163 entries in 0.643s
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up pehbot
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
phf: !!up pehbot
asciilifeform: phf: be so kind as to demonstrate yours on pehbot for the permalog
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up pehbot
Meepsheep: ATTENTION ben_vulpes ATTENTION _whitelogger ATTENTION l0de ATTENTION luny ATTENTION kjj ATTENTION shinohai ATTENTION bad_duck ATTENTION Meepsheep ATTENTION adlai ATTENTION Cory ATTENTION spyked ATTENTION asciilifeform ATTENTION esthlos ATTENTION revnja ATTENTION Valfor ATTENTION lobbesbot ATTENTION r41n ATTENTION mircea_popescu ATTENTION pehbot
Meepsheep: ATTENTION ben_vulpes ATTENTION _whitelogger ATTENTION l0de ATTENTION luny ATTENTION kjj ATTENTION shinohai ATTENTION bad_duck ATTENTION Meepsheep ATTENTION adlai ATTENTION Cory ATTENTION spyked ATTENTION asciilifeform ATTENTION esthlos ATTENTION revnja ATTENTION Valfor ATTENTION lobbesbot ATTENTION r41n ATTENTION mircea_popescu ATTENTION pehbot
Meepsheep: ATTENTION ben_vulpes ATTENTION _whitelogger ATTENTION l0de ATTENTION luny ATTENTION kjj ATTENTION shinohai ATTENTION bad_duck ATTENTION Meepsheep ATTENTION adlai ATTENTION Cory ATTENTION spyked ATTENTION asciilifeform ATTENTION esthlos ATTENTION revnja ATTENTION Valfor ATTENTION lobbesbot ATTENTION r41n ATTENTION mircea_popescu ATTENTION pehbot
asciilifeform: i still see 'pehbot – maintained by asciilifeform – call command “!W”'
pehbot: asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32.
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up pehbot
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: bots page updated with pehbot.
asciilifeform: !!down pehbot
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up pehbot
a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 03:38 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/pehbot.jpg << for posterity.
pehbot: asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32.
pehbot: asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 4096 and Height to 32.
asciilifeform: pehbot largely lives as a toy / ch4 exam.
pehbot: mircea_popescu: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32.
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up pehbot
pehbot: asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski << add pehbot to the list plox.
mircea_popescu: pehbot: [not yet]
asciilifeform: pehbot: .................................
asciilifeform: pehbot: ................................
asciilifeform: pehbot: .0{[foo]}{ .1{[nested]}{[loops]}_ [work in p] }
asciilifeform: pehbot: .0{[foo]}{ .0{[nested]}{[loops]}_ [work in p] }
asciilifeform: pehbot: .1{[foo]}{ .0{[nested]}{[loops]}_ [work in p] }
asciilifeform: i dun expect pehbot to become perma-resident
asciilifeform: pehbot: .1.2'##
asciilifeform: pehbot: .1.2##
asciilifeform: pehbot: .1{[foo]}{[bar]}
asciilifeform: pehbot: .0{[foo]}{[bar]}
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/pehbot.jpg << for posterity. ☟︎
phf: pehbot: .
phf: pehbot: .2.2+#
phf: pehbot: .2.2+
phf: pehbot: Q
phf: pehbot: .~#
phf: pehbot: .~
asciilifeform: pehbot: ..1-#
phf: pehbot: .123"#4#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .123456789.987654321-[=]#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .123456789.987654321+[=]#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .123456789.987654321*[=]#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .11![=]#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .2.17^[=]#
phf: pehbot: .123'#
mircea_popescu: pehbot: .2.0-[=]#
mircea_popescu: pehbot .2.0-[=]#
phf: pehbot: .123'#4'#
asciilifeform: pehbot: _
asciilifeform: pehbot: .2.2+[=]#
pehbot: asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32.
asciilifeform: pehbot: help
deedbot: pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up pehbot
asciilifeform: result is, e.g., NOTICE: hitchcock.freenode.net pehbot "*** Notice -- You need to identify via SASL to use this server"