19000+ entries in 0.087s
ThickAsThieves: yeah they are a ripoff
ThickAsThieves: what do you guys think about the bitcoin ATM business
ThickAsThieves: and the back divs
ThickAsThieves: itll be nice to get these AM shares
ThickAsThieves: Ukyo is making a point of leaving hope on the table
ThickAsThieves: no closure for many of the bitcoin losses like these
ThickAsThieves: i can appreciat ethat
ThickAsThieves: but they are this way nonetheless
ThickAsThieves: i'm not gonna bother speculating as to what may complicate things to be like they are
ThickAsThieves: except that's not the case
ThickAsThieves: or such
ThickAsThieves: or what conditions must be met to get it
ThickAsThieves: i'd like to know WHEN we'll get the real story
ThickAsThieves: magically
ThickAsThieves: you act like youll magicaly get an answer now
ThickAsThieves: Ukyo can
ThickAsThieves: probly former workers
ThickAsThieves: sounds like the hackers knew the machine well
ThickAsThieves: nice
ThickAsThieves: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1496149_10152097077945783_1720436486_o.jpg
ThickAsThieves: and someone to screw
ThickAsThieves: but otherwise, I know nothing of the Seedcoin manager, so it's hard for me to count on him to choose and make good deals
ThickAsThieves: i met the Hive people once, they seem to have their act together
ThickAsThieves: what do YOU think about it
ThickAsThieves: but better like this
ThickAsThieves: its not bad really
ThickAsThieves: during much busier times too
ThickAsThieves: it used to
ThickAsThieves: np
ThickAsThieves: has*
ThickAsThieves: like .01 or something, kakobrekla had better details
ThickAsThieves: and trades under a certain value arent shown
ThickAsThieves: they are grouped by the minute i think
ThickAsThieves: they happen live
ThickAsThieves: oh you mean the announcements in this channel?
ThickAsThieves: of course the algo changing the price is a diff question
ThickAsThieves: it's time-based i think arskiss
ThickAsThieves: oh ya?
ThickAsThieves: "The idea of a decentralized market is that it allows anyone anonymous but with accrued and verifiable reputation to be the arbiter and/or market maker of any particular market, while he stays safe from sabotage."
ThickAsThieves: bitbet was fun while it lasted, sorry guys
ThickAsThieves: "Because they're centralized. Decentralized prediction markets are going to be available in a couple months. Why risk it on some site that can get hacked, seized or turn out to be a scam."
ThickAsThieves: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tz6lf/i_only_very_rarely_read_people_here_talk_about/
ThickAsThieves: the best things are always made by contests
ThickAsThieves: plus, who wants to use something called mastercoin
ThickAsThieves: "the question of whether that program should be conducted is for the other two coordinate branches of Government to decide."
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/27/5248004/federal-judge-rules-nsa-metadata-collection-is-lawful-dismissing-aclu
ThickAsThieves: http://coinmarketcap.com/ Ripple $2.6b
ThickAsThieves: $95m market
ThickAsThieves: $169 ea
ThickAsThieves: http://www.mastercoin.org/
ThickAsThieves: Diablo-D3, how ironic
ThickAsThieves: http://pitchfork.com/news/46765-erykah-badu-is-super-pissed-at-the-flaming-lips-right-now-about-that-nsfw-video/
ThickAsThieves: The Flaming Lips: "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" [ft. Erykah Badu]
ThickAsThieves: it's a Flaming Lips song
ThickAsThieves: aha
ThickAsThieves: its like some art concept
ThickAsThieves: incoherent
ThickAsThieves: i dont even know the name
ThickAsThieves: there's even nani shots in it
ThickAsThieves: NSFW
ThickAsThieves: erykah badu is insane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmWjpfYrihw#t=135
ThickAsThieves: mostly he just picks up women and puts them down
ThickAsThieves: it's not me I swear
ThickAsThieves: in case anyone is interested, I found a great new twitter account to follow: https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Assets
ThickAsThieves: except they actually took him seriously
ThickAsThieves: i guess bitcoin magazine beat me to it http://bitcoinmagazine.com/9143/krugman-barbarism-baloney/
ThickAsThieves: time to start calling out these journalists n shit
ThickAsThieves: i'm making an account
ThickAsThieves: who are some popular bitcoin personalities on twitter?
ThickAsThieves: "Mafias therefore continue to use Bitcoin through the universality of the Internet, how to launder their illicit much safer capital."
ThickAsThieves: lies
ThickAsThieves: "So it's no surprise the Bitcoin has become the preferred currency buyers of illicit goods such as weapons, narcotics, pornography"
ThickAsThieves: he could have just tweeted "It's funny how people value things!"
ThickAsThieves: christ
ThickAsThieves: are all journalists on drugs
ThickAsThieves: wtf is that article about?
ThickAsThieves: coinception
ThickAsThieves: build the coinmaker pankkake http://imgur.com/3zRdEWm
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theawl.com/2013/12/the-politics-of-the-next-dimension-do-ghosts-have-civil-rights
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: "Glad I waited until the last minute to buy everybody Bitcoin for Christmas."
ThickAsThieves: http://buttcoin.org/merry-bitmas
ThickAsThieves: makes sense
ThickAsThieves: he said 12-14weeks likely feels pain too
ThickAsThieves: people abort often at 3mos?
ThickAsThieves: thats 3mos though
ThickAsThieves: funny cuz its true?
ThickAsThieves: property
ThickAsThieves: there ya go
ThickAsThieves: does a sperm?
ThickAsThieves: cloudhashing in NYT too... http://imgur.com/ZcnVf9z
ThickAsThieves: his wife mustve oppressed him from it
ThickAsThieves: etc
ThickAsThieves: itd be a crime if some woman killed your baby, or if some daughter deprived you of your grandkid
ThickAsThieves: not the woman
ThickAsThieves: they want to be deciding what gets aborted and what doesnt
ThickAsThieves: it might be a male control thing in the sense that,
ThickAsThieves: probly depends who you ask
ThickAsThieves: reddit is in love with Andreas Antonopoulis lately