437 entries in 0.165s
brendafdez: mircea_popescu it works now. Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP, and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
brendafdez: ;;later tell BingoBoingo it doesn't like me. says too many redirects. links says same. http://i.imgur.com/P5BZM7y.png
brendafdez: black kiss, just what the doctor ordered
brendafdez: <mircea_popescu> brendafdez better get out of the defensive shell of stupid and work your butt off, i think. << oops ;)
brendafdez: tit implants :)
brendafdez: <BingoBoingo> Ah
brendafdez: <brendafdez> I always take a long time before I do anything, so as to be sure that I won't fail to disappoint everyone involved.
brendafdez: didn't last more than a year in law school either, although it was in fact easier than math
brendafdez: i ended up just being a pretend bitcoiner
brendafdez: back then i thoguth i was oing to study engineering but this made me change my mind and say, ok... maybe law will be easier, less numbers, no algebra. Sadly no calculator to cheat either.
brendafdez: consistent results, always miserable utter failure
brendafdez: what i know is that i failed every single exam in my life which had word algebra somewhere
brendafdez: i'll feel dumb discussing it here, now i regret moving to chan :P
brendafdez: i never got algebra, it was like as far as i can write notes, the calculator is ok for me
brendafdez: 8)
brendafdez: i had a TI-86 to cheat in school
brendafdez: if you ask me to ask ;)
brendafdez: <BingoBoingo> Feel free to ask in chan why Bingo loves the Motorola 68K chips
brendafdez: Scared that drugs would work?
brendafdez: such inequality
brendafdez: I like it when they tell me right away that their security is crap. So I don't have to wonder. Here, hashed what?
brendafdez: hough you can disable this if you prefer. This reminder will also include instructions on how to unsubscribe or change your account options. There is also a button on your options page that will email your current password to you."
brendafdez: I was just approved to join the linux for women mailing list. In the welcome email I'm both reminded that 'what happens on list stays on list' (no archives or sharing) and they also say literally "You must know your password to change your options (including changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe. It is: XGx4#KmI#HeF%P7C^ Normally, Mailman will remind you of your linuxchix.org mailing list passwords once every month, alt
brendafdez: No bitcoin payoutsa, however
brendafdez: Neteller will gladly take your bitcoin in exchange for their tokens, at no cost. You can proceed to then spend them through their debit card and such... http://www.coindesk.com/neteller-bitcoin-deposit-policy-reversal/
brendafdez: what does it mean I lose logging? local logs? bc I do see it in the online log for the channel
brendafdez: not nice.
brendafdez: This is weird, do I lose cloak when using the web interface? :/
brendafdez: Sadly he will not be coming to the conference, so I can't put substances in his drink to make him open the keyring (?
brendafdez: I was going to say
brendafdez: *Next time I see BingoBoingo really drunk
brendafdez: Next time I'll see BingoBoingo I'll try to get him to gpg sign something that says they want my Spanish translations :P
brendafdez: that's where one goes when time's not enough to read logs and blogs :P
brendafdez: There's also qntra, it's the sane place to get your bitcoin cup of coffee without all the CoinDesk shit
brendafdez: you'll like it: http://szabo.best.vwh.net/shell.html
brendafdez: if they can trust you back, especially now that youre in the wot you could pay with your own
brendafdez: BingoBoingo brendatokens would be fine.
brendafdez: but for quite a while there's been a trend to sell 'decentralization of your grandma through smart contracts in the blockchain' as the next big thing, that's maybe just smoke and meaningless bullshit to appeal to the vcs
brendafdez: for certain use cases.
brendafdez: it's not that bad having centralized private tokens.
brendafdez: indiancandytokens instead.
brendafdez: that's where we're heading back with bitcoin, taking away the power of the government. Sometimes one loses the big picture. Taking the ability of the government corporation to finance itself through robbery (taxes) and deceit (inflation) is important. Decentralizing coffy purchases at small shops maybe not so much. You could do it in centralized brandatokens and get your bitcoin sent at the end of the day. If I charge you much you go
brendafdez: for most all the rest of human history private money was no big deal
brendafdez may be saying lots of bullshit here. Hope to get corrected.
brendafdez: after all, fiat and the monopoly of money by the state has been going for barely a century.
brendafdez: print your own
brendafdez: however i doubt it's a better technology than handning a piece of paper in exchange for drinks
brendafdez: right now bitcoin is an alternative even for coffee
brendafdez: i'm not sure, there are alternatvies, alternative chains, sidechains, whatever, which certainly can't compete with bitcoin.
