenski: "With phone sign-in, we’re shifting the security burden from your memory to your device. Just add your account to the Android or iOS Microsoft Authenticator app, then enter your username as usual when signing in somewhere new. Instead of entering your password, you’ll get a notification on your phone. Unlock your phone, tap “Approve”, and you’re in."
a111: Logged on 2017-04-25 02:26 mircea_popescu: phf as a side point, do you know anyone totally into death methal with a bmi under 30 ?
asciilifeform: it isn't as if wf were a company, in the customary sense -- it's a usg organ, like microshit. 'tbtf'
trinque: same color scheme as mcdonalds. relevant.
asciilifeform: http://archive.is/PFvo7 << in other lulz >> 'Multiple shareholders stood and yelled at the board of directors and Chief Executive Tim Sloan. The shareholders were angry about the bank's creation of as many as 2.1 million phony accounts in customers' names.'
asciilifeform: because phuctor's includes only such keys as were successfully eaten by the parser
ben_vulpes: sks uses bdb as well?
mircea_popescu: phf as a side point, do you know anyone totally into death methal with a bmi under 30 ? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: since rebranded as "Business for a Better Portland"