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ThickAsThieves: btc is more adictive than any game i ever got stuck on, so i'm not even gonna google kerbal
ThickAsThieves: how many mos need to pass for you to change your outlook?
ThickAsThieves: guy seems great, but i dunno why youd want a broker that was rarely around
ThickAsThieves: ive been in this chan for like 4 mos, and smickles was absent most of it
ThickAsThieves: now would be a great time for someone to click the Buy $1m button a few times
ThickAsThieves: i think people will need to use outside exchanges as reference
ThickAsThieves: only btc there, will be from people that fear/dislike/cant deal in fiat on other exchanges
ThickAsThieves: if it opens, and lag isnt fixed, price will surely crash
ThickAsThieves: due to the fact there is so much uncertainty, i think a likely scenario is a repate of last nights oscilations
ThickAsThieves: i'm having trouble seeing the price drop lower than on outside exchanges
ThickAsThieves: whats the 25k bitfloor story? i have some cash there...
ThickAsThieves: i have real trouble understanding why a receipt cant be the last thing that happens in the chain
ThickAsThieves: i just mean that we make plenty of reasonable requests and suggestions that end up being painted as absurd of they conflict with mp's original decision
ThickAsThieves: now i have to go back and audit all my fucking excercises
ThickAsThieves: i did try to buy puts at the same time as Bug, but I was too late
ThickAsThieves: mp, do you have a log of when the bot vwap lowered from 227.18 yesterday?
ThickAsThieves: wouldnt matter of being the same second causes glitches
ThickAsThieves: but surely your system is gated to only give receipts as proof of confirmed purchase, no?