5500+ entries in 0.022s
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: the sad part is that by "battling out" ideas in this wordspace, one gets a bit of serotonin rush, to feel *as if* they have actually done something material. i know i get this, at least. evolutionary side-effect, this whole "curiosity -> completion" gap used to be much larger, not it short-circuits easily. it sucks, need to make conscious effort to resist sinking into nihilistic bliss, i think. </rant>
Framedragger: asciilifeform: silently and immediately because folks will notice if not, and you'll become a point of interst?
Framedragger: http://btcscoop.com/steg/ for sale, great. i love the web
Framedragger: yeah.
Framedragger: may be a tad bit too nihilistic, sure
Framedragger: myeah, i know. but i also think it's only a matter of degree of effort: if i'm not important enough in their eyes, i'll be fine. if on the other hand i am, then they'll find a way to link me to station and will pay a visit. a.k.a. binary "are you important?" security model.
Framedragger: while*
Framedragger: i'd risk getting a visit from the spooks here, honestly been interested in viability of low bitrate (plain-encrypted, in my mind) radio exchange for a whole.
Framedragger: which is, if i may say so, smart indeed
Framedragger: asciilifeform: so that's the thing, maybe prototyping gossipd designs over usual packet-switched internet is not even worth it?
Framedragger: *sigh* i'll look up dongle prices :D
Framedragger: for seriously.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: and those will of course not have much bandwidth capacity. but i maintain that to usefully PoC the thing, you don't need much at all. jeebus, having a radio-based key server would be amazing already
Framedragger: (consider a true radio relay, by which i mean a relay which sends, receives, and *passes on* messages received from one end to the other)
Framedragger: "rather long distance" does not imply 100 kW afaik?
Framedragger: you don't need to cover the whole damn globe (ionosphere bounces notwithstanding). it's just a *node*
Framedragger: i still don't understand why the hell you need them 100kW
Framedragger: (drone delivery to fbi building, etc)
Framedragger: i mean personally, to be able to exchange pgp-signed sha512 hashes would make me super happy already - maybe premature ejaculation, yes, but it'd be a *useful facility*.
Framedragger: sure.
Framedragger: yeah i wouldn't transmit encrypted shortwaves from usa, that indeed sounds like doom
Framedragger: (i know that ideal lighthoused would have much higher throughput.)
Framedragger: 10kbps, imho, would be *fine* for the beginning. enough for lighthoused PoC if there were to appear one later, enough to sync state, exchange keys, etc.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: no disagreement, hence the tone (happily masturbating each other, they are). point was, they're able to listen to each other rather easily
Framedragger: but all those radio amateurs happily listening to each other's callsigns around the globe - they don't have powerful stations do they?
Framedragger: that's the way it works, i guess. talk is easy
Framedragger: yeah.
Framedragger: that's the thing, i wonder if a few points around the globe wouldn't be enough, in principle!
Framedragger: shortwaves bounce around the ionosphere and all that
Framedragger: i mean ideally, it'd be a p2p radio station network. antenna + dongle + stuff can be real cheap.
Framedragger: it'd be so much fun and would be super educational!
Framedragger: (i'm sure it's easier told than done)
Framedragger: tty wifi dongles, but rather long distance shortwaves, etc.) ☟︎
Framedragger: btw regarding "there is no sane NIC out there" problem and appreciating the fact that designing a whole proper NIC may not be an efficient effort ("ip stack should be eventually abandoned", lots of work, economies of scale at work in semiconductor production, whatnot), i wonder why asciilifeform hasn't considered investing time not in seeking a sane nic, but rather designing / using a sane transport protocol via *radio* (i don't mean shi
Framedragger: eventually metasploit the whole damn /0, etc
Framedragger: but i guess that's what's effectively happening anyway :)
Framedragger: would be great to have a nosuchlabs observatory lab, with results exposed over sql or w/e, as discussed
Framedragger: yeah for a sec i thought this was new. but totally should be done
Framedragger: actually, half the time you're probably speaking to an overcaffeinated framedragger
Framedragger: probably coffee in my mind
Framedragger: (i mean, polling and re-polling later to check status etc)
Framedragger: hmm, gotta script this carefully. prolly not gonna be today. but will try and do this.
