2500+ entries in 0.06s
mp_en_viaje: solaris specifically, i didn't look at any others after that.
mp_en_viaje: atm i dunno i'd trust anyone from russia or recommend anyone move there. the one time this happened it blowed up in such a sickly manner, i absolutely don't want to spend the significant resources involved in dealing with the clean-up. as far as anyone knows, moscow's bogon-radioactive
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-05#1940558 - sure, I'll shoot him an email, why not; fwiw I haven't yet got to struggling with the sound stuff (still at particles&proc textures) but it's getting closer
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-04#1940496 << problem with orcs, that even evaluating their poverty is impossible from a distance, gotta go there first. much more competent and capable at "giving the impression of" than actually doing the thing they're giving impressions of, by design and deliberately constructed. i can't fucking comprehend, even n
mp_en_viaje: this is a judgment much akin to, "look, in your locale enel spa is the energy provider, monopoly by law, you're buying energy from them" "i'd have to look for my contract" "no, actually, you don't have to. i can tell you from ten thousand miles away, on this basis"
asciilifeform: but 3) this aint any sorta solution, solution will have to consist of a pipe that doesn't randomly drop chunks of our space.
BingoBoingo: And doesn't change their lack of response to inquiries
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-05 01:47:24 BingoBoingo: hasn't given thought to an alternate universe where Cambodians respond to commercial inquiries in at least a year
BingoBoingo hasn't given thought to an alternate universe where Cambodians respond to commercial inquiries in at least a year
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-04#1940365 << i don't even recall now how uy was picked. must've been a lsit and some sorta process
mp_en_viaje: but you also can't continue in this vein, what, whenever random internet dork sends half a quarter of an eight gbps your way you're croaked for the evening ? tis ridoinculous.
mp_en_viaje: nevermind questions. 1. i am stuck with customers correctly pointing out that my uptime this month will ~maybe~ reach two nines. it'll be a wonder if this outage doesn't put me entirely out of business. 2. do you have any actual substantial anything to point to, because brandishing about "hostile" and "attack" and etcetera empty wordage isn't doing anything for me. in particular 20mbps for a few minutes doesn't even register
asciilifeform: presently i suspect that we would not have even ~noticed~ this nonsense if they hadn't unplugged
asciilifeform: this was ( and continues, dulap still dead ) a maddeningly sovokesque experience, where we pay vendor for fish 'that's what they don't have at the fish counter' but short of borrowing mp_en_viaje's freighter and laying own fiber i can't presently think of a final solution to it
BingoBoingo: There doesn't seem to be any non-Gossip protocol solution to DDoS. As far as I can cleave the problems right now Latcho/Antel's inept handling of DDoS is one problem. Denying cheap cover to DDoS'r is other problem.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i would also like to find a solution that is cheaper than 'switch continents' . but 'cloak bots and pray to satan that enemy doesn't realize that he already knows the piz ip range' aint any kind of solution !! at all
mp_en_viaje: hm... apparently diana_coman 's doesn't either. i guess i must've caught self in own fingers somehow
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, there's a state monopoly on data transfer. can't have meaningfully diff dcs.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: not only mp_en_viaje has point, and yer gonna have to talk w/ latech , but is high time to find out what other dc exists in that orcistan, lt's can't be the only 1 ( if it were, would be dangerously close shave in itself, to be had over a barrel )
mp_en_viaje: um... doesn't seem to load. is this affected by pizarro ?
mp_en_viaje: can't be exactly same wtf ?!
