6900+ entries in 0.393s
pete_dushenski: "Morgan Stanley to Pay $2.6 Billion to Settle Mortgage Cases" << more usg tax collection
pete_dushenski: usg's gotta throw all its turds at the wall
BingoBoingo: "Streaming Video" and online gaming are the USG approved application of surplus bandwidth
ascii_field: orlov, interestingly, argued that high speed net is key in the modern usg 'panem et circenses' program and will chug along long after problems with supplying the basics of life have begun
mircea_popescu: nah, because a) the usg doesn't care to steer you a particular direction. it only wants you to not move - it's a bureaucracy after all, it has no resources to deal with change, nor can change mean anything but it's ass ; b) the illusion of free wheeling is what's important.
jurov: dunno better comparison to pki would be a car without steering whell, steered by usg
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-02-2015#1033125 << what we've learneds is to take the usg party at the opposite of its word. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: this is simply what usg... is << i actually have a more psychotropic theory. basically, on some subconscious level, us knows it's become uss. and what it wants is, the validation of "well i didn't do anything useful, but at least the stupid thing i did i did WELL". this to be obtained, in the way such nonsense works, by confronting the symbolic representative thereof and "winning".
asciilifeform: idk if these folks run the phillipino content farms, but they are almost certainly the shepherds of the usg db with palmprints linked to blockchain tx from idiots
asciilifeform: the way usg contracting works, folks eager-to-please get preemptively down on their knees
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://www.noblis.org << usg dept. of btcdiddlery - incidentally.
mircea_popescu: decimation: "Oh I'm totally an awesome diplomat, look at my years of usg experience!" << this lol.
asciilifeform: (from vintage quasi-usg catalogue, http://www.tscm.freeservers.com/stu.html - apparently this has 'always' been on the net)
asciilifeform: this is simply what usg... is. at least since it was grown enough to even -have- a foreign policy.
decimation: asciilifeform: why does usg keep wanting to bring back the cold war? nostalgia?
decimation: unfortunately, this means that the current population of the military is strongly selected for nominal loyalty to usg
decimation: "Oh I'm totally an awesome diplomat, look at my years of usg experience!"
decimation: one wonders how many usg state department officers would be hired by other countries if usg went bankrupt
ascii_field: porn - a-ok in usa; viewing porn without usg permanent record of the act - nope
ascii_field: it is deceptively easy to avoid the problems of usg academia if you aren't trying to deal with the question of how folks are to eat. just like it is very easy for an electromobile to 'not pollute' - superficially - because it lacks a tailpipe
ascii_field: the basic cockroach in the soup is that traditional academia fights for usg table scraps
assbot: Logged on 24-02-2015 15:36:32; jurov: virile males are completely undesirable in usg
jurov: virile males are completely undesirable in usg ☟︎
asciilifeform ianal but thought 'easements' were sop, even for usg
asciilifeform: ^ re: 'golden age' usg
decimation: ben_vulpes: usg will 'pay' for R&D, so "R&D" is what you get :)
BingoBoingo: Still way too many ways for USG to hang an honest barrister
BingoBoingo: <decimation> being a usg shill in a foreign country would be depressing as hell <, For sure, no point traveling if you can't try 50 shades of poon
decimation: being a usg shill in a foreign country would be depressing as hell
decimation: mats: see the world, usg pays
decimation: my experience is that grad school, if worthwhile, is usually paid for by employers or usg
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the guy who wrote templeos is living on that racket << terry davis. and schizophrenia is still one of the more reliable ways a white man can get usg payola. though it's still an 'achievement', on part with getting a $1M research grant on your lonesome << Who knows, if it wasn't for glorious tobacco maybe I'd be on that golden ticket
asciilifeform: the guy who wrote templeos is living on that racket << terry davis. and schizophrenia is still one of the more reliable ways a white man can get usg payola. though it's still an 'achievement', on part with getting a $1M research grant on your lonesome
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ...but a leech ? a leech is a revolutionary. << usg welfare folks aren't leeches, they're employees. (what're they paid for? ask tlp.)
danielpbarron: is it possible to get money from USG without strings attached?
asciilifeform: (usg term for the classic dungeon where you get to sit alone)
mircea_popescu: baby boomers checked out of society, their kids were raised by the tv set, the result is the current usg.
asciilifeform: http://www.securityinfowatch.com/directory/perimeter-security-physical-hardening << giant catalogue of usg auschwitzmatics
asciilifeform: builders sc4mz0r3d usg
asciilifeform: and afaik nobody cancelled bunkers, but the 'golden age of usg' gigantomania is gone.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> The "critical" employees would be working without the expectation of receiving a pay check. << not really << check it out, usg trying to steal b-a.
ascii_field: jurov: i still don't get why usg would use anything other than the most 'respectable' root certs ('verisign' et al) for their shenanigans
asciilifeform: any 'plum book' usg
asciilifeform: unbalanced: the reason for this is the elementary fact that, while virtually all victims of usg ops are dumb enough to run winblows, not all of them are so exquisitely stupid as to use the install that came in the crate
mircea_popescu: alf's forced theory is that he got paid infinity whores & blows to run all the meta-usg
mircea_popescu: gunnery sargeant hartmann usg
asciilifeform: (also can talk about att being every bit as 'usg' as any ministry, at the time of being a national telecom megamonopoly)
asciilifeform: earlier usg
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i can already picture 'teh phyootur' where the ada-on-bare-metal meta-foundation(tm) is laughing at us << Irony of USG sponsored Ada saving the world from C is delicious
asciilifeform: usg billionaire
asciilifeform: open for usg to roam freely << the rocket train was disguised (thinly) as a cargo train and went on ordinary rail
asciilifeform: there is a legend, based on released usg docs of reasonable plausibility, that usg knew where the trains were at various times by sneaking neutron counters into passenger/cargo rail
decimation: actually usa has plenty of railroads, but none of them are open for usg to roam freely
asciilifeform: spitzer et al probably account for lion's share of my mental picture of usg elite
decimation: heh. well, the world of official usg is quite different from the world of finance for which usg provides a krysha
mircea_popescu: you think there exists a meta-usg that enjoys life like there exists a meta-nsa that enjoys thinking ?
