1119 entries in 0.17s
erlehmann: but i have not yet found out why people are unaffected. and why i do not feel the same as they do.
erlehmann: i believe at least some crypto currency marketing triggers similar magpie instincts as earlier scams
erlehmann: more like: <buckket> ok habe nun MSI GTX 1070 für mein mining rig gekoppt
erlehmann: they no longer write roguelikes where you can shit yourself to death
erlehmann: you know part of why i came here is my friends have become mad
erlehmann: asciilifeform i see what you mean. i can not claim to understand everything, but it looks saner than C.
erlehmann: (“we do it”)
erlehmann: phf so about that v grammar.
erlehmann: so the synthesizer would stop if you did not type fast enough
erlehmann: of course infix allows you to have an incomplete expression – like “(a + b” without a closing paren
erlehmann: idiots reimplemented it themselves using infix notation
erlehmann: it was for live coding
erlehmann: i chose postfix notation and a wraparound ringbuffer as a “stack” because postfix can always be evaluated
erlehmann: reminds me of my adventures with libglitch (most useless shit i wrote and probably most popular) ☟︎☟︎
erlehmann: but i'll wait
erlehmann: i use dc
erlehmann: asciilifeform so what does this `p` do you wrote earlier of?
erlehmann: urbit at one point broke down crying if you fed it U+1F46C GAY MEN 👬
erlehmann: indeed
erlehmann: i do not understand the question, care to elaborate?
erlehmann: system does not fit in head as easily
erlehmann: ad-hoc validation creates a lot of exit conditions that interact with each other
erlehmann: this is how most people do it, basically
erlehmann: anti-pattern “shotgun parser”. draw the processing diagram on to the wall. shoot at it with a shotgun. everywhere the bullets hit, validate stuff.
erlehmann: asciilifeform mixing validation and processing code makes it harder to reason about possible code paths. after the recognizer you can be sure that the rest of the system does not have to handle anything.
erlehmann: my answer would be: spy whips out recognizer, nukes everything from orbit if language of patchset does not match language that is expected. ☟︎
erlehmann: asciilifeform a spy opens an envelope and finds a patchset. what next?
erlehmann: asciilifeform by that standard, everything is insane (i might even agree). LANGSEC is not planet-wide asepsis, it is washing hands before walking to the operating table. ☟︎
erlehmann: what wrong end? it actually plugs both ends. the parser and the unparser.
erlehmann: lel
erlehmann: asciilifeform extrapolate your onions?
erlehmann: what asciilifeform says
erlehmann: phf yeah, the results are not palatable to people. “what i can not do ‘<script>document.write('<script>')</script>’ anymore?”
erlehmann: and has a functioning bullshit detector. evidence: someone proposed a docker container to run the game “more easily”. linley politely declined.
erlehmann: but why not just email him? he answers nicely.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i believe linley is creative and knows his theory. but no one ever asked him to clean up his code.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i never heard of eulora. earn BTC for playing games?
erlehmann: and he does answer emails
erlehmann: we sometimes bump into each other at conferences. also i made the yellow press (BILD) stylesheet for his blog some time ago.
erlehmann: asciilifeform djb never replied to my emails as well. i asked fefe about it and he was like “that guy has tenure, he does not care, people had to pester him for years to make his stuff public domain”
erlehmann: at least that is what he claims, i never tried
erlehmann: play-by-email against autonomous bots from someone else should be deterministic because of fixed-point math
erlehmann: it is written by a single self-taught game programmer who apparently uses indentation randomly
erlehmann: mircea_popescu if you like RTS without multiplayer, i suggest to try out liberation circuit. the math seems to be fixed-point only, so real-time multiplayer should be possible if you can wade through the abysmal codebase.
erlehmann: phf basically, “be liberal in what you accept” is bullshit. be definite about what you accept.
erlehmann: phf someone gives you a “mp3” file with ogg page structure? abort immediately.
erlehmann: phf i have worked on existing protocol. the grammar codifies the assumptions that you as a programmer make. take an ENUM in the input, for example. grammar should only contain values you know you can process right.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu only by mail. apparently he writes games on windows with code::blocks. i wrote a dofile and contributed some features.
erlehmann: well, gameplay-wise: units are limited by number of ticks. want to do trigonometry? prepare to sacrifice ticks
erlehmann: which makes it playable. previous attempt “invincible countermeasure” did not have a graphical designer.
