asciilifeform historically found that any bashism that attempts a nontrivial stateful thing, in practice breaks teeth against nonstandard platformisms ('hey grep dun eat -blah on linux circa 2003' etc) and ends up working only where written
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if in fit of pique you write bash logbot, i promise to read
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: at one time asciilifeform wrote sometimes stateful multi-page proggies in bash. but does not post these, it was war crime
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: 'vdiff' was, 2015-2018, a bash 1liner..
asciilifeform: atm timestamp is only useful to group into days.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i found that stock znc also stores only hour/min. and the historic timestamps being what they are, they are imho of rather questionable use.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: actually in asciilifeform's head, archaetypical u.s. song is 'i am walrus'
asciilifeform: it's 1 of those 'zaibatsu', was makin' samurai swords in 1700s, will be around in 2200s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: honda makes errything from chainsaw to asciilifeform's old tub auto to steamer .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and incidentally a 'greyhound'-type bus costs nao about 1mil.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: what's so novel re the pictured machine ? my ride from bucharest to timis was in a tub that looked quite like this, only slightly larger
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in current era, it's a work that has all of the appeal of those safari tours where you shoot tame lion
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw i pictured 'guaranteed instruction!' as, you come to the class and 'guarantee' at least will get to play 'f19' for coupla hr
asciilifeform: ... one time there was a sort of show at the uni, 'rotc' corps brought some old (vietnam?) artillery pieces. i walk up to one , the cranks -- surprisingly -- oiled, start to aim it at uni admin bldg. sargeant : 'they forbid us from permitting audience to touch these! but pleeeez come to the base, you can play with it all you like! and wontcha consider to sign up ???'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i did not show up to where the spam asked, so do not know. but suspect that the whole orchestra is hard up for literate folx:
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: there's reason to suspect that usa air corps dropped standards. even asciilifeform ( who was never remotely athlete, or otherwise suspected of qualifying for the work ) has , in dusty files from freshman yr of uni , paper spam from u.s. af, 'pleez consider sign up, guaranteed flight instruction!' etc
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in asciilifeform's extended meatwot, there's a fella who signed up for this. flew in iraq, today -- hobo
asciilifeform: maybe, defending motherland from demented martians is appealing, but strafing half-naked half-apes in jungle, desert, not so appealing ?
asciilifeform: it was ~equiv of current-day usa's 'be rock star'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i suspect deeper problem. somehow subj lost appeal in 'civilized' world... as a boy i dun think i met one single boy who did not at least on boy level wish he could become a jet pilot
asciilifeform: why is it then that luftwaffe had dozen songs, and usa started an' stopped with 'wing and prayer' circa 1942 ?
asciilifeform: in ru, '9000', and starring erry possible kind of flyer, from old man baron richthofen to 'somewhere far away is my native texas' fella above flying f4, to... whoever
asciilifeform: i find it interesting that there appear to be 0 popular songs/rhymes about flying in usa, such that would post-date ww2
asciilifeform: 'Вижу я как Эдвард с Бобом / Вдруг пошли встречаться с богом / Вижу ноль семнадцать на борту.' ( 'then i see, that Ed and Bob, went off to meet up with God, on the clock i see 0-17.' )
asciilifeform: 'Вижу в небе белую черту, / Мой "Фантом" теряет высоту, / Катапульта - вот спасенье, / И на стропах натяженье,/ Сердце в пятки, в штопор я иду.'(tm)(r)('fantom', cult '80s ru item re subj)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: f4 , going by period accounts, had the mega-'feature' where had several modes of spin that were 'unrecoverable' , i.e. if(spin) catapult_now !
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! logotron tree updated with 1) raw-line export knob 2) debug knob that actually turns off (prev. had mistake where it remained forever active)
asciilifeform: ( this evokes laffs today, but vt100 cost what ~toyota cost )
asciilifeform: there's an infamous legend from '80s from some comp center where a vt100 was found to be mysteriously defective, no one could log in. electricals found to be 100% proper, no one could say why. until someone noticed that the table it sat on was too low, and folx ended up ~looking at keys~ instead of keying 'blind'. and 2 letters were swapped...
asciilifeform: it's 'firmware call', but the firmware is 1e6 y.o., and in certain cases outta date..
asciilifeform: there's a set of 'think instead of reflex' that folx learn when start to drive auto, also
asciilifeform: possibly memory of how learned bicycle as a child also worx
asciilifeform: aa, it's an example i always use with usa folx, they usually go 'aha'
asciilifeform: rright, can be acquired, but is higher brain function
asciilifeform: there's this 'anticipatory twitch' most folx start with
asciilifeform: diana_coman: do you like to shoot ? recall when noob, and had to learn not to flinch from recoil ?
asciilifeform: pretty much all folx working in 'untypical' environ, must rely on instruments and specifically learn to ignore naive reflex ; not only pilots, but e.g. sea divers
asciilifeform: ( the other bit, is that vestibular 'stone' aint anyffin like a perfect gyro, it has substantial 'stickiness' )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the set of reactions that killed ww1 pilots in spins are properly called 'instinct', they're reflexes which make sense when land creature e.g. slips on ice and moves to right itself
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i dun see any disagreement -- the 'instinct' developed by trained pilot is very diff item from 'instinct' 'developed' by rube over years of being rube.
asciilifeform: ( naturally wont do anyffin for the historic timestamps, which are apparently rubbish )
asciilifeform: this is almost enuff to give asciilifeform itch to install rubidium clock at piz
asciilifeform: seems like phf also occasionally went 'hey clock drifted by 40min, let's move it'
asciilifeform: (no one admitted to noticing, when put up 1st draft as demo w/ old logs. but i noticed as soon as started reading vintage logs through it)
asciilifeform: when wrote 1st draft of logotron, i made mistake of sorting ~by time~, ended up with soup displayed