brendafdez: so when blocks fill up and transactions start competing and miner subsidy goes down halving after halving the cost issue of why its not for coffee will be clearer
brendafdez: In the future we'll look back and wonder how bitcoin transactions used to be free, when they have large costs involved and it needs be so to keep the network secure
brendafdez: There was a point in bitcoin history when bitcoin was basically free, it had no monetary value, at least during 2009, and mostly also 2010, now it would be unthinkablee
brendafdez: bitcoin is like gold. And gold is no less valuable when you can't spend it at a coffe shop. And even if there are large costs to exchange such modest amounts of gold or silver
brendafdez: but it's problematic for many reasons to think that the value of bitcoin is to be able to pay coffe at a shop
brendafdez: If mircea or pete were online and willing to discuss it, it would be easier, they have a more solid and convincing rhetoric than I could dream of myself
brendafdez: the banks can be avoided entirely. The intermediary is not a must. You can just get in contact with other people, publish your own listings and such. When you're paying with bitcoin, they are selling the bitcoin, so the cost is also there. In Argentina anyway pretty much no transactions at PoS are made in bitcoin, it's just a show for companies which pretend to be doing busniess helping merchants accept bitcoin
brendafdez: santiago castiglione travels there often bringing cash, the two btb braindamaged morons do it, if you can stand their stupidity. Tha saner person in Mendoiza is Adriel Araujo from Bitpagos. Contact him, he'll be able to help you, no doubt.
brendafdez: if you were in a small town and no bank account then maybe inconvenient
brendafdez: why is it? bc there are no people doing it cash in mendoza? i know for a fact thats not the acse
brendafdez: if you hold gold you dont need merchants to accept gold
brendafdez: you can sell the bitcoin and buy with fiat,
brendafdez: I told you i wasn't even breaking even :P ask the FBA guys, they got funded in late 2012 to do it, and a few who suck theirs get a small part of the cake
brendafdez: why do we need more companies 'accepting bitcoin'? No, really, why? http://www.contravex.com/2014/02/25/matters-of-bitcoin-merchant-adoption/
brendafdez: the point about evangelism is that if you suck the right cock you may make a living out of it. I'm not naming names
brendafdez: The whole 'evangelism' thing is bullshit, but there are incentives to do it, companies paying for it, who get their money from vcs and desperately need adoption, users, whatever
brendafdez: selling the campanies the idea that you'll be selling them with bitcoin to people who attend the talks/conferences/etc
brendafdez: I wanted to write an article on 'bitcon evangelism' or 'selling bitcoin', which of course is selling it to the companies not the people :P
brendafdez: but also it was always open to people who wanted to come with us. As generally we weren't even covering the costs, having more poeple participate usually meant each one had to pay a smaller fraction, usually less money.
brendafdez: :D
brendafdez: through sponsors, we had some of them, bitpagos sponsored every trip, digicoins sponsored the trip to mendoza, beOk sponsored the trip to paraguay
brendafdez: it was awesome for us as an experience I must say, getting to know the local communites, to travel so much, also to be able to promote one 'real use case' for bitcoin to local service providers
brendafdez: but who know, neither me nor the other 3 'founders' have buried it, so...
brendafdez: When we presented our project as an independent bunch of guys it wasn't the same.
brendafdez: This brings us to another issue which is the way the 'foundations' present themselves as as sort of official representation of bitcoin. That way they are better able to get funds from companies which want to be advertised and from membes of the community who want to 'be part of bitcoin'. It's what the FBA was/is doing and what the BF was/is doing on a much larger scale.
brendafdez: well, i don't have plans, but it may happen. The last trip we made as part of the Giras Bitcoiners project was Asunción in Paraguay last December. The funding issue wasn't getting better. Only one of the trips allowed us to break even.
brendafdez: now whenever you're bored you can read logs or the blogs (http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com). One never reaches the end http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-03-2015#1066689
brendafdez: marteen you can message !up to assbot and verify by decypting the string
brendafdez: why? hasn't he just registered?
brendafdez: s/flesh/fresh/
brendafdez: ben_vulpes :P i'm am, but i've already fixed the lastness issue. No longer the newest, new flesh blood, and on it goes.
brendafdez: oh :)
brendafdez: oh, so he still can't voice himself, right?
brendafdez: !gettrust ben_vulpes assbot
brendafdez: abritrage :)
brendafdez: ben_vulpes I could put you in contact with people who may want to do it, but I think they have their issues with customs too, not as stringent as argentina
brendafdez: ben_vulpes you need someone there you could ship things to?
brendafdez: :D
brendafdez: ben_vulpes so when do I get my prize for bringing in new blood to please the gods through sacrifice?
brendafdez: I couldn't possibly know. The only people I know who do it are bringing in stacks of cash
brendafdez: Key fingerprint = 15F6 BD45 240C 4679 C5F5 59B5 0504 34ED 71A1 704C
brendafdez: the whole key id
brendafdez: !h
brendafdez: marteen pretty nice to have a fellow list member over here. Were you reading the list in 2013? It was a space of sane and interesting discussion which has since been lost. That's why I mentioned b-a in my message, bc I htink some of the oldtimers might be interested. Also, we used to have wences and rdponticelli, both of them were also here back in the day.
brendafdez: !up marteen
brendafdez: marteen do you use irc often? I was pretty much a virgin before getting into b-a. You could go to the #freenode channel and ask for a cloak, so not everyone will see your IP. Also, you might be interested in registering your username with NickServ so it doesn't get squatted like indiancandy1_ 's
brendafdez: We need more sponsors to keep doing that hah, we had a couple for that trip, still didn't even break even
brendafdez: maarten your IP shows you might be located in Mendoza, that's interesting, I there not long ago, with Sebastián Serrano and others, and we had a couple of presentations and a meetup. Do I know you?
brendafdez: ;)
brendafdez: she has better looking tits
brendafdez: marteen who are you in the list?