Framedragger: i'll prolly do this and make use of vc's cockbox. his /dev/null attitude to abuuuuze complaints is appreciated.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: absolutely - will do! though, those 22mil boxes have ssh running on them; there's prob a semi-quick way to get a broader "is it generally online" list, too. but, gotta start somewhere
Framedragger: oh! "catching up on logs" is an important thing indeed. you mean http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160922/#139 - wowza.
Framedragger: https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20160922.txt
Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah i saw that; they deleted one thread and locked the other, it seems. which is lol.
Framedragger: irony
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#687 << agree, will turn off. it was useful but it logs everything locally anyway..
Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah. pythonism it is.
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160921/#167 << yeah, and i'm still unsure if it should not do this. i like it as it provides more context, but it's not.. standardized; it's rather ad-hoc; probably better to turn that off in scriba, and add facility for it to cite multiline passages via privmsg.
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160921/#109 << znc puts shitty non-utf-but-should-be-utf chars in logs, bot trips over them and can't ignore them. that is also (cc mircea_popescu) the reason why it keeps saying it's the same char at same position: even if you just read() the whole file into buffer, it's gonna fail (at the same place). obviously this is unsustainable, i.e. i won't put up with this. ☟︎
Framedragger: (ahh. to grind some coffee beans, make self some coffee, and open #trilema irc buffer to find nice rant by mp at the end. the small joys of life!)
Framedragger: interesting
Framedragger: [22:04:02] <leah> I was considering leaving GNU anyway
Framedragger: [22:03:32] <leah> the shock at the moment from the last few days is only temporary
Framedragger: [22:03:23] <leah> libreboot is currently expanding
Framedragger: [22:03:13] <leah> and your patches are still welcome
Framedragger: [22:03:09] <leah> I still run this project
Framedragger: i particularly like
Framedragger: livelogged chat for lulz: http://log.mkj.lt/libreboot_20160920.log.txt
Framedragger: leah didn't answer yet (i posted the link)
Framedragger: thx
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: do you have a log of that convo? it would be an entertaining read. or maybe a short non-time-consuming blog post? ;)
Framedragger: "***leah steals nothing" lol
Framedragger: wow
Framedragger: he got kicked before
Framedragger: omg i was too late to press return
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: kicked in 3 2 1
Framedragger: asciilifeform: not arguing here though; i just recall mathjax working nicely in wp, served from server; but, yes, lots of js
Framedragger: hence the clause "but lots of javascript"
Framedragger: i know you dont care about mobile users because they suck mircea_popescu , but what's nice with rendered fonts is that they scale nicely; among other things
Framedragger: yeah i just used the former asciilifeform
Framedragger: maybe just my preference
Framedragger: sucks balls
Framedragger: you cant copy paste an image
Framedragger: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/mathjax-latex/ ; https://docs.mathjax.org/en/v1.1-latest/platforms/wordpress.html
Framedragger: which renders latex
Framedragger: i mean, mathjax in wp
Framedragger: lots of javascript but renders well. but lots of javascript
Framedragger: i recall using mathjax for math equations
Framedragger: well, the webserver needs not to get confused if it is asked to serve /some/hipster/post where neither that file nore /some/hipster/index.* exists; it needs to pass uri as parameter to index.php
Framedragger: asciilifeform: but you can edit .htaccess (or nginx directives for the site) yourself, at least that's what i did in the past iirc.
Framedragger: (how else will one try things they always wanted to try)
Framedragger: bbl, changing loc
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#320 << nice, and, yeah, indeed, freedom of choice and all that
Framedragger: (unrelated, an exploit in metasploit: https://github.com/justinsteven/advisories/blob/master/2016_metasploit_rce_static_key_deserialization.md )
Framedragger: ah, nice!
Framedragger: yeah. a bit tricky
Framedragger: (i.e. i agree, but there are ways to leverage things. but, takes time to do right)
Framedragger: postgres builtin search needs to be massaged iirc, and e.g. if you set up indices you may need to do https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server - actually, best to change things anyway, as by default postgres assumes you have very little memory, etc.
Framedragger: ah
Framedragger: how about full text search? though i know that a combo of caching and grep-in-memory-map mode (on an ssd, say) may be viable
Framedragger: crontab*
Framedragger: (things will be moved to proper db with proper unixtime)
Framedragger: sounds good
Framedragger: yeah. my contrab now has TZ=UTC LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /usr/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1 just to be sure. unfortunately, that only happened later.
Framedragger: :)
Framedragger: thought that's what you meant by defensively
Framedragger: *ahem*