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DreadKnight: "rich" seems to be more of a state of mind; kinda like you're saying on your blog "pay up or this could wither and die" on your blog mircea_popescu, even though that's not the case, but I like the lesson you're teaching
DreadKnight: some people would get poor in no time anyway, as they originally were
DreadKnight: HeySteve, squishy units that either do a lot of damage or are meant for support and really tanky units that are meant to protect others and take damage
DreadKnight: HeySteve, so basically you have the whole moba type of game team under your own management instead of having to rely on random idiots and hope they're doing the right thing;
DreadKnight: HeySteve, keep in mind higher level units cost way more, there's a cost formula
DreadKnight: HeySteve, there's setting for limiting number of units; they're pretty big compared to HoMM games anyway; combat field gets more crowded easier, especially in 2vs2
DreadKnight: HeySteve, hopefully that makes sense to you; will show you wip document design next week, hopefully you'll have more questions about things not clear enough
DreadKnight: HeySteve, well, no mana as there is no magic; there's plasma to protect Dark Priest (summoner) and also make units (so more / better units = less protection, it's a tradeoff); each unit has it's own energy stat, abilities require energy, there's also meditation to replenish that, but if an unit gets damaged in a round above a treshold (more than endurance stat), then the unit gets no regen it's next turn (regrowth for health and m
DreadKnight: it's fun how assb0t sometimes flames people
DreadKnight: nagzter, definitely go for it with your husband for the other coin if you haven't picked a name xD
DreadKnight: seems that the original guy who tried failed
DreadKnight: in dogecoin channel people got hyped about "bacoin" recently and wanted to make it only to find out someone tried that almost an year ago xD
DreadKnight: nagzter, would be funny if the joke coin would take off and not the "real" one, twitter scenario
DreadKnight: benkay, how much you pay for your hosting?
DreadKnight: benkay, need to spend a few more days learning about socks / dividends / shares / listing so I can talk the talk properly and write some documentation as well (which is long time due)
DreadKnight: argh, bubblebear.com available for 2900$, right...
DreadKnight: I'm more into getting a listing though and learning the related stuff
DreadKnight: recall it from chat log, still not very familiar with the system
DreadKnight: and dealing with serious resellers only instead of average joe is really awesome
DreadKnight: plus MPEx has some fees to get into :) which not everybody has around to begin with
DreadKnight: benkay, when I said online platforms I meant websites with lots of users that interact with the website; MPEx is not like facebook / fiverr / bitcointalk forum
DreadKnight: benkay, they say "NO ADS" in topic, noticed too late; can easily be considered an ad
DreadKnight: (I bought the hdd from a 3rd party through the website, from the website owners)
DreadKnight: I bought a hdd from an online store, a romanian ebay clone once and I got scammed as it was old and had bad sectors, was it the website's fault? my fault more likely, but there was a reputation system so I should had been more careful, also the used got banned quickly
DreadKnight: there are risks in lending, it's a gamble; just like stocks, so that's the whole point
DreadKnight: benkay, was expecting you would say that; MPEx is exception
DreadKnight: I got woken by turkish music and manele yesterday, those make liturgical music sound like masterpieces in comparison
DreadKnight: Namworld, things would be better, more devs and patches, more testing; on windows you can't really patch, just complain
DreadKnight: good and evil are two sides of the same coin, you can't have just one
DreadKnight: benkay, there are scammers and scams on