18200+ entries in 0.118s
a111: Logged on 2016-11-26 16:31 asciilifeform: koch's shitball per se is written in such
a way that the cruft is glued on with broken glass (all the ciphers are modularized in very gnarly multilayered way, whole thing relies through and through on his weirdo streams thing, 1,001 idiocies)
mircea_popescu: Turns out, Kochs pile of shit, despite eschewing constant time arithmetic, and being implemented in Overflowandcrashlang
loses the footrace, when given
a full-width modular exponentiation (i.e. one where it cannot cheat by skipping over leading zeroes.)
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in
a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
mircea_popescu: in other random not-news, is "ddosing" trilema by loading random pages ; but with
a few select "lurkmore.to" pages as referrer.
mircea_popescu: for crying out loud,
a virtual machine running firefox just to do what lobbesbot does atm in case archive.is croaks ?!
☟︎ mircea_popescu: we have
a hole in the process here, where bash existence is not === browser existence. phantomjs used to fill it, or at least mostly, or so i thought.
billymg: sorry for the slow pace, i'm still learning
a lot as i go
billymg: yeah, i think i'm using
a keccak version vdiff for creating the patch, but attempting to press with
a sha v.py
diana_coman: from what you say it would seem that you are actually using
a keccak version but that doesn't fit with what you said earlier re checksums not matching
billymg: diana_coman: my understanding was that as long as i created the vpatch with
a keccak-compatible vdiff then the hashes would be consistent with genesis and it would be ok. this assumption came from me being able to press vtools and mp-wp with my current v.py (grabbed from the link in the trb setup guide)
diana_coman: billymg, well, if the hash is not keccak, you can't exactly press it on top of
a keccak patch; and moreover if the sig doesn't verify then it doesn't press it so how would the changes be there?
billymg: yeah, i've been dragging my feet on that (although the vpatch itself was created with
a keccak vdiff tool). will update and report back
billymg: i'll do some more debugging, and also grab
a newer v.py, and see i can get it working
billymg: ok, updated and it now presses but when i inspect the resulting directory the changes aren't there (it also came with an error i saw before on genesis, about
a file's hash not matching expected -- i assumed this was because my v.py is pre-keccak)
bvt: i.e. in hanbot genesis, there is
a/mp-wp/manifest, while in your vpatch
bvt: billymg: it seems that you should move directory mp-wp into directories
a, b, not rename them.
billymg: well, first copied both to
a/ b/ respectively
billymg: diana_coman: i made
a copy of the directory that came from pressing the genesis (keeping the original), made my changes, then diffed the two directories
a111: Logged on 2018-11-12 20:25 bvt:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871478 << fixing/replacing the theme is on my todo list, however i still haven't fixed all the problems in wp-admin (png/jpg vs svg), so work on the theme will have to wait
a bit.
trinque: asciilifeform: walletsnip patch works great, just need to find time to regrind and further test. and aha, meanwhile diverted to cuntoo so we have
a l00nix
billymg: hanbot: if you like i could make and test
a patch to submit for review
billymg: but in any case, could also be
a quick patch, just to fix the file links
billymg: so wondering if maybe bvt or BingoBoingo caught this and updated, or what's there is from
a different release of mp-wp
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, it's the theme on top because mine has
a bit of very heavy handed my-way-or-the-highway re styles
mircea_popescu: speaking of penalties : i dusted off ancient trb (pre agression), just for curiosity. turns out it sucks ~1 block/minute in the 450k range (ie, catches up with
a year's chain per month, sorta thing).
mircea_popescu: billymg nice! as it happens nicoleci 's been looking for
a way to put her pic in the header, so maybe work together on
a theme ?
billymg: also i should note that i didn't include the css changes to the default theme in this patch because i thought
a user might want to add one but not the other
a111: Logged on 2018-10-22 21:26 billymg: what if i submitted
a vpatch that adds the js-text-selection feature and the few lines of CSS to the "default" theme in mp-wp (blue header one)?
billymg: hi all, this past week i've been able to take advantage of the holiday vacation time to get
a local workbench set up. i now have
a proper gnat so was able to build phf's vdiff. i also have my blog running locally which makes it
a lot easier to work on and test changes
mircea_popescu: come hell or high water, i'd rather manage my own household than whatever it is, nbc's movie arm, holcim's european sales, romania's only battleship or only central bank, WHATEVER it is -- if it comes with
a "but must have some idiot" coda i'd rather fucking manage my household.
mircea_popescu: managing idiots is
a game that can't be won, and ~ample experience~ is what informs my firm committment to tolerate no such thing.
mircea_popescu: i want to see some idiot "avoiding certain death in midget sub" throiugh the process of flailing around wildly and then dying mechanically about as much as i want
a pile of sophomore history of philosophy extemporaneous essay-form papers to go through.
