17200+ entries in 0.401s
BingoBoingo: Except no "nao" doesn't read as the same thing it did pre Uruguay
diana_coman: well, I never used slime so I can't comment
asciilifeform: (not 'emacs' per se, but e.g. slime. you couldn't pay me to write lisp without slime or equivalent, just as not even gulag inmates will dig with hands instead of spade )
diana_coman: as long as it doesn't basically cripple me to everything else, I can use it, sure
diana_coman: I suspect it's more the investment in the habit really; printer might be *one form* but it doesn't convince me much in itself
diana_coman: ah, should have been precise there: they don't make a difference for me at this stage; I can stick to 80 just as I can stick to 76 really
asciilifeform: ( i can't see from where mircea_popescu extracts this )
mircea_popescu: so you don't have much to work with.
mircea_popescu: "turns out primes isn't even in W!"
asciilifeform: then again i didn't expect 'primes is in p' either.
asciilifeform: 'can't pick witnesses trngistically because reasons'
asciilifeform: that wouldn't win anything tho
mircea_popescu: i don't want the 1/4 bit of parity
mircea_popescu: if you don't set it, it can always be worst case.
mircea_popescu: doesn't matter.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 22:30 asciilifeform: 'top 2 bits and bottom bit are ALWAYS 1!' << asciilifeform still doesn't get why to weld the next-to-highest
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764245 << suspicious, isn't it ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: can't even reform anything around here!
asciilifeform: 'if i can't use my drum printer, i dun want yer revolution' or how did emma goldman put it..
mircea_popescu: i can't come up with any good counters.
phf: so a dangle like that is an indicator. in fact a dangle like that usually exists in programs that don't 80 column. but sometimes a dangle like that might just be necessary
phf: mircea_popescu: you don't necessarily need to introduce a break, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764371 ☝︎
phf: well, luckily mp doesn't produce v patches, so this a non-issue
asciilifeform: and if i can't print it without indent-destroying reflow, or use of tiny letters, ditto
asciilifeform: proggy ain't reflowable.
mircea_popescu: (+if my articles aren't plaintext what are they bonus)
phf: right, but you can't do that in plain text file
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 19:23 ben_vulpes: > i haven't tried this test yet << and you don't know that it only works on the feeble minded, literally anyone else is going to see exactly what you're doing and give the canned response that you want: "the patriarchy keeps women down and what is really called for is demoting and docking mens wages, and promoting science education for little girls, and generally eradicating the constructed gender binary so
phf: elastic spaces in this case means variable width spaces. you can't have that in plain text. you can either have foo_bar or foo__bar or ...
phf: when you eliminate hyphenation as a concern, you're just left with elastic spaces, but you don't have those in monospace plain text. you just have full sized spaces, but their granularity is so high as to be almost useless
mircea_popescu: all these fucktards "being involved" in various topics through insistently discussing what they read in hustler. jacking off doesn't make you a beautician/car mechanic/architect/dentist/etcetera. it may make you blind, apparently, to the world around, but whatevs.
mircea_popescu: "human rights" hurr. nobody reading that thought "o hey, how great, old woman gets ground into the dirt". HOWEVER, the difference between sane person and moderntard is that they also didn't go "HEY, PIXIE DUST!!! MAKE ALL BETTER!!!"
mircea_popescu: the epicycles, before removal, a) had a history whcih b) was understood by the removers. the "alien problem" is how lazy jwz say "i don't want to read", by and large.
asciilifeform: the litmus asciilifeform lives with is, roughly: show him a pertinent item made of 'maths he hasn't learned'; is response 'hmm, lemme disappear for a week into my study and come back' or ... 'I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO !111'
mircea_popescu: "oh, DO WE STILL HAVE TO DO THIS ?!?!?! IN 2018 ?!?! EPICYCLES ?!?!?". gimme a break, you can't light a fucking lightbulb. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-07-07 01:17 asciilifeform: wiles, see, 'doesn't count' because 'too long and uses things not taught in kindergarten and wtf is this'
asciilifeform: pretty much every boy thinks that the maths he hasn't learned yet, 'is epicycle'
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 16:39 mircea_popescu: don't lie, because if you do you form a sort of mental habit that will prevent you from ever inventing anything.
