500+ entries in 0.005s

jfw: mp
_viaje: would you like to schedule a continuation on the wallet effort (on which I've quite appreciated your role) once I've got my V ducks in a row? I can offer the same time Tuesday.
jfw: re GNAT, it occurs to me the better question is not "what does mp
_viaje have handy" but "what am I going to test and require of the user and support by explaining at whatever level necessary?" Which is not a question for mp
_viaje at all as stated.
jfw: diana
_coman: noted and will do.
jfw: later mp
_viaje, thanks for the guidance.
jfw: mp
_viaje: since it looks like I've some zipper debt to catch up on here, I'll ask - do you have GNAT available on the system you intend to press on? Because that's an indirect dependency here, but I think I can avoid it if need be.
jfw: I'm digging for a known working zipper-opening guide, I know diana
_coman has one.
jfw: mp
_viaje: reminds me of a jules verne novel but not as such
jfw: mp
_viaje: yes. I don't think I'm confused in the suggested way: can't information be public but still sensitive to tampering?
jfw: diana
_coman: not as I'd conceived it but seems that's what we're trying to determine
jfw: mp
_viaje: the gasp reflects that there are ways to mess up even the offline signature computation.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:26:10 jfw: mp
_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 18:59:37 jfw: Can I assume you have an x86
_64 unixlike with gcc for the install?
jfw: mp
_viaje: correct.
jfw: mp
_viaje: I didn't think there was such a thing established, indeed, hence the question
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 18:59:37 jfw: Can I assume you have an x86
_64 unixlike with gcc for the install?
jfw: mp
_viaje: I'm available should you still wish to have a look at the wallet.
dorion: diana
_coman ok. ty, I asked because it was mentioned in your
notes, albeit with skepticism.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-12 01:31:41 dorion: sorry for the busted lines. mp
_viaje, diana
_coman, does eulora use python for anything ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 21:26:33 mp
_viaje: this is of course my problem ; you can do it elsewhere cheaper / better / whatever, i'm the last dood to get in the way of any such a thing.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-12 16:59:56 mircea
_popescu: so it's basically a training tool, as far as that goes, a didactic example
dorion: sorry for the busted lines. mp
_viaje, diana
_coman, does eulora use python for anything ?
dorion: ^^ mp
_viaje jfw bvt spyked diana
_coman and any other parties interested in tmsr os ^^
dorion: jfw can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think he knew busybox includes
runit. since he was already used to using daemontools and daemontools is the predecessor to runit anyways he went with that.
lobbes: mp
_viaje, roger that
lobbes: mp
_viaje: okay, sounds like a plan then. So, I guess for my part I'll go back and see what I can do about a sane history-backfill process.
lobbes: mp
_viaje: I don't think it'll record line changes. Though I honestly did not test if it would break it
lobbes: mp
_viaje, agreed (btw if I ever do make it to CR real coffee will be one of the first things I try)
lobbes: mp
_viaje, this is a point. You mean we ought to just get the bot up and producing logs first and worry about the history later?
lobbes: mp
_viaje, ah I see what you mean. Yeah I guess that may be a bit of a pain trying to produce something in that format. Hm
lobbes: mp
_viaje, hm, I can't find a reference to a log8.txt in that discussion, but if that was what you used for your input file then yeah definitely I'd want to see that
lobbes: mp
_viaje, ahh okay.
lobbes: mp
_viaje, yeah that was the discussion. I think the script that ended up working for you was in
this comment lobbes: mp
_viaje, yeah that'd be great. Ty!
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:51:09 diana
_coman: mp
_viaje: to my mind there wasn't anything new/unknown/controversial in there really; (or I'd have moved it to #t earlier anyway).
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 14:02:20 jfw: mp
_viaje: is that all clear?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:38:48 jfw: mp
_viaje: does the idiot list include me this time? I could try to be more mindful of when a discussion should be moved or started here
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-02 16:41:29 mircea
_popescu: ima try putting the first few in and we see (i hope for eg you do the sed 's%"%\\"%g' | sed 's%*%\*%g' escapings, yes ?)
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-04 04:37:32 mircea
_popescu: lobbes wtf dude, you set ALL of these to 2019-12-03 22:03:06 time ?! didn't we go through an entire discussion of how it should increase monotonically ? gah.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:57:28 lobbes: mp
_viaje: In preparation of our next attempt at getting this project done, I've been going through my
faff-fest from last time.. and trying to figure out how we should pick back up
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-02 09:13:50 mp
_viaje: trinque, the problem with your proposal is that the article isn't yet loaded at that point.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:12:20 mp
_viaje: is pondering this wonder. wtf are you idiots doing over there ? srsly tryina come up with all this shit on your own, who knows, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, then i go read it on qntra and what, maybe i agree, maybe i don't, in any case ~after the fact~, at which point as chance dictates, either i sever the link or not ?
jfw: mp
_viaje: is that all clear?
diana_coman: mp
_viaje: to my mind there wasn't anything new/unknown/controversial in there really; (or I'd have moved it to #t earlier anyway).
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:23:21 mp
_viaje: diana
_coman, i guess you're stuck with a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
jfw: mp
_viaje: does the idiot list include me this time? I could try to be more mindful of when a discussion should be moved or started here
mp_en_viaje: diana
_coman, i guess you're stuck with a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
billymg: mp
_viaje: yeah, we had them explain it. and it was just: need lifeguard on duty or else no swimming. didn't press them enough re: dangers of empty pool because by then they had backed down
billymg: mp
_viaje: yeah, the conversation with the tico was productive, he was also throwing up his hands in disbelief at their request. i coached him into telling them to walk after realizing they really have no other options (other hotels aren't gonna empty pools / don't have lifeguards on duty, and tour group dun have the budget themselves to hire the lifeguard)
mp_en_viaje: diana
_coman, i kinda think it is. typos aside, but anyways.
billymg: mp
_viaje: not to mention, empty pool == break neck on fall
diana_coman: mp
_viaje: eh, read the whole, approx spelling is not a virtue, no; neither is a disqualifier esp online
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 diana
_coman: jfw: the minds that discard the message because of less than perfect spelling though might be better off enjoying their fence.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 12:44:07 mp
_viaje: if you get it going, can defo be on your sale list. "none of those crappy 5kbps netlinks, we here have fiber. come do some work undisturbed while the sluts splash in the pool", sell to execs.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 12:39:58 mp
_viaje: from experience the best way these things go is if a large-ish group of landowners around a geographically reasonable node point ask them for it. maybe see if your neighbours wanna join ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 12:40:11 mp
_viaje: in fact optic fiber infrastructure does help land value.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 diana
_coman: ftr re clock, my scripts don't bother with "end of task" - there's no end to anything, only start of next thing whether that's break or whatever; since time is spent anyway, the start of a new thing is by definition the end of the previous.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 diana
_coman: spyked: well, no boost dep is certainly a gain; and yeah, I'm sure that the earlier the version the less of a monster it is; that being said, I'm either really getting old or something but I can hardly see the point of >10k LOC for what can be done precisely as wanted through <1k lines of cmd line tools, huh.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-04 04:37:32 mircea
_popescu: lobbes wtf dude, you set ALL of these to 2019-12-03 22:03:06 time ?! didn't we go through an entire discussion of how it should increase monotonically ? gah.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:57:28 lobbes: mp
_viaje: In preparation of our next attempt at getting this project done, I've been going through my
faff-fest from last time.. and trying to figure out how we should pick back up
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-09 22:26:10 jfw: mp
_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-04 04:37:32 mircea
_popescu: lobbes wtf dude, you set ALL of these to 2019-12-03 22:03:06 time ?! didn't we go through an entire discussion of how it should increase monotonically ? gah.
lobbes: mp
_viaje: In preparation of our next attempt at getting this project done, I've been going through my
faff-fest from last time.. and trying to figure out how we should pick back up
jfw: mp
_viaje: do you have a specific goal in mind for Thursday's wallet work? Do you also want to use the online part (I would imagine so but could technically be done without)? If so, note that it takes about a day to scan the present blockchain once fed the address(es) of interest, and requires a TRB node. If you wish to also send the rawtx using it, as would be most proper, we'll also need that
diana_coman: ... that; for illustration, here's the
output from vtree and antecedents on eucrypt
_checks.vpatch (ran in the same test dir that can be had from
here); antecedents gives the correct path genesis->ch6->ch7->ch9->ch10->oaep
_checks, but in vtree's output it's very hard to tell that ch10 is meant as child of ch9 rather than ...
bvt: diana
_coman: fixed link; ty for your test set, i have the fix (totally my bad), which I can upload today in a few hours (as a vpatch) if you still have a timeslot dedicated to v.sh tomorrow, or if you prefer it with a writeup, i will publish it until thursday.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 07:02:54 mp
_viaje: aite, this is by now turning into way too much of a joke.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 13:54:32 mp
_viaje: yes, there is more : it drives assonances in the readership lol.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 19:13:26 mp
_viaje: jfw, i don't imagine it makes any difference, why would it ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 19:12:56 mp
_viaje: but anyway, the problem never was whether single-character-x or single-character-y is to be your indentation scheme. the problem was when a unit of indentation is made up of n characters, such that 1st tabulation is implemented as three space characters, and 2nd as six.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 18:23:47 jfw: mp
_viaje: how do you define
totalitarian systems? (before I even try to add on the 'meaningful' part)
jfw: mp
_viaje: a few other questions come up as I prepare to genesis. 1: tabs vs spaces - my Scheme code is all spaces and I don't know how to reasonably do it otherwise; lisp has established indenting conventions that tend to line things up nicely but require 1-column granularity. Somehow, setting the tabstop to 1 doesn't seem like any kind of solution (and still not sure I even grasp the problem).
jfw: Can I assume you have an x86
_64 unixlike with gcc for the install?
this guy (who was in spain, and who was in many other early soups back when all these players were still kids or unheard of) said it about hitler something like good gracious, he won't do, he's a vegetarian teetotalitarian. chesterton and the crowd picked it up.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 18:31:58 mp
_viaje: they still exist for the same exact existential reasoning, which is very much
the only way to have meaningful totalitarian systems in the first place.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 18:59:35 mp
_viaje: in which same vein, "user password" in the shape of FS symmetrically encrypted such that withoyut password you can read any other OTP out of it that you wish, and so on.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 18:28:59 mp
_viaje: in any case i'm not proceeding from an utilitarian perspective, "this should exist because the user would benefit". the logic informing the concept is rather existential, "for such a thing as an operating system to meaningfully exist, the self-destruct must be in the operator's hands at all times"
dorion: mp
_viaje a local financial advisor asked me about otc. says he's done some 3 figure btc deals for clients through regulated entities in singapore and switzerland and said he prefers to stay within fiat regulation.