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, so far thing doesn't seem all that kosher. i dunno wtf sense this makes, but a sit down with them will hafta happen cuz obviously pizarro's dead in the water like this
mp_en_viaje: trilema.com/2009/progresam-maria-ta/][obscure idiots from timisoara] "had 10`000 visits in the first three hours" on meta-piece discussing muh whores (which he doesn't realise YET, such an informed moron he is), and the dc called him because of SERVERS (plural).
mp_en_viaje: HE STILL DIDN:T GET IT.
mp_en_viaje: they don't mention this, of course, "haha, we're fucked in the head, so loser, totally stupid, tried to ddos trilema but it did not werk, we will now give up everything and dedicate remainder of lives to glorification of this our superior"
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, the fact that trilema doesn't really suffer from "rotating ddos" aka, some dork with a wp list &c, is that trilema is an adult service, rather than a flavour of above mentioned, "virtual server, fiddy bux"
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, in all honesty, so far i can't in the slightest distinguish the spew from the alleged dc from the spew of "virtual server, fiddy bux" provider.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 14:37:17 asciilifeform: mp's www fwiw doesn't seem visibly affected. so prolly not included on the magick list.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-04 20:07:21 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, who is this upstream i don't get it ? are we not actually renting space from a dc ?
asciilifeform: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-04#1940295 << the sea cable doesn't literally terminate in our cage, sadly
mp_en_viaje: they don't seem to have the sense to put it on the page
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, who is this upstream i don't get it ? are we not actually renting space from a dc ?
mp_en_viaje keeps diligently reading, and will continue, but so far can't say gleaned much from the exercise.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939920 << i don't get it, what is the coincidence ?
asciilifeform: 'To disable forced disconnects, set disc_t to zero' is wrong btw. will give actual off switch on next patch.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the new one simply demands that ~something~ come down the pipe erry disc_t seconds. recc'd value 180 .
asciilifeform: mp's www fwiw doesn't seem visibly affected. so prolly not included on the magick list.
diana_coman: can't hurt either
diana_coman had to follow quite a few things at the same time during this last hr so didn't focus on pizarro specifically.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: indeed they did, i thought it was clear from last hr of #t
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I don't see a simpler narrative for why diana_coman's bot went down too.
BingoBoingo: <diana_coman> that's why I didn't really bother re cloak because the ip is public anyway << Even the most trivial barrier does something, like prevent lurkbots from harvesting addresses as they connect.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: there was a bit earlier some weird stuff, couldn't connect to smg servers + eulora client fell down for lack of response from server
diana_coman: that's why I didn't really bother re cloak because the ip is public anyway
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-04 08:03:01 mp_en_viaje: so if you don't know, ask ; i'll either give you the thing or else tell you why not, at which point ~you'll fucking know why not~. see ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 05:03:23 mp_en_viaje: so if you don't know, ask ; i'll either give you the thing or else tell you why not, at which point ~you'll fucking know why not~. see ?
mp_en_viaje: nothing wsrong with keeping the dc in the know so they don't take you for yokels ; but nothing gained by twisting their neck either, they're not doing it.
mp_en_viaje: i don't mind so much, personally, but perhaps others harder to console.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939883 << because it's just wireframe anyway, we don't bother fixing unbroken things. should this issue excavate itself into relevancy, we'll prolly just point-to-point around it. but so far...
mp_en_viaje: so if you don't know, ask ; i'll either give you the thing or else tell you why not, at which point ~you'll fucking know why not~. see ?
mp_en_viaje: if you don't know whether your lamp is broken because the power plug's dead, the cable inside is fucked, or the lightbulb dead, you don't first built a spaceship out of that lamp and "see then". you replace the lightbulb first, see if it fixes it. then from there, ONE THING AT A TIME.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 20:24:25 lobbes: still ain't a mp-endorsed castle either. I figure that time may come one day, but that time isn't now as far as I can tell.
mp_en_viaje: but then again there's a reason they came up with an euphemistic name for their idiocy in the first place. leftards claiming capitalism doesn't work is like oligophrens "preferring to be called" beautiful lip people, pretending speech doesn't work.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 18:34:20 asciilifeform: sumthing clever ~will~ have to be done w/ the header , 7 might even fit right nao, but 8 defo won't..
