16100+ entries in 0.057s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: well yes !
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didja read the beginning, say, of ffa. there's a proof of correctness for the adder, for instance.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mnope. how about 'the only 0day is an asteroid'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you don't need real time response, or monotonicity ( you made a change and it stays made , instead of randomly reverting itself like fart in the wind ) then existing botnet is more or less what you want.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'shell' used here in the general sense of 'apparatus that spits out responses to button presses in approx. psychological-realtime'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the principal boojum is not-being-transparent-to-enemy
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fwiw i've been stabbing at the 1024 chickens thing since 2006 or so
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: nah, but they make up for it with genderswappers
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: slow links are tolerable, and can be abstracted over ( consider how 'vi' came to exist, for instance. ) data loss, however, is harder to swallow
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: quite aware
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: to turn 99.99 into 999999
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ever use a box over a 'martian' connection, that drops, say, 90% of packets
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: but observe, it pushes and pops in realtime and predictably.
asciilifeform: sina, mircea_popescu, et al : pretty interesting thread.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 08:20 mircea_popescu: the typical botnet is what, a bunch of fridges sending ntp requests ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 08:09 mircea_popescu: interesting. what was the problem with it ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 08:12 mircea_popescu: which depends on deedbot payments, which reminds me... how's that going trinque ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 09:18 mircea_popescu: take Framedragger for instance.
scriba: Logged on 2017-06-29: [18:10:49] <mircea_popescu> this view is correct -- while usg stands, it is shameful for man to work. man must steal.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 04:15 mircea_popescu: wtf is wrong with you ?
sina: mircea_popescu: *el paso theme song* why not both?
sina: mircea_popescu: it was trying to prove at the time, that you could construct system in such a way that it can't expose its own info by amateur fuckups
sina: mircea_popescu: it was more to prove the point at the time that Ulbricht was a numpty who couldn't secure his own ass
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 02:18 mircea_popescu: the only way for A and B to be introduced, outside of the grandfatherly, A fucks B and they exchange bits of paper, is C tells A about B and B about A.
sina: mircea_popescu: earlier you said "spin up new ones"
sina: mircea_popescu: when the people I know first wrote ZeroVM it was like 2012 or so, and at the time I was working at a startup you may recall that. and I told everyone we shoudl get involved, was ignored, then ZeroVM got "acquihired" by Rackspace
sina: mircea_popescu: no problem with it, just nobody wants this!
a111: Logged on 2017-05-02 15:39 mircea_popescu: could I do something like !$mirror <url> 5 so as to get it to spin up 5 separate instances, load url, unpack it and serve ?
sina: mircea_popescu: so is UCI just candi_lustt + an interface you can pay for resources via?
candi_lustt: mircea_popescu: 5
sina: mircea_popescu: FYI that is a bunch of send and recv from 2 peers, (1 on port 5555, other on port 5556) on the same network interface ( ...it's not a single "session"
sina: mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZXfR3/?raw=true base64 encoded because PCAPs are binary, so pls base64 decode first
sina: mircea_popescu: what do you want to see ideally? just a lisp repl with irc interface?
sina: mircea_popescu: I dunno. all I can say is when I was reading the ai logs, and you mentioned irc repl, I was thinking about how it could be implemented
sina: mircea_popescu: I feel fine about reducing everything once the concept is OK'd
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 02:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675565 << the problem with the concept of a "session" is that it attempts to link machine state to world state. this is a very tenuous proposition, and the fundamental reason why sessionificatyion of (the correctly designed) stateless http protocol failed for 30 years straight and will continue to fail forever.
sina: mircea_popescu: ok, so then save my key somewhere onto the filesystem like /tmp/sina_exchange.pub and run: gossipc --set-peer-key --name sina -k /tmp/sina_exchange.pub
sina: mircea_popescu: can you 'ssh root@'
sina: mircea_popescu: where are you atm? I booted in Frankfurt thinking you were in EU but just realised you're probly elsewhere :P
sina: mircea_popescu: would you be willing to ssh into another box where it's setup?
sina: mircea_popescu: old man python hey? you should be able to clone the repo and run "python setup.py install" from inside the repo dir
sina: mircea_popescu: sure.
mircea_popescu: "sina: ok, so should I keep my screw implementation as is?" "mircea_popescu: yes."
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: mp-wp is pretty neat
sina: mircea_popescu: suggestion. "A third operation is the flipping of a number of bits in either S or R," should read "elements A or B" and make that operation generic
sina: mircea_popescu: I didn't forget, I thought you updated the blogpost on the day to reflect that and I did it on my README too
a111: Logged on 2017-06-10 01:32 mircea_popescu: it should actually be "expand and screw r in s":
sina: mircea_popescu: yes both python and go return identical hashes for stuff I tested
ben_vulpes: or mircea_popescu
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668957 << not terrifically unexpected, no ☝︎
sina: mircea_popescu: are you asking if that is the only place it exists other than my HDD? a: no
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function
sina: mircea_popescu: next q was where live, for me pls github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python and github.com/sinner-mpfhf-golang
sina: mircea_popescu: if I had said my blog was sina.com.au would you have had same reaction?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-10 04:04 mircea_popescu: counterintuitively counting must be from 0 ?!
a111: Logged on 2017-06-10 03:59 mircea_popescu: i say count from 1.
sina: mircea_popescu: off the top of my head there were two things that I thought needed clarification
sina: must find food. mircea_popescu please excuse if I'm tardy on your return
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i still eat'em faster than they shit'em, but currently tied up
a111: Logged on 2017-06-29 21:39 mircea_popescu: in the end the circling will always come to the same square : do you wish to live long, or do you wish to live well.
sina: mircea_popescu: sure. happy to. FWIW, I kept README.md in my python repo updated with the spec as our discussions went on
a111: Logged on 2017-06-29 20:38 mircea_popescu: was next step but sina moved to gossipding
BingoBoingo: <trinque> who said new! << 4 srs, mircea_popescu just needs decades of car buying experience to go used because his tastes run German and not lawnmower
a111: Logged on 2017-06-29 22:04 mircea_popescu: now, evidently they have time-locks and other safeguards on the whole bullshit. but as a factual matter average redditard will have wasted no less than 20k in cash by the time he's "established" in "the community".