mircea_popescu: so following recursively down the rabbit hole (see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1761834 ) it then follows that this being a problem "they shouldn't have to have" etcetera. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764095 << scheuristic, ie, the schelling heuristic. like a point, except a heuristic. btw, is the point clear there ? not that "epicycles weren't abolished", but that "the substantial difference between the real item, ie, epicycles, which were so abolished, and the pantsuitology item, ie clothespin, which never existed, is exactly of the nature of defeated-enemy vs defeated-strawman" ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it could also be that there's so much metrage of dead air to fill and so very little to fill it with. "this may be an entertaining talkshow ; it isn't, of course, but... WSOD!!!"
a111: Logged on 2018-01-05 00:02 asciilifeform: ( why ? e.g. naggum's canonical 'if all you need is for something to "work", and you don't give a damn when and how it fails, C++ and Perl is for you. if you care deeply about not having your software fail, you would naturally feel a correspondingly deep sense of betrayal from the authors of both languages -- because they make it so damn hard to express the fact that you do care about the failure modes.' )
asciilifeform: just like it isn't ebola, or tin pest.
asciilifeform: it isn't a leak, as such, isn't a heap
mircea_popescu: motherfucker, why the pointless animal cruelty! not like you didn't know plywood dun work for this application.
mircea_popescu: but WHY would someone involved DO THIS. it's like dentist going "and here's a squirrel i put wooden teeth into. they were plywood and didn't work very well, it's not intended for geriatric care"
mircea_popescu: yeah, i expect so. certainly they didn't go about collecting best-kim-ung's oppinions.
mircea_popescu: i don't get it, what else is there ? usg wrote its fanfic itself too.
danielpbarron: well i don't wanna bore the channel with stuff you can easily learn from atruechurch.info
asciilifeform: ( why ? e.g. naggum's canonical 'if all you need is for something to "work", and you don't give a damn when and how it fails, C++ and Perl is for you. if you care deeply about not having your software fail, you would naturally feel a correspondingly deep sense of betrayal from the authors of both languages -- because they make it so damn hard to express the fact that you do care about the failure modes.' ) ☟︎
asciilifeform as you can see from the pic, uses vertical displays. and when reading serious proggy , tends to send it to printer ! which - guesswhat - doesn't know how to reflow ( and if it did, would mangle indent and create unreadable soup )
asciilifeform: inefficiency are bad for Lisp, which would have done it a lot better had it been in control, but GUILE doesn't do it any better. GUILE combines the worst of both worlds, in an attempt to bring the best of one world to a world where it doesn't really belong. on top of this, it's Scheme, and it's expensive to run, there's so much wrong with it that nobody can use it without fixing some part of it. so, it's going to be a winner, but
asciilifeform: 'top 2 bits and bottom bit are ALWAYS 1!' << asciilifeform still doesn't get why to weld the next-to-highest ☟︎
danielpbarron: we don't do https here
jpxe: ben_vulpes: There a reason the first site doesn't use SSL?
danielpbarron: he was asking for a job so i asked if he had tits, he didn't, so i said do you know lisp or ada
shinohai: You don't even have to speak, trinque .... telepathic rape occurs if you masturbate while thinking of her without her consent.
trinque: "oh deary me, please don't rape me sir"
asciilifeform: essentially, 'yes we put srams in the fabric but they can't shift, fuckyou'
ben_vulpes: phf: i haven't watched much television or many movies full stop
asciilifeform: haskellism isn't particularly different from other pseudosciences pushed by socialistoid scum
ben_vulpes: > i haven't tried this test yet << and you don't know that it only works on the feeble minded, literally anyone else is going to see exactly what you're doing and give the canned response that you want: "the patriarchy keeps women down and what is really called for is demoting and docking mens wages, and promoting science education for little girls, and generally eradicating the constructed gender binary so ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 18:05 asciilifeform: i can't speak for the good doctor newton. but asciilifeform specifically ~did~ target , for extermination, 'git' & related idiocies.
esthlos: I've spent the last year or so trying to figure wtf happened to computing post-symbolics. still can't see the complexity which lead to the current disaster
mircea_popescu: certainly previously they didn't, as per https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCLh51FhpA
mircea_popescu: i expect most didn't even know why the fuck they're there.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: unfortunately i can't answer this, my ouijatron is broken...
mircea_popescu: ie, were they nazi or weren't they ?
mircea_popescu: now THAT is a fine fucking example of a problem you don't want to ever have : when your problems are resolvable by whining it's not unlike when your washing is resolved by the ocean : you're fucked.
