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DreadKnight: got my own algorithm for strong passwords that are unique and that I can actually remember and type for a while now
DreadKnight: average user hears a lot of WP, but doesn't know about bruteforce and strong passwords
DreadKnight: true, but it would have been nice if wp had a timer to avoid that kind of abuse, mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: well, didn't knew much about security back then, wasn't protecting the log-in page too well against common stuff
DreadKnight: made my own little blog system, no users accounts or databases, using files instead, will put it to good use soon, mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, used to, but got popular faster then I expected and hacked a few times without backup; might get back into writing soon, without using wordpress this time
DreadKnight: might end up writing a moba do's and don'ts guide
DreadKnight: started watching that Welcome to the Dollhouse movie someone recommended around xD
DreadKnight: no, just that some people around are not into mobas and feel like we're boring or offtopic, I respect not playing moba
DreadKnight: thought it was advice
DreadKnight: cazalla, is that your solution? :))
DreadKnight: anyway, don't really care to debate mobas at this hour
DreadKnight: it's fun as long as you got team or don't take it seriously / not play too often
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, I'm not the problem, the game sets me up with weirdos most of the time and it's bad for my health; I don't always have semi decent team mates online to play with
DreadKnight: forgot to mention noob team mates getting shadow blade in dota2 while there's already an invis carry in the team; or picking multiple invisible heroes *sigh* ☟︎
DreadKnight: it's rare that I win a game because of another team mate; I usually get really annoyed and tell people what are doing wrong, but not many listen
DreadKnight: cazalla, lost a lot of games in LoL while beating the whole enemy team by myself; all mobas basically have the same issues, but LoL has a few more on top of that
DreadKnight: cazalla, it has less things to deal with, but yeah; I hate the account system, region limitation, runes and summoner spells needing levels, LoL requires purchase of champions, basically limits you to constantly play the same 2-3 champs most of the time
DreadKnight: cazalla, scrub player? haha
DreadKnight: lol doesn't have denying, no scrolls, no curiers, simpler mechanics cazalla
DreadKnight: you also need synergy
DreadKnight: and even ignore real friendships
DreadKnight: cazalla, takes a few years to have a proper list of players, that's if you really care about it, remove noobs constantly
DreadKnight: cazalla, it's not as easy as it sounds
DreadKnight: cazalla, yeah, but to get high mmr, you have to play with non retards, very wise hand picked people, takes time; and you need to either sync in time tables or to have a lot of such people at your disposal, it's a chore to have a proper team
DreadKnight: yeah, very true, screw closed protocols
DreadKnight: but thanks to the BBA group, I log into skype once a month tops, very annoying
DreadKnight: well, skype is just designed with something else in mind, that's for sure :D
DreadKnight: this IRC channel works so much better than Bitcoin Business Alliance's skype group
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, year zero will cut off confirmation for new transactions, but I would want for the downloaded stuff to not be 10gb; there are wallets that skip that stuff nowadays, though not recommended in certain cases
DreadKnight: danielpbarron, first or second one?
DreadKnight: roger
DreadKnight: but support is pretty mandatory, which is not cool
DreadKnight: and roles like jungler or support are usually super boring
DreadKnight: moba is too much about lane pushing and farming
DreadKnight: true
DreadKnight: ever*
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, every played battletoads? xD
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, I think he was afraid of players doing the same things over and over again, or picking only the best units
DreadKnight: a lot of people don't really like Heroes of Newerth's artwork, too detailed, yet your character is small
DreadKnight: there's something going on with Russia lately, because number one source of visitors for my project all of a sudden; dota2 servers are filled with russians, they're very hated
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, did some friend recommended Heroes of Newerth? how long did you played it? why quit?
DreadKnight: haha
DreadKnight: MMR system is fun when you don't have to rely on team mates
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, she had the cd with Angry Birds, I hate that game
DreadKnight: showed a teenage girl Angry Birds, she was like "please uninstall", showed her Super Tux Kart, "woah, this is fun!"
