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ThickAsThieves: but i do like how thy took more time than some to prepare their documents and a vid
ThickAsThieves: what i dont understand is, why are so many people buying so much of it
ThickAsThieves: but odds are it will go down in btc value if btc price goes up
ThickAsThieves: thats a good point, among a pile of other reasons the asset is questionable
ThickAsThieves: is there any precedent for holding an exchange culpable for a delay in transaction or deposit action that results in a loss of opporunity to buy at a lower price?
ThickAsThieves: you cant be a gangster and a preacher at the same time
ThickAsThieves: sdice is his dirty little secret that pays for his bitcoin jesus work
ThickAsThieves: whats funnier is that the flippers should be posting trickier asks
ThickAsThieves: the ipo shares are not on the main havelock page for the asset
ThickAsThieves: new fringe marketing is always passe after a year or two
ThickAsThieves: think design & mktg are important, but not an excuse to have lacluster sunstance or functionality