mircea_popescu: anyway. canadians getting involved in things, the next step after women get involved in things. there's
a spiral of decay, and comedy's not gonna do any better than the british commonwealth did.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ~same folx been eatin' it ever since. tastes, reportedly ( asciilifeform did not have occasion to try, but father -- did , for some reason it ended up in orcistan ) like low-grade beef. << From what I've heard aquatic mammals tend to have
a flavor distinct from beef. This may differ for full oceanic mammals, but river dolphins are
a thing.
mircea_popescu: twitch.tv, there's
a whole "platform" website predicated on someone caring / people being too lazy to actually play.
mircea_popescu: these schmucks actually still exist, believe it or not, "content creators" consisting of
a fat dork jacking off to seth rogen's podcast and
a derpy chick carefully borderline sleeving her new york writer's boots.
mircea_popescu: nah. crisis is when merchants catch
a glimpse of the nudity of the supposed "reserve currency".
mircea_popescu: one day maybe they get
a brain, start doing something other than mouthbreathing kids renditions of parental activity.
mircea_popescu: the dolarization of economies is simply orcs following washington agenda. they sell dollars to push this angle whereby dollar is even remotely something like
a reserve currency.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> it's
a wonder anyone gets to keep
a job for
a whole damned year. << Increasingly they don't
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's this retard thing where Uruguay imagine it can have
a central bank. Looking at all of the possible things it could control it decides to do inflation as
a structural thing and try to keep the country solvent by chasing this moving target they made. THE CENTRAL BANK SELLS DOLLARS TO KEEP USD FROM FALLING VERSUS THE PESO!!! sort of insanity follows.
mircea_popescu: it's
a wonder anyone gets to keep
a job for
a whole damned year.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck is the figuring go, "all the kids are healthy and fine, spend all time in school, and as
a result every year i'm worth more" ?! more the fuck what, obviously there's more and more people who can do his job by virtue of women spawning and fewer and fewer people who need his job done, by virtue of his having been at work.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo what the fuck is this baked in expectation of "aumento" anyway ? what, schmuck sat an ass
a whole year, he expects somehow though the magic of planet's powers alligned he is now worth MORE ?
mircea_popescu opened
a thing of imported leberwurst, made one breadslice with dijon mustard, one slice with black pepper and fasskraut, one slice with sliced pickled gerkins.
bvt: the result of command from 'enable uploader' message is 'permission denied'. afaik changing owner of
a file works only for root.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 20:19 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-26#1883106 << honestly, this is
a better "decorative artwork" plan than i ~ever~ heard. and i heard girls with nice tits sitting on multi-mn budgets all over "teh civilised world".
BingoBoingo: Any pizzaro shared hosting customers who had me configure your mp-wp let me know if you have not recieved
a dispatch
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 13:08 diana_coman:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-25#1882987 -> my tests show that you can rely on <strong> </strong> for it to show in bold (b, em seem to be eaten); in further infuriating things, <blockquote> works but ONLY if used on separate line (i.e. this is
a <blockquote>bbw </blockquote> will do nothing but this is
a \n <blockquote>biegw</blockquote ...works
mircea_popescu: mod6 BingoBoingo was saying something about getting
a closer to original thing on pizarro
mod6: BingoBoingo: Can I get
a wp-mp @ pizarro when you have some time, feel free to invoice me or whatever is right and proper.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 12:58 diana_coman: perhaps unsurprisingly, the relative lengths of logs are not quite enough to predict relative lengths of summaries, ofc; the 10-16 dec summary is
a whopping 5.1k compared to 3.7k 26-2Dec despite logs being 31.3k vs 54.4k respectively; anyways, I'm rather relieved it turns out that the summary IS at least shorter than the logs!
mod6: Anyway, I just stopped in as I've been resting, reflecting, doing
a spot of work on these forthcoming blog posts over the month.
mod6: Cool, yeah, I hear ya there. We smoked
a ham, was pretty great actually.
mircea_popescu: kcHPKqv4Vh/wXr/joKFYa/Bv70RS24WUUiqsq3Ta50XXY/9/wlOW9zLTx4NGGR2XDbTJXl0XF4LTkQMc8DHw1Fq2b6AxvQRmdjKg= << in other news, reach the core is
a fun little game.
mircea_popescu: romania is
a small country, and it is incorrect to identify groups by their rarity.
a 10k demographic in romania is NOT "the same" as
a 10k demographic in the us ; it's the same as the 100k one.
mircea_popescu: it's actually
a different demographic. ~these~, the moron you saw in romania, advertise themselves in the us as "having
a hobby" in their corporate cv. they go race rc boats every third weekend or somesuch.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i guarantee you that schmuck had
a large debt load to maintain his illusion of being "in civilised world" along with occasional participation at "color revolutions" and various idiotic conversations with similarily inane "friends".