DreadKnight: true
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, yeah, played that one as well, I was a moba junkie, it was part of the experience and motivation when designing Ancient Beast
DreadKnight: and there's the situation where a noob from your team auto attacks instead of last hitting only or last hitting your creeps away from you when you're carry and he's support *sigh*
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, maybe Ragnarok Online? not sure if it's a moba
DreadKnight: nubbins`, thanks for recommendation, looks fun
DreadKnight: cazalla, yes
DreadKnight: ever*
DreadKnight: most shitty game designed every, yet it's an esport
DreadKnight: and there's the team mate that always does nothing but steals your kills on purpose, just because, him being support and you being a carry
DreadKnight: so everyone wants the kills, but you can't have 5 carries in a team, no doubt, because there's not enough farm / gold, mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, carry is the "Rambo" of the game, the one dealing damage but very item Dependant and squishy
DreadKnight: or simply bad combinations, 4 melee plus yet another melee called void
DreadKnight: sometimes the matches are over before they even begin, all picking a carry instead of getting proper roles, or randoming and getting heroes they know what to do with
DreadKnight: 5vs5 sucks; you can't play with anyone on the globe because of latency, you can't play with friends because they're noobs for sure, it's harder than having a band and you are stuck in a chair all day without making any money
DreadKnight: one feeds, another one gets support and doesnt buy a ward / curier, one is afk, one disconnects, one thinks he's carry with the support, one has tank but he's always last in team fight, another one has initiator but he doesn't initiate crap and so on
DreadKnight: I'm really starting to hate having to team up with random people in online multiplayer games, nothing good comes out of it usually
DreadKnight: a lot of item trading spam or swearing / flaming :D
DreadKnight: every country has a few rooms, lots of trading or random channels
DreadKnight: ThickAsThieves, the chat is right side in the main menu
DreadKnight: anyway, Ancient Beast has lots of advantages over moba (dota2)
DreadKnight: it pretty much has IRC embedded inside
DreadKnight: ThickAsThieves, it has chat rooms, you can make new ones hmm
DreadKnight: HeySteve, I agree; I'm keeping pay to win totally away from free to play; hated that I played Ancient Summoner (now called Rise of Mythos) and I was pawning most players, but everytime I was fighting a noob that put a few bucks in the game, I was getting humiliated, I eventually quit playing because of that
DreadKnight: was checking reviews for a tablet a few months ago and the tablet was pink, most reviews were like "and it's awesome that it's pink, my daughter will love it", mom also got a pink phone *sigh*
DreadKnight: will definitely want the main character fully customizable
DreadKnight: eventually there will be custom skins and such; seems a lot of people care about vanity items in dota2 rather than carry about increasing their gameplay skills
DreadKnight: initially wanted to allow buying individual units, but did a bit game design research and seems this is more fun and profitable and balanced, people won't buy only over powered units and some want to collect them all, so they might have to buy and buy until they're satisfied or out of funds
DreadKnight: if you really want to have the random element in that is
DreadKnight: it can easily be fixed, have lots of game modes in mind; basically you can just assign random limited unit pools to each player
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, I guess you have some terms, the poker / randomness stuff?
DreadKnight: referred to this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3214002/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
DreadKnight: like I said for the business model, subscription granting access to more game modes, digital merchandise (card packs / lifes , food / boosters, skins), physical merchandise and fees from betting currency (as spectator or player)
DreadKnight: quite a few seen "Video Games the movie" and asked "what about open source?", well, open source game dev is not even on the map for proper reasons, but I want to show it's possible
DreadKnight: as in, I can't spend tremendous amounts of time working on it along with other people if it wouldn't sustain itself, not to mention me eventually
DreadKnight: there was no point to it if there was no business plan
DreadKnight: I use every single dollar efficiently and know to bargain
DreadKnight: yeah, donations, it wasn't worth much but I held on to those coins and sold when it started to get fatty
DreadKnight: well, current prototype so far was funded with bitcoins, hopefully it will continue that way
DreadKnight: just making sure, was really confused at first, because we were talking art assets in the project channel
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, so the assets part is kinda like in stock market, not "art assets"?
DreadKnight: A lot of people leave this country, including my best friends...
DreadKnight: oh
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, you're not in Romania anymore? A bit confused
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, got a bit caught up reading that blog post, though it's related to current situation a bit, about using the proper terms :D
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, wondering, I'm from Constanta, what about you? (most likely Bucharest)
DreadKnight: or even investors, as long as the strings aren't forever
DreadKnight: :-)
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, there are several ways of spreading a webgame as well, "web publishers" like facebook, fgl.com, gamejolt.com and many more - the game is easy to embed anywhere actually
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, the game is playable from the website, SaaS business model (software as a service), so what was your meaning?
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, back in the day the only method were printing cd's and selling them in shops, so yeah, publisher was needed; now it's internet era, digital downloads, websites, app stores
DreadKnight: will get to that as well soon
DreadKnight: indie game devs don't usually go for publishers; they rather make crowd funding campaigns to avoid strings attached
DreadKnight: I don't really need a publisher, need a bit of funding / sponsorship to speed things up and get some help with coding
DreadKnight: getting weekly emails from people to allow them to use artwork / assets in their games and I'm pretty much underground atm