18100+ entries in 0.13s
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, someone made a porny dune 1 ( http://gamcore.com/games/behind_the_dune )
jurov: mircea_popescu: yes I can do the exchange.
asciilifeform: then he conceded, more or less, that the whole 'micro-nations' crackpottery, was lame, for more or less the reasons described by mircea_popescu .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in recent lulz : asciilifeform ran into the d00d in http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-start-your-own-country-adnotated/ , in meatspace
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 17:15 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: oh. so. "the world doesnt care about the cool hackers on the internet, but only the assholes with prestigious positions." this has been a widely known complaint for a long time
trinque: asciilifeform: yes, shitgnomes in both the gentoo and musl-overlay portage trees continued their brownian motion and diana_coman for example couldn't build, one day
mircea_popescu: you were there for the threads, neh, diana_coman working with ave1 to get it going ?
asciilifeform: ( or was mircea_popescu trying to put it on arm box , and waiting for arm gnat ? )
trinque: mircea_popescu: I was trolling alf here.
mircea_popescu: anyway. rather than the transparent shenanigans, it is of greater concern that ~no one is on freenode. i mean, the fucktards in #lisp still, TO THIS DAY, haven't yet figured their way out of the paper bag of my asking "hey folk, would you like a candi_lustt ?".
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that , and last week's , and at least 1nce between the 2
a111: Logged on 2015-01-31 21:23 mircea_popescu: http://blog.freenode.net/2014/10/server-issues-update/
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu's pill, of limiting payload mass per shot, is prolly The Right Thing ( tho keep in mind that, given the erratic block production of typical shitfork, it will make for a quite slow and volatile dumping )
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i seem to recall electrum being one of those turds that ~nobody was able to get to even build, and ~all of the users used a binturd, which at least 1nce turned out to contain straight back orifice
a111: Logged on 2016-02-19 15:24 mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu> so now with https://blog.freenode.net/2016/02/recent-events-and-future-changes/ it is probably a good time to point out that i've been trying to get you people a server for maybe three years now. are you still unable to be helped or has that bad habit of the past changed also ? kloeri ? mist ? or who do i talk to.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i guess we can revisit this hypothesis when somebody asks your bot to transmute 100btc worth of shitcoin, and hostile upstream node bamboozles yer electrum into sending it to hitler.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: same problem applies to using it to move shitcoins, as in bitcoin
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: electrum is poison
a111: Logged on 2018-05-29 01:08 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, ideally interfaces with all the goxen.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i was thinking re detail of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819365 : theoretically a pure shitcoin<->btc transmutator, does not need gox in the loop, if shitcoin ~buyers~ could be persuaded to visit it and buy ☝︎
mod6: I do have these ones too for the one hooked up to the rockchip, not sure if interested: http://mod6.net/2018/May/12/rockchip_fg_test.txt
a111: Logged on 2018-05-29 00:13 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, nice work there!
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Answered http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/#comment-115101
phf: it's also that brief time of the year in maryland dc area when the weather is _good_. the rollercoaster of winter is past, but the swampy oppressive summer isn't here yet.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-29 01:46 mircea_popescu: well, his principal problem isn't even that ; but rather that there isn't ~anything fucking there~. he'd like to have some sort of relationship with someone, but the problem is that he does not actually encounter anyone capable of it.
lobbes: seems indeed no mysql for /dev-lang/php (but then.. how did you get mp-wp working if mysqli evidently can't cut the mustard and no mysql O_o) >> https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/php
a111: Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums.
asciilifeform: btw, the 'true' limonov's masterlulz, was actually translated to english. for aficionados strictly : https://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/1002492/Limonov_Edward_-_Its_Me_Eddie.html
asciilifeform: which limonov did mircea_popescu read, i now gotta ask
a111: Logged on 2018-05-28 00:09 mircea_popescu: jurov, do you offer sweeping of old bitcoin addies as a service ? might be a decent way to cash some change.
lobbes: Oh hey. Ty BingoBoingo for that php5.6-on-gentoo-rockchip guide. I will try it out (paging diana_coman)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 20:04 mod6: jurov: thank's for the Q. I'm fine with liquidation. ben_vulpes, agree/disagree?
mod6: ben_vulpes: any thoughts re: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819277 ☝︎
phf: (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "/tmp/fooXXXXXX")) (#_mkdtemp x)) should just work. i'm not sure why esthlos has a nesting there
mod6: fair enough. I was just trying to get a mental idea of where it's at. I don't activly track BCH or BTG. We'll see what ben_vulpes has to say.