mp_en_viaje: if you don't put any teeth behind the whole thing it'll collapse into chaos.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 16:08:48 asciilifeform: so, to complete the picture, this algo is guaranteed to work correctly if a) one of the peers actually contains the complete log segment for time T .. present b) no one speaks in the interval while it operates c) the timestamp T correctly represents the cutoff
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 16:06:23 diana_coman: asciilifeform: why use timestamps rather than log lines number though? I don't get how is that better at all; ie give syncer "last known ok line", should drop anything with id > that for the chan; then import everything with id > that from the reference
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939815 << how's this for a proposedly "better" algo : 1. syncer is given target T ; 2 sincer loads tip of T (as the whole day page, DP), compares to its own record ; 3. if comparison results in any difference, syncer produces list L in the format of #count, own line, T line and moves to 4. which consists of repeating algo for DP-1.
mod6: trinque: no, I haven't spoken to him about that.
lobbes: still ain't a mp-endorsed castle either. I figure that time may come one day, but that time isn't now as far as I can tell.
lobbes: asciilifeform: yea, I think I'ma gonna register a new channel with fleanode (#lobbes). As such, no need for archive import (there wasn't much in the old one either save for testing of various things). I'll let you know once it is live
asciilifeform: sumthing clever ~will~ have to be done w/ the header , 7 might even fit right nao, but 8 defo won't..
lobbes: however, I'm considering simply registering a "#lobbes" in its stead. However, haven't yet gotten to it due to the need to go through the rigmarole of registering it with fleanode, setting all my bots to +o, etc.
diana_coman: tbh that's the main reason why I didn't reach for "automate it" - because a lot of it still remains manual; it's more this multiple-chan the trouble perhaps than anything else.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: no, I don't think it can safely be fully automatic or not at this stage at least.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: my point re misleading longest sequence was if new talk in between getting sequence from a and from b, causing b to be longest just because latest retrieved; anyway, I don't think it can be done a whole lot better at this level really.
asciilifeform: so, to complete the picture, this algo is guaranteed to work correctly if a) one of the peers actually contains the complete log segment for time T .. present b) no one speaks in the interval while it operates c) the timestamp T correctly represents the cutoff
diana_coman: asciilifeform: why use timestamps rather than log lines number though? I don't get how is that better at all; ie give syncer "last known ok line", should drop anything with id > that for the chan; then import everything with id > that from the reference
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939785 << not even to disagree w/ mp_en_viaje's comments, but hey mod6 there's an even moar elementary problem : ben_vulpes went to bottom of the sea, and you haven't filled his throne yet (per charter, oughta)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 03:47:32 mp_en_viaje: re Vlad IV, one notable aspect could be that he was at least 70yo when he died. puts things in perspective, doesn't it, to think that he was certainly alive by 1425 and yet only ascended in the 80s. supposedly this sorta longevity wasn't supposed to be possible, at the time, at the margins.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 02:31:53 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-02#1939660 << for my own archival needs i am satisfied the pope didn't so much "lose" china as... got to keep italy (and most of the old spanish possessions).
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 02:42:17 mp_en_viaje: took me a while to figure out wtf there's a spurious "bot" in there. honestly asciilifeform i don't think adding text after the name is acceptable. maybe a [B] prefix for the name ? ie instead of "snsabot bot I am bot version 596907." do "[B]snsabot I am bot version 596907."
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 02:58:08 mp_en_viaje: took me a while to figure out wtf there's a spurious "bot" in there. honestly asciilifeform i don't think adding text after the name is acceptable. maybe a [B] prefix for the name ? ie instead of "snsabot bot I am bot version 596907." do "[B]snsabot I am bot version 596907."
diana_coman: at least bot reconnected properly so I didn't http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-02#1939638
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939722 <-- huh, indeed. niște/fiște didn't pop out, /me went straight to miriște/bobiște/cânepiște
mp_en_viaje: but above recipe could readily make an ACTUAL romanian scholar, whom the rest of the rotards could pretend doesn't exist and "be surprised" etcetera, like they do.