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> it tightened that badly already, all usoviet is good for is ~decent restaurant meal ? << That's based off of the free student loan money conduit. Eat 20 kilodollars in debt, get less than 10 % in paperable for "living expenses"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: short+well is what we get here already...
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> any ustard can get 10-20k cash nqa. << Nah, they might... if they are lucky may touch ~1.5-3 kilodollars cash
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/the-universal-plan-for-wealth/#comment-122297
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no matter how you cut it, however, i dun have a battery that will power a keygeneratory-capable comp for a month. and neither does anybody else.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: give which
asciilifeform: per mircea_popescu's 'tide' article.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'better position' i admit is a poor phrasing. moar of 'give arsonist 10x the petrol'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'll admit to a complete puzzlement re which 'it' i 'have there' 'and not here'
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> then the needs baloon. << Healthcare!!!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'stalingrad' hypothesis was not re 'germany wins' but rather 'prolongs the agony' -- could have easily finished wrecking the not-yet-wrecked half of europe, say.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 17:34 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-14#1626921 << yes. there's absolutely no argument that bitcoin dying on the enemy's terms would be an unmitigated catastrophe. chernobyl pales in comparison, it'd be on the level of "wheel is useless anyway" wisdom of dropped-on-head amerindians, or "oh pretty, spinning wheels" greek steam engine. utterly catastrophic. which is why eg http://trilema.com/2013/mpoe-march-2013-statement/#selection
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: afaik this is only dampered today by the lack of folx willing to part with btc
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> it's a whole thing, "oh, PRESERVE HIS DRUNKEN TWEETS" << Herr Tritler doesn't drink
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this'd likely end with a gorbachev-like 'mr. president is not feeling well today, or this week, needs his rest' while pantsuits take the wheel.
asciilifeform: yes but mircea_popescu's security folx for ~for mircea_popescu~ and not for 'our demoocracy'
asciilifeform: yes but mircea_popescu came equipped with a head.
shinohai: Good morning mircea_popescu o/
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675561 << i reread the mega-thread, and it seems that i promised mircea_popescu an algo ! and never iirc posted... ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 16:50 mircea_popescu: i read gb.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Procrustean bed | Define Procrustean bed at Dictionary.com: <http://www.dictionary.com/browse/procrustean-bed>; Procrustean bed | Define Procrustean bed at Dictionary.com: <http://www.dictionary.com/browse/procrustean-bed>; Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology: Procrustes - Mythweb: <http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/entries/procrustes.html>
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i got one here with 16G and counting
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:44 mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
asciilifeform: describe, for education, how mircea_popescu goes about doing this.
asciilifeform: but i suspect mircea_popescu would have liked. brazil.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 14:38 asciilifeform: soooo asciilifeform was taking a morning walk and saw a sight straight out of a mircea_popescu article. teenage chick standing in doorway, her mother (?) packing something into car, in front yard. chick then lifts her shirt and reveals naked cunt, and smiles. mother goes apeshit, screaming in, i think, portuguese, even now, i can almost hear it through open window.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 09:12 sina: thanks to clarification from mircea_popescu Framedragger and asciilifeform I have refactored for statelessness, which led to a significant amount of unnecessary code being deleted!
sina: mircea_popescu: mornin. I rejigged the gossipthing. I think what I have now reflects more closely what was discussed earlier. however I also think the spec vastly differs so may be worthwhile adding a disclaimer to the existing one or writing an entirely new one
asciilifeform: certainly a lulzgem, to see creatures step out of the pages of mircea_popescu and into meat
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu oughta send his ufo over and pick up his 'candidate'
asciilifeform: soooo asciilifeform was taking a morning walk and saw a sight straight out of a mircea_popescu article. teenage chick standing in doorway, her mother (?) packing something into car, in front yard. chick then lifts her shirt and reveals naked cunt, and smiles. mother goes apeshit, screaming in, i think, portuguese, even now, i can almost hear it through open window. ☟︎
sina: thanks to clarification from mircea_popescu Framedragger and asciilifeform I have refactored for statelessness, which led to a significant amount of unnecessary code being deleted! ☟︎
sina: live your dreams mircea_popescu! set all that stuff on fire :P
sina: mircea_popescu: this is AU, no Mexicans, mostly SE Asians
sina: mircea_popescu: my perspective is that I am just trying to implement what appears to be an interesting spec. for the reason of being interested in implementing that spec. so when I ask for tmsrthing clarification, it is just in terms of spec, not in terms of "making a thing" ...if that makes sense
asciilifeform: it can be as expensive ( broadcast to galaxy! ) or cheap ( request a turd in web form, which actually reduces to approx. mircea_popescu's original..! ) as desired.