asciilifeform: reader, to date, restarted 100+ times , and no one noticed. ( bot -- iirc 3 . )
asciilifeform: ( why asciilifeform did not do this in the original ? answr -- because wanted to make the bot independent of reader, so could restart the latter , for cosmetic fiddles, w/out risking to lose lines )
asciilifeform: ( observe that search knob already worx by passing command to reader )
asciilifeform: in principle could then have a mircea_popescu-style php reader, and e.g ada bot .
asciilifeform: i actually did very similar thing in phuctor ( the 'werker', c proggy that uses multiple cpu ) as of '16 does not need to know about pg, it talks to the frontend via ordinary http
asciilifeform: btw i dun recall if mentioned this, but it is possible to bake the bot in sumthing that doesn't know about pg, but only knows how to socket. ( i.e. if one were to move the 'insert new line' into reader , and have the latter take a http 'put' on for same )
asciilifeform: in all seriousness, the tower o'shit for is only slightly shorter than for ( yea no 'flask' -- but dozen other similars )
asciilifeform: currently asciilifeform's logotron kit takes list of other-bots in config file. these are used atm strictly in www displayer's colouration ( grey, a la phf's )
asciilifeform: ^ hm mircea_popescu , do you think bots oughta ignore outputs of bots ? ( i deliberately did not, as specifically requested in mircea_popescu's spec ; but it would be a trivial change )
asciilifeform fughets where this were, was iirc some sad brit
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'the age commanded that we sing, but then cut off our tongues... the age commanded that we flow, but hammered in the bung!'(tm)(r)
asciilifeform: re 'htaccess' tho, imho the cut was correct, 'deny errything but what is explicitly permitted in the config' is the Right Thing, rather than 'make user specify per-dir'
asciilifeform: so i suspect the 'optimizations'(tm)(r) more than made up for whatever was gained in the orig. cut.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw i've never succeeded in detecting a performance diff b/w the 2 (in the use scenario where they can be interchanged)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nginx was an old heathen attempt to 'trb treatment' of apache by 'cut all the pieces i dun use' -- of 1 particular user.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile the GB switch crate is here !
asciilifeform: ( found out that there is no working equiv. of 'mod-php' for ngx )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo and asciilifeform together, when attempted the collective php blog system on same
asciilifeform: it doesn't walk anywhere near entire data set.
asciilifeform: point being, a search box query costs approx same as ordinary page load.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: as you can see on my www -- allcomers. just like in e.g. phuctor.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: well imho (and in disagreement with mircea_popescu) blogging includes search box. which is why my wp runs on pg.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw i used only standard sql in my proggies -- with the exception of indices (where there is no standard mechanism, grrrr)
asciilifeform: ( which would make it GB+ and consisting largely of machine barf. i almost expected to discover that it ~does~ when wrote )
asciilifeform: aat least it doesn't try to stuff the indices into the dump.
asciilifeform: i have not fully vivisected'em , cannot presently say whether 'eh just filter'em out' would work .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in fact (and apropos of your 'but it Will!! break if planets unalign' comment, incidentally) it shits forth not only iso sql , but proprietary oddities
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i used it all the way to the last day when the university shut down their unix cluster and expelled all 'zombies' who were still connected. which -- ~decade after graduating -- still included asciilifeform
asciilifeform for many, many yrs -- used pine ! and when moved from last flat in fact threw out a crt with pine screen burned into the phosphor.
asciilifeform: strangely sicilian seems almost plug-compatible with ro (sorta like those old sovok rocket connectors, 'only gotta hammer it once and the pins will bend...' )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i recall you had another similar , sumthing like 'da-mi mama dupa Iura'
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i see it nao, but i eat slowly, lol
asciilifeform will try an' work through mircea_popescu's sicilian proverbs
asciilifeform: i'ma stfu and give mircea_popescu the needed air atm
asciilifeform: re 'postgres' vs 'mysql' -- afaik they're entirely compatible, such as they are used in my item, with the exceptions of: 1) table indices 2) dump format.
asciilifeform: btw diana_coman actually #20 contains mistake, in temp mirrors 1st set up 'nginx' as in older system, then 'apache' to compare whether made diff in re performance (it did not) . ( putting this here, rather than to spam mp's www with 9000 errata comments.. )
asciilifeform: meanwhile : BingoBoingo : the crate with the 1u chassis's is here.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i suspect he has >1 point, but that this indeed was 1 of'em. but i expect he'll clarify, i'ma refrain from guessing.