mod6: jurov: thank's for the Q. I'm fine with liquidation. ben_vulpes, agree/disagree? ☟︎
jurov: mod6: ben_vulpes: perhaps you noticed the foundation has some bitcoin cash/gold. liquidate? ☟︎
spyked: mircea_popescu, dun think I've seen that one either. first somewhat "creepy" movie I've seen was Twin Peaks cca 1992. but not creepy in the horror sense, and I was 4yo at the time, didn't get much of what was happening.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-26 15:02 mircea_popescu: re the voicing approach : the above is fine. the alternative, where you keep a dedicated key on the bot, is also fine. the damage it can do is very limited (what, spend money it doesn't have ? rate people ?) and the upside is that you get to find out about possible attacks. neither method is wrong or anything.
spyked: mircea_popescu, didn't see it. but there don't seem to be any romanian names in the cast, so wtf. made me curious, adding it to the list.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 15:06 mircea_popescu: incidentally, if anyone can explain wtf selection dun work on pages, i'd be thankful
deedbot: BingoBoingo paid ben_vulpes invoice 2
BingoBoingo: !!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 2
a111: Logged on 2018-03-29 16:50 mircea_popescu: lobbes austria is in the wrong. you buy cheap young hussies generally. romania-czech-slovakia-slovenia-serbia etc, the periphery of the empire. not austria (or hungary), the fucking center of it
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 01:47 mircea_popescu: not just theory, either. afaik it's how BingoBoingo learned spanish.
esthlos: I'm looking into the expansion of ccl:with-cstrs to see why it's #_mkdtemp might raise an error
trinque: also the code you pasted had a #_mkdtemp wrapped in a #_mkdtemp ?
esthlos: as in (progn (#_mkdtemp (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "/tmp/fooXXXXXX")) (#_mkdtemp x))) (format t "~a" (ccl::%GET-ERRNO)))
trinque: appears to work, i.e. (#_mkdtemp (ccl::make-cstring "/tmp/fooXXXXXX"))
esthlos: example: (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "x")) (#_puts x))
esthlos: err, #_mkdtemp sets errno to -38
esthlos: also mircea_popescu , I'm curious what your formula for learning new languages is; or to be more precise, what your advice is to an esltard trying to not be so tarded
esthlos: hey mircea_popescu, you used to study physics, right? any opinion on mach's principle?
lobbes: diana_coman: I've been on a quest for the last few days trying to get a LAMP running on my rockchip. I was getting barfs on emerging php-5.6 but managed to at least get php 7.2.4 installed
spyked: mircea_popescu, word.
spyked: I'll leave this open for discussion for a coupla days or so. meanwhile any comments from other lisp bot operators ( ben_vulpes, lobbes, phf et al.) are muchly appreciated.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 22:46 spyked: mircea_popescu, no, not yet. it's next on the todo list.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 21:16 mircea_popescu: nevermind that part for now. do you have a value for $x in "hey $x".
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 21:11 mircea_popescu: well, did you protest that anywhere ? preferably as "hey $x, im trying to use ircbot to make rssbot, but you've not got voice going ?!"
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 21:31 mircea_popescu: what metaphor! it's an metasyntactic variable, you never encountered before ?!
jurov: ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sUtrF/?raw=true
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 22:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818735 << is is settled that rsa checks are waste of time / undesirable ? having a sane process doing kernel check may not be terrible, neh ?
spyked: mircea_popescu, yeah, the example was only intended to give preview, re "what've you been doing all this time". btw, can unsubscribe using !F unsubscribe <link>. otherwise it'll send you messages after I figure out what's borken.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818764 << may end up having to import Framedragger_ s' multi-line thing as a means to return. ☝︎
spyked: mircea_popescu, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/R1NKS/?raw=true for example. lemme know if it breaks
spyked: mircea_popescu, no, not yet. it's next on the todo list. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: pipp8: http://cascadianhacker.com/20_a-summary-of-changes-to-bitcoin-since-0321
pipp8: mircea_popescu, ok
spyked: mircea_popescu, okay. the rss bot needs self-voicing, command prefixes et al., so it's eventually going to come further down in the tree, on top of them.
spyked: mircea_popescu, then if they're separate branches and if I want to make purely hypothetical spykedbot that does both? would end up with patch with two antecedents, should v press that? should I regrind?