erlehmann: there is a graphical unit designer that sets up the structs right
erlehmann: http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/notes/liberation-circuit.html
erlehmann: mircea_popescu a real time strategy game by linley henzell (who created overgod and garden of colored lights) where every unit is programmed in a language not entirely unlike C.
erlehmann: LANGSEC is about programmers able to reason about protocols and state transitions
erlehmann: phf i believe you misunderstand the problem
erlehmann: phf who believes people who cannot roll their own grammar can roll their own compar-virtual-boundary-thingy?
erlehmann: concerning non-existence dependencies: https://github.com/linleyh/liberation-circuit/commit/8b7d1b252406ce87fd94aec04d2a1959a593a61e
erlehmann: also ugly names discourage superficial hipsters, hopefully
erlehmann: a maggot is a larva of a fly
erlehmann: what do i win
erlehmann: mircea_popescu maggot. a maggot is what makes a fly.
erlehmann: i asked him at two conferences and both times he was like “i have to answer lots of questions about crypto, ask later pls”
erlehmann: but he never released it
erlehmann: apparently he implemented at least parts of it. some of his elliptic curve stuff has dofiles.
erlehmann: i leave the explanation of redo to DJB: http://cr.yp.to/redo.html
erlehmann: thx
erlehmann: no compiler etc. pp.
erlehmann: depends only on coreutils or busybox
erlehmann: asciilifeform if you like builds and shell script, like redo http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/redo-sh.html
erlehmann: meaning almost all software is rotten to the core based on this alone
erlehmann: experimenting with a medium-size C++ project (liberation circuit) i found that there can be as much non-existence dependencies as “normal” dependencies
erlehmann: as always, make is shit and can not handle this
erlehmann: but apparently, i am the only one who does. DJB thought of it, he has notes on it.
erlehmann: you can easily infer what those files are using strace or similar methods
erlehmann: i am of the opinion that all build systems except my own redo implementation are shit. reason: non-existence dependencies. if you search for header files at locations A, B, C, find it at C, then C is a dependency. but if non-existing A or B start to exist, the target must rebuilt.
erlehmann: i guess some of you have
erlehmann: so who of you has opinions about build systems?
erlehmann: three moldbugs walk into a bar …
erlehmann: therefore: no deterministic context-free jokes
erlehmann: at one langsec and tea gathering i suspected that every joke contains a misunderstanding on some level
erlehmann: i can, but it puts the burden on me. possible misunderstandings.
erlehmann: i also highly prefer it if people talk to me like that. the worst people are those that are like “please send me this and that” – “send me an email with the full details of what and where i should send it please” – “can't you just infer it from the last time you mailed me something?”
erlehmann: like that
erlehmann: i think it is a good rule to talk to autists
erlehmann: i have a talent to find errors by not comprehending stuff. talk context-free or regular to me!
erlehmann: the universe provides a halting guarantee: proton decay
erlehmann: putting the mechanism in your head
erlehmann: it is about reasoning
erlehmann: monkeys love turing completeness
erlehmann: maybe. ethereum has a gas price, yet it is still turing complete, still reentrant, still vulnerable.
erlehmann: so it is like testing a lot with malicious compliant testers
erlehmann: multiple implementations show multiple assumptions (i.e. multiple grammars)
erlehmann: asciilifeform the problem is the different assumption people have about components. the programmer feeding input to ffmpeg expects audio files to be input. a recognizer would solve that.
erlehmann: asciilifeform actually no, but i think i know what you mean. zip bombs only work with programs that do not do full recognition before processing.
erlehmann: no one expects 999gigabytes.mp3 to be a text file instructing ffmpeg to generate silence with a really high sample rate (around 1GB per second)
erlehmann: reason: ffmpeg takes synthesizer instructions in plain text
erlehmann: every idiot who just takes an uploaded file and converts it using ffmpeg is just a 4 line text file away from me filling whatever storage the idiot has on the converter system
erlehmann: simple example, ffmpeg
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i think i do understand the many implementations thing. data that flowing over abstraction boundaries has the potential to trigger a holographic fracture (i believe that is how it is called). to prevent this, you need a parser and an unparser and both need to have the same grammar (max deterministic context-free) and check it.
erlehmann: yes, how to participate. i might have read it at some point in the past.