mircea_popescu: "i shouldn't have to strip to get an A, i shouldn't have to suck cock to get a job, i shouldn't have to fuck the customer to keep it, i shouldn't have to..."
mircea_popescu: go to teacher/boss/great inca and say "this is an alien problem" meaning, "you gods shouldn';t have made the maze so long for me, the rat"
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 14:53 asciilifeform: 'hardware isn't easy to build therefore couldn't possibly be necessary, the gods would not have made this level so hard, for me, the hero' or similar.
asciilifeform: 'if the model is ugly, it's epicyclic even if we don't have the reduction yet' is an ideological, yes, position
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that many problems admit retrospective solutions is not at issue here ; the whole content of "i suspect the notion of "shouldn't even be having" is 100% pantsuit wank." is that "alien problems" are an artefact of the retelling of history (esp if with a purpose) rarther than of the making of history.
asciilifeform: i can't speak for the good doctor newton. but asciilifeform specifically ~did~ target , for extermination, 'git' & related idiocies. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and newton didn't sit down to abolish them, either.
mircea_popescu: anyway -- an alien problem is a problem with a banal retrospective solution that doesn't exist. it works well for fiction, where one can say "and on planet x, people all walked with their nose in a clothespin, then our hero came in, told them to ditch the clothespins, AND THEREFORE WAS A HERO. AND IS!" ie, establishing shot.
mircea_popescu: so entrepreneurial witch doctor applies self to inventing problems he could actually solve, so as to flip "doesn't" into "does or doesn't".
mircea_popescu: consider the case of a doctor. guy comes into office, outputs a string ; doctor responds with some activity and some instruction ; problem gets better or doesn't.
mircea_popescu: well since you squeeze me, here it is : i suspect the notion of "shouldn't even be having" is 100% pantsuit wank.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-26 01:11 asciilifeform: 'I’d like to see one expression coined by the poker writer Matt Matros become common parlance, since it applies far more widely than only to poker. An “alien problem” means some problem that might be fun, interesting and educational to analyze, and it would be really important to know the solution if you ever found yourself in that situation, but the point is that you shouldn't even be having that problem in the first pl
mircea_popescu: phf he's the proverbial fox hunting dog that the fox ~doesn't even have to bat its tail~ for him to fork off.
mircea_popescu: (not a great lisper myself, but it seems to me here he got caught in the "since i won't be implementing the posix and gnupg bs yet, im not going to put the thing dependent on tyhem at its right place either, because i wanna fuck myself over")
mircea_popescu: don't tell me it came out as "blockchain never had 1mn blocks so why should we care"
mircea_popescu: am i the only one who doesn't deem n>1k improbable ?
esthlos: but firefox doesn't implement knuths algo!!11
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform many things i use are deliberately set up so either it works or it fails. in thsi case "couldn't make text flow sanely - aborting".
asciilifeform: 60 is merely ugly. but it doesn't break anything
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 16:50 mircea_popescu: ReadErr don't break up your logical sentences, it's unseemly. people read whole lines, you don[t have to make a saladpoem out of your thoughts.
mircea_popescu: i don't get it, if your ;; is followed by 8kb of text this breaks something ?
mircea_popescu: also breaking my automation in the process, because THIS it didn't see before.
asciilifeform: afaik it doesn't
mircea_popescu: esthlos so you don't attempt to control my viewport ?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-17 03:52 mircea_popescu does his usual s%\n\n%\r\r% s%\n% % s%\r\r%\n\n% while muttering underbreath about the idiocy of fucktards who STILL DON'T UNDERTAND NEWLINE STANDS FOR NEW PARAGRAPH!!11
BingoBoingo: That's bullshit of the same vein as the t-shirts that say "Keep East Saint Louis Beautiful"
mircea_popescu: phf i can't understand why this would be, after all ubuntu came about as an attempt to bring linux to the masses.
mircea_popescu: ag3nt_zer0 do it again, a) write down the specifics and b) don't wait a month.
ag3nt_zer0: it was a month ago so don't have the specifics anymore but system was telling me that i needed a number of libs... I dl'ed and installed but the libs later in sequence were telling me they needed the earlier libs which were already supposedly installed. I tried the process several times and am happy to do it again if you think this is the best way but I was thinking maybe ubuntu isn't the most pragmatic for this?
mircea_popescu: "you can't work on it yourself!!!".
BingoBoingo: Montevideo has dispelled much of the appeal of Big ships for me. The whole watching them lumber about in the Rio de Plata... They don't look very fun to drive.