mp_en_viaje: yes ; but in blank wholesale countermanding of rural naivity one doesn't end up with a nuanced worldview. ends up with symmetrical rural naivity.
mp_en_viaje: re Vlad IV, one notable aspect could be that he was at least 70yo when he died. puts things in perspective, doesn't it, to think that he was certainly alive by 1425 and yet only ascended in the 80s. supposedly this sorta longevity wasn't supposed to be possible, at the time, at the margins.
mp_en_viaje: the root, seeing how me ain't EVEN CLOSE to mi. not AT ALL, not even vaguely how these things work whatsoever.
mp_en_viaje: as always, romanian "dictionaries" made by tards, deeply unqualified to be away from munca de jos : https://dexonline.ro/definitie/miri%C8%99te quotes some imaginary bulgarian "мерище", that aside from not actually existing in bulgarian (there exists a town in Країна Хорватія whose name's thusly spelled IN UKRAINIAN though, of course, of course), can't even possibly be
mp_en_viaje: took me a while to figure out wtf there's a spurious "bot" in there. honestly asciilifeform i don't think adding text after the name is acceptable. maybe a [B] prefix for the name ? ie instead of "snsabot bot I am bot version 596907." do "[B]snsabot I am bot version 596907."
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-02#1939660 << for my own archival needs i am satisfied the pope didn't so much "lose" china as... got to keep italy (and most of the old spanish possessions).
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-02 14:05:26 mod6: asciilifeform: I don't see a reason to keep it up, because it isn't being used. Let's let mircea_popescu weigh in on this though. Anyway, I'm totally fine if you want to invoice the foundation for what you spent on it.
mod6: asciilifeform: I don't see a reason to keep it up, because it isn't being used. Let's let mircea_popescu weigh in on this though. Anyway, I'm totally fine if you want to invoice the foundation for what you spent on it.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-02 03:13:54 diana_coman: bvt: ah, I had this niggling thought that there *was* some patch I missed somehow; asciilifeform what was it with this/why didn't it make it into the sept vpatch?
diana_coman: bvt: ah, I had this niggling thought that there *was* some patch I missed somehow; asciilifeform what was it with this/why didn't it make it into the sept vpatch?
mp_en_viaje: and meh diesels, if you don't nuclear why submarine, buy a boat.
mp_en_viaje: and a third of it has to be a nuclear reactor. i don't fucking want to have to operate a (marine!) nuclear reactor.
BingoBoingo: The actual ferrocement structural components aside from the elevator shaft don't seem to be particularly limiting with respect to the floor layouts.
mp_en_viaje: to be fair my design is so early i don't even have anything definite worth the mention. so perhaps.
mp_en_viaje: these schloss things are more like overgrown bed&breakfast in practice, and i don't intend to run a motel.
mp_en_viaje: re submariens, no, i meant flat as in social hierarchy. commander's quarters aren't 100x the surface of midshipman.
mp_en_viaje: i ain't talking about bullshit rural nonsense, i want to get there at 120mph
asciilifeform still thinks it aint right that can't use e.g. '<<' in a wp comment .
asciilifeform: diana_coman: wasn't intended as an objection to the idea. simply that in asciilifeform's head, the main open q re irc noades is , how well does the 'net split' sync mechanism in existing servers, worx
diana_coman: wouldn't it be great if we had already own irc node, huh
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 20:05:21 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, not much more than, my grandmother was school mistress, participated in 1950s ro campaign to likbez ("liquidate analphabetism"), various dudes begged to plox, can't just work the school fields in lieu of sit in class ? will fix fence ? door ? anything ?
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939429 - you told it to me in pm once; I don't recall reading it somewhere else.
mod6: Feels pretty good so far to be free of that. I don't think it's sunk in quite yet, but it will. :]
mp_en_viaje: couldn't have been*