asciilifeform: sorta like the argument that if there is already the usg-mandated maximum of xxx ppm of turd in your dinner, might as well go full-blown coprophagiac
asciilifeform: jurov: can ask them for stuff and pay in bitcoin... but quite bezzle rates << same as 'bitpay' but spammier flavour. and same problem. you can't bitcoinize a fiat business relationship not because of the funny green usg money but because it is wotless
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, decimation: the point that i was trying - and failing - to make, was that a fundamentally fiat-based business arrangement like renting a house from a fella on opposite end of continent who you've never met and never expect to meet, cannot be 'bitcoinized' in the sense of turning you loose from usg financial jail << Even when "fiat poor" developing "escape WoT" is obstacle
asciilifeform: decimation: just demonstrating that d1scr1m1n4t10n!!!111!! is not the root password to usg
asciilifeform: sooo >> usg could mandate pgp for letters of credit just as easily as it mandates the garbage we see today
mircea_popescu: you know you WILL end up having to come up with "the only reason sun raises in the morning is usg" at some point
asciilifeform: - usg.
asciilifeform: any single usg employee's security, in all respects, continues at the MERCY of unidentified party. in no sense and in no manner does it flow from usg-anything << to be fair, the very reason why 'identity theft' is a real problem for anybody is usg
mircea_popescu: any single usg employee's security, in all respects, continues at the MERCY of unidentified party. in no sense and in no manner does it flow from usg-anything.
asciilifeform: iirc not a single such machine sold to anyone but usg or a directly usg-funded org.
decimation: which can levitate to whatever degree usg chooses, as long as it keeps these pipes flowing
asciilifeform: then factor in the 'white men need not apply' subsidized housing from the other half of usg
decimation: yeah that's roughly 1/2 to one billion $ per year in your area alone, usg paid rent
asciilifeform: decimation: iirc, usg also automatically buys the house at bezzle-planned rate if you get relocation orders
decimation: I mean usg housing allowance
decimation: they just pay with usg fiat
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, decimation: the point that i was trying - and failing - to make, was that a fundamentally fiat-based business arrangement like renting a house from a fella on opposite end of continent who you've never met and never expect to meet, cannot be 'bitcoinized' in the sense of turning you loose from usg financial jail
decimation: banking at any bank is banking with usg
asciilifeform: decimation: aha. then usg also has receipt
asciilifeform: millions do the latter << heavily subsidized by usg
asciilifeform: 'get rid of' in the sense of 'make use of without giving half of it to usg'
asciilifeform: in that 'usg knows you had $xxxx that day in your pocket'
mircea_popescu: anyway, that they're "iraquis" is ridoinculous beyond belief. not even the usg believes anyone'd believe it, hence the "and kurdish" because supposedly nobody knows who the kurds are. except...
dignork: well, pretty much anyone doing TLS MitM just creates one key per client/subnet/attack, unless it's USG just using a kosher VeriSign key
BingoBoingo: In USia "drugs" are often used as a pretext by USG for taking nice things from people who have nice things.
Adlai: 'bong was a part of the USG lowering Shrem into pederastry' << ?
BingoBoingo: Let us all remember the bong was a part of the USG lowering Shrem into pederastry
punkman: Mr Nice spent quite some time in USG prison
punkman: iirc one of his partners was a USG agent, surprising he escaped USG prison
asciilifeform: as a mega-apocalyptic culmination of usg military wankery
decimation: well, the bigger picture is that usg is not going to be able to threaten russia or china as much as it used to
decimation: actually usg has also tacitly admitted that its submarines are becoming useless http://nationalinterest.org/feature/are-submarines-about-become-obsolete-12253
ascii_field: not without having the first or second marketeer i'd run into be a usg stooge set up for precisely this kind of harvesting
ascii_field looks for 'washington dc black market but not the usg stoolies' phone book
ascii_field: this is 99% of how usg collects its 'death ray plotters'
ascii_field: danielpbarron: that is.. not outside the realm of possibility for me... not that i've made such an inquiry << the odds are that after you were to make two or three such inquiries, you will come across a usg stoolie
ascii_field: NewLiberty: nothing to do with libel suites. notice that not one av vendor on the planet has yet fingered usg in the open. regardless of how obvious (e.g., 'stuxnet') the smoking guns.
mircea_popescu: dead usg agent was killed by someone. by whom ?
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: where does the dead usg sysadmin come in? somehow missing it
ascii_field: humans-in-the-loop is what -every single person nailed by usg so far- had in common. ☟︎
asciilifeform: chetty: more complicated. ploy to stave off genuine voice channel crypto indefinitely through 'aha see they foiled usg plot, go back to using traditional phone'
asciilifeform: because i didn't. and i don't believe a word out of the usg shills that is south kr.
assbot: Logged on 19-02-2015 20:48:27; ascii_field: great sim heist << transparent nsa smokescreen. gsm uses toy crypto since day one (usg mandate) and has always been breakable with minimal effort.
decimation: "Und das jährliche Turnier „Golf gegen Rechts“ hat sich um den „New Golf Award 2015“ beworben. Ausgezeichnet werden dabei die innovativsten Ideen für ein neues Golf-Turnier." < the annual "golf against the rightists" tournament has been awared the "new golf award 2015" for the most innovative idea for a new golf tournament.