1463 entries in 0.151s
sina: mircea_popescu: correct
sina: clarify "a genesis of your shit"
sina: which somehow includes a religious discussion on the morality of returning mistakenly transferred bitcoins, including King Solomon bible ref
sina: either that or I can re-comment, you can delete the old ones and then fix whatever <pre> stuff you did last time
sina: ben_vulpes: appreciate confirmation
sina: and binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%.8b", binString, c) << for golang
sina: mircea_popescu: M = list(map(int, ''.join(map(lambda p: '{0:08b}'.format(p, 'b'), map(ord, message))))) << for python
sina: far fewer issues with insects
sina: i enjoy growing tomatoes too, but these days cherry tomatos mostly. hardy, prolific
sina: mircea_popescu: you may want to update comments,
sina: python version updated too
sina: (and it really was fun)
sina: funsies was being able to bang out a golang mpfhf because I had already kicked the tyres on the lang
sina: funsies was in figuring out how to make a request pipeline out of handlers, or goroutines, etc
sina: generating 24 lines of html template took about 3 seconds
sina: I'm vaguely aware of the shared context, I get there is some stuff that is considered dumb around these neck of the woods, I just don't care
sina: I follow everything you're saying, but it is plainly dumb to say writing a funsies webapp to learn a language has anything to do with anything
sina: I thought I had because I couldn't decrypt some OTP, if you recall
sina: ben_vulpes: I *didn't* lose them
sina: that explains this braindead discussion
sina: ben_vulpes: and wotpaste, etc
sina: ben_vulpes: I'll listen to this drivel when you take down your blog
sina: ben_vulpes: still not following, but that's ok, you explained your train of thought
sina: ben_vulpes: I didn't claim it did, the point is, taking your logic to its conclusion one can't do anything because google uses computers to do stuff
sina: BingoBoingo: how is it remotely similar?
sina: careful, browsers rely on numbers, don't want to further google hegemony
sina: that is some fancy mental gymnastics, but ok
sina: because I think it's a pretty nice high level language
sina: ben_vulpes: professionally I'm not even a developer. Companies hire me because I can stuff at scale. but still don't understand how it furthers any hegemony
sina: how does building a webapp to learn golang further the browser hegenomy?!
sina: that (and the dependency hell it introduces) is why I try and stick to their impressively comprehensive stdlib
sina: they mostly write their junk in C++ and java from what I hear
sina: just because Rob Pike and co work at the goog doesn't mean golang is goog
sina: ben_vulpes: have pushed updated ver to golang ver, let me figure out same for python
sina: its cool, I had it correct to begin with, but I modified it to match the thing I was seeing, my bad
sina: mircea_popescu: if you look at the line above for "MP kicks ass!" from your PHP impl
sina: if not, I need to update the python one too
sina: mircea_popescu: please confirm spec, are we dropping leading 0 (if exists) or not
sina: + binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%.8b", binString, c)
sina: - binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%b", binString, c)
sina: ben_vulpes: can you change
sina: because the format string used drops the leading 0
sina: 1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001
sina: The [M]essage chosen is MP kicks ass!, its bit-value is
sina: so when I was building it, I was trying to match the "MP kicks ass!" output, which starts with a 1 in the example (and IIRC when I did it in python)... the original string I had was printing a leading 0
sina: that and dependency management are the two weakpoints of golang I feel
sina: I just find it really annoying the way they do it
sina: you need to set a GOPATH variable, e.g export GOPATH=~/Development/go and then clone the repo to $GOPATH/src/github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-golang
sina: ben_vulpes: if you have 0 experience building go binaries, prepare for increased blood pressure
sina: last I looked it was missing a bunch of the code
sina: ben_vulpes: sorry I don't think it pasted right
sina: yeah so what happened with #b-a?
sina: so does it federate trinque?
sina: "maybe deedbot does something similar to what I was thinking"
sina: see this was the original source of my questioning
sina: sorry, that was just me trying to troll you
sina: trinque: you might not have the specific form of syphilis which induces number diddling, but can you protect against... COSMIC RAYS
sina: no offense meant trinque, just a hypothetical
sina: that reminds me I need to eat food
sina: with a fair bit of disagreement
sina: an old protocol normally used for peering usenet
sina: it's something like UUCP + crypto authentication
sina: from my understanding of your view
sina: between how you view those discussions and for example, asciilifeform
sina: although there seems to be a huge amount of contention
sina: yes I have been working my way through those
sina: I think I asked you this long ago, but you keep a local copy of the WoT and expect others to as well right?
sina: lets say trinque modified it himself because he got syphilis
sina: do you just post a message here saying "deedbot sucks, I have rates sina -10 in my local copy, which should now be considered canonical via mpbot"?
sina: mircea_popescu: can you walk me through the hypothetical example case where you have woken up one morning and decided for some valid reason (e.g. deedbot WoT contents no longer match your local copy) that deedbot is no longer trustworthy but urgently want to enter a rating for me of -10 into the public record?
sina: reading now, so you think the idea contravenes those principles?
sina: is that the deedbot.org/help.html page?
sina: because I didn't know, maybe deedbot already does this kind of thing
sina: not arguing this should be done, only relating the source of my thoughts which lead to the questions
sina: the basis I guess is, substituing the trustworthiness of a single bot with a cryptographic chain, being able to run your own "full node" of the WoT, which gives access to secondary/tertiary networks to participate via a gateway, etc
sina: it means you can rate from any node
sina: because I sometimes think things? :P
sina: the reason I ask is because last night I was thinking of a more coin style WoT, where everyone runs a node, there is an immutable shared log of ratings
sina: not saying that is good or bad, just asking in the general capability of the system
sina: but one can only be rated via deedbot