26 entries in 0.303s
MTW: some host
MTW: yep
MTW: [16:55:48] <+trinque> danielpbarron: your boy MTW all set?
MTW: back
MTW: will do, nbd
MTW: yeah that is the smart way to do it
MTW: awesome alright
MTW: sec let me check logs
MTW: but no transaction on blockchain, etc
MTW: and i see a 0.0 balance now
MTW: i did
MTW: danielpbarron: my withdraw never went through
MTW: hey
MTW: ahhhh
MTW: danielpbarron that bot work or nah
MTW: !!balance
MTW: e
MTW: no it's slightly aliv
MTW: !!help
MTW: looks like it
MTW: kk
MTW: !!balance
MTW: hell yeah
MTW: !!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/OHjBd/?raw=true
MTW: hell yeah