spyked: mircea_popescu, but say I have a similar itcbot vtree, with logbot on top. then top of it I include trilemabot (handling self-voicing et al.), then on top of that rss bot. then if I want to use rss bot but not logbot (which don't depend on each other), how would I go about that?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk seen on phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
mircea_popescu: afaik ben_vulpes made one and trinque the other or somesuch. in general, the cause for this is author1 thinks author2 is an idiot. ☟︎
spyked: mircea_popescu, then I dun understand why http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot the disjoint graph on the right
spyked: mircea_popescu, lemme try to restate the thing as I see it. the rss bot doesn't make changes to ircbot, it's a new thing that uses ircbot as a dependency. so from this follows (in my mind, so pls to say if broken!) that the new thing will be a genesis.
spyked: mircea_popescu, the rss bot would branch the ircbot tree then. if trinque or mircea_popescu see any reason for adding rss bot on top of ircbot, I see no reason not to, but it would be disjoint item (i.e. only file changed would be manifest)
spyked: mircea_popescu, it is going to be separate item, but based on ircbot. can't be an extension of ircbot, for the same reason logbot can't be (some people might not wanna put a rsstron into their ircbot)
spyked: mircea_popescu, I ended up working on a couple of new ones. a. trilema spec subset and b. rss bot.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 19:46 spyked: mircea_popescu, it's good timing, since I've been doing some reading ircbot code and comparing with my own implementation. I've actually been contemplating http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-26#1786288 and rolling my own was not a wholly useless endeavour, i.e. http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/#selection-322.0-322.5 so I'll document the whole thing on the blog.
spyked: mircea_popescu, which "this"? my reading ircbot, or the implication regarding v?
spyked: mircea_popescu, yes
spyked: the reason I was first set off by mircea_popescu's question was that it led me to "what implication do lisp modules (packages?) have for v? is each module/package supposed to have its own v tree?"
trinque: mircea_popescu: deedbot is *providing* auth here
spyked: but yes, I understand mircea_popescu now, thing is vaporware/non-existent until properly published and signed.
spyked: mircea_popescu, trinque, aha, now I get my miscommunication. but I confess to being confused by the "value for $x" question.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Will do.
spyked: mircea_popescu, I admit some of my wording might be confusing, but I announced that in my report today. self-voicing is a prerequisite for rss bot, arising from http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818700 , so I'm implementing. how is this state switching? ☝︎
spyked: mircea_popescu, it can be used to implement self-voicing, but no, it doesn't implement that functionality itself.
spyked: mircea_popescu, in the same sense that logbot is a logging module for ircbot, yes. that would mean b (in the a, b, c above)
spyked: mircea_popescu, I'm not sure what you mean. lemme explain: the rss bot depends on ircbot and other pieces (some imported from heathenlands, some written by scratch from yours truly). from my reading so far, (e.g. diana_coman's use of MPI in Eucrypt) I dun see this as a strictly solved problem. I could a. make a new genesis consisting of ircbot + rss bot + all dependencies, or b. genesis rss bot alone (and mention ircbot + all others as
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 20:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818697 << is this a set of patches on existing bot or a whole new genesis for some reason ?
spyked: mircea_popescu, i haven't thought about that yet. but needless to say, the bot depends on many pieces that are not v-ified (and for that matter also does ircbot).
a111: Logged on 2018-05-18 17:14 mircea_popescu: !!up IamNotWhatIam
asciilifeform: if it's gossipd transport layer, massively loud sw station is the Wrong Thing ( unless you're mircea_popescu , and have the cannon battery around the mast, and can be arsed )
asciilifeform: phf: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot/+/firmware-veyron-6588.B << supposed src
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/c101pa_bottom_nope.jpg << subj
spyked: Mocky: methinks users should be able to talk to the bot via PM, e.g. to subscribe to feeds. the bot will permit "private" subscriptions too, iirc mircea_popescu uses this.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 14:47 mircea_popescu: once you can make 'em it's darn obvious, and before it's impossibru and "vague" and throws fit
a111: Logged on 2018-05-24 14:07 mircea_popescu: http://ave1.org/planding.html << this is altogether not terrible. if it's not much of a landing page, at least it's clean and legible.
trinque: https://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2017/04/ray-maria-stata-center-frank-gehry-massachusetts-institute-of-technology-10-ten-iconic-buildings-mit-campus_dezeen_sq.jpg << for the innocent