asciilifeform: diana_coman: fwiw i see 0 diff b/w sovok 'top' and goldmansachs top , in re 'how much think' or any other interesting aspect
asciilifeform: ( i dunno if al schwartz drank, but may as well )☟︎
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the reich where 'killed for being thinking people' is ~right here~. simply they dun do it with gulag, they do it much cheaper, by driving'em to drink
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: upstack to the keccak -- 8x moar compact keccak is Right Thing, but still won't keep you from demolishing the stack if yer hashing GBs
asciilifeform: this aint exactly fermat-grade problem
asciilifeform: in the linked piece, pic of some (presumably nao old) d00d when young, and 'his tuition was 400'. takes all of 5sec to think out why his 400 and herr redditard's is 40000
asciilifeform: ( and not necessarily immediately or as compactly as in this didactic example, but sure enuff, sheep will be shorn )
asciilifeform: they raised the boat btw , and found the ics. i have some of them ( well, not them, but same type ) here. pretty interesting item, moar like ultra-miniaturized smt pcb than what modern folx think of as 'ic'
asciilifeform: ( consider, sovok faced much simpler problem, when ~it~ resorted to fab -- that amerireich ~wouldn't sell'em~ the goodstuff. today, can't even ~buy~ the goodstuff if yer sultan of brunei )
asciilifeform: luckily we have mircea_popescu to give clue re in what order to bucket water from the flooded compartments
asciilifeform: << the crowd of very similar 'pippidi' bashing sovok, always makes sure to compare hruscheba to manhattan penthouse, and not to the dirt floor hut 90% of ru lived in pre-sovok☝︎
asciilifeform: recall : the xray best-quote of 5 firms was : 2700 orcdubloons PER SHOT
asciilifeform: ( mircea_popescu , observe, does not have to buy bulldozer. not even in argentina are people fucked enuff in the head to ask MOAR for lease of bulldozer, genset, etc than to BUY )
asciilifeform: ( as how gorby genuflected for katyn shooting , gulag, etc , to earn his miami )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the diff b/w 'then and nao' is that 'the west'(tm)(r) dun have a miami to decamp to. hence 'cream' stews in own juices, and no genuflections/'apologies'
asciilifeform: moar like 'i'ma not stick cock in wasp nest'
asciilifeform: i dunthink the swiss thought 'ohnoez, human'
asciilifeform: so herr hitler shows up and says 'let's you an' i drang nach osten together, howabout'. wai ro elite answrd 'sure' and not 'fuckoff' (like e.g. swiss)
asciilifeform: i cannot resist to bite, an' ask, diana_coman , why the '83 adlais 'not elite', but the tail ends of habsburg absentee landlords somehow 'elite'