1200+ entries in 0.038s
williamdunne: Keeps getting rejected even though I'm going through the VBV crap
williamdunne: On that note, did you hear about the school that gave out laptops that students could take home, which automatically too photos every 15 minutes?
williamdunne: Dependent on how you need to receive the money/what you need to order etc
williamdunne: Oh right, mircea_popescu if you need to buy/sell 1k of bitcoin I can probably get that done for you
williamdunne: I probably should be complaining about one particular exchange, but I'll give them a little more time to fix it, and if they don't I'll be calling them out on their bullshit
williamdunne: was complaining about exchanges earlier, williamdunne ? danielpbarron ? <<< hey?
williamdunne: Yes, I was using Phoenix which handles it very well
williamdunne: Very true, but anything where the data is somewhat frequent I reckon would be better off in WS
williamdunne: Overhead vs the AJAX method? I'd bet otherwise
williamdunne: But if there were best happening more than every second, sure that'd be a great feature to see
williamdunne: Streaming basic pricing data, and submitting/receiving bets are the two I have used it for
williamdunne: Would there be any particular benefit to that in its intended usage? JSON/MsgPack/whatever all work fine with anything I can imagine being necessary on the web
☟︎ williamdunne: While with that description it does sound a bit tarded, in practise I've found them to work very well
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Oh wait I take it back, thats me derping. Message comes up blank
williamdunne: How does one go about securing a Eurola account?
williamdunne: Isn't that the point of WebSockets, getting rid of derpy polling?
williamdunne: Anyhow, what in particular is wrong with it? While there is a host of derpy technologies I'm quite fond of some things - like WebSockets
williamdunne: Re: polling, what would you suggest as the alternative? Websockets?
williamdunne: With Scoop I worked out a structure that fixes some of the issues
williamdunne: Fair enough, think he'll do fine. Fits in quite well with his existing logic
williamdunne: Well then why does this matter? Scoop shares it once and you see both
williamdunne: This is not a problem, so long as something changes between first seen and the update
williamdunne: In this case I may have to make a custom set of rules for Phuctor
williamdunne: Uses a persisted Map of URLs to objects. Messages when he sees a new one
williamdunne: asciilifeform: Dates aren't involved in Scoop's processes
williamdunne: While its not 90s, for me it was always Runescape
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Yes, and possibly the curated porn list. I've been busy this week on a rescue mission
williamdunne: Nearly as derpy as the exchange bragging about FATCA compliance
williamdunne: I haven't seen it in maybe a week but for months I couldn't touch a video without having that stupid voice telling me I should use a Canadian exchange
williamdunne hasn't yet been subjected to obnoxious ads, except from Gem and *shudders* QuadrigaCX
williamdunne: MPwilliamdunne: danielpbarron: Not sure why she couldn't have just come on here D: <<< Nah don't think Stoya ever did :/ That message was about Indian asking DPB to get my contact details for some reason
williamdunne: danielpbarron: Not sure why she couldn't have just come on here D:
☟︎ williamdunne: danielpbarron: Did thanks, think you got one in return
williamdunne: 1 BTC will hire the local village drunk to bludgeon him with a stone, to put the poor child out of his misery
williamdunne: fiat I can't control because I'm not both the bank and the central bank
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Indeed. Outside of fiat which is impossible to keep sole control of, I am responsible for funds. If something were to go wrong it would be my head on the pike.
williamdunne: One of the main things I've been focusing on is getting as many degrees of separation as reasonably possible from USG
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Not yet convinced, while he is responsible I do think there must have been a malicious third party involved which I suspect to be the USG
williamdunne: wasn't it suspected that the SEC (or was it CFTC, or was it both? God knows) wasn't too amused with the fact that all of the exchanges are not regulated and based in God's favourite country?
williamdunne: While I'm going to be putting myself very publicly as the face of the company, I'm not the only one responsible for it
☟︎ williamdunne: Nothing I'd expect anyone to know about yet :)
williamdunne: declaration of any thirdparty, regardless of what title they choose fashion themselves with." There we go
williamdunne: "This mandate is without limitation; and is deemed valid by the company regardless of the opinion or
williamdunne: Latest board resolution contains a line similar to the one in a couple of MPEX contracts that goes along the lines of "The company deems this contract valid, regardless of the opinion or declaration of any person, regardless of what title that they may choose to fashion themselves with" lol
☟︎ williamdunne: Reaching into the pocket his audio cable was coming from was a clear display of threat