8500+ entries in 0.118s
ThickAsThieves: i just lost my copy of Anathema, i was just getting started :(
ThickAsThieves: ive fired more old women clients than clients have ever fired me
ThickAsThieves: but i dont have enough cash to buy this thing back to 1000!
ThickAsThieves: what do you think will spark the next true bull phase?
ThickAsThieves: when gen2 vanished without much noise, and nothing happened for like 8mos, well...
ThickAsThieves: my guess would be that AM feels theyve given enough to shareholders and will now focus on ways to reroute profit
ThickAsThieves: i havent been following, i think the whole Rockminer deal is too fishy to take any of them seriously anymore
ThickAsThieves: theyre probly like "Well, we're premining with these things for 60 days, so we should probly change that warranty!"
ThickAsThieves: i bet odesk runs most of the action on those sites anyway
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> lol who delivered this year ? // shit, it really is no one
ThickAsThieves: i'm still long, but keep getting sucked back into the game
ThickAsThieves: Bitstamp is lying, saying my deposit had 3 confs, but blockchain says 6
ThickAsThieves: the tshirt guy was trying to sell me his stake while waiting at an airport for his flight
ThickAsThieves: they got ukyo wrapped up in it, and the bitcoin pride tshirt guy
ThickAsThieves: cant even hold a conversation without showing it immediately
ThickAsThieves: does that mean you dont get it til signing off and on again?
ThickAsThieves: ah mp, i just sent a ;;later tell, forgetting the user list is reordered by +
ThickAsThieves: as suspected in the past, they may be satsisfying an urge to gamble, not invest
ThickAsThieves: thanks jurov, i'll keep it in mind, it's so few people/shares at this point that I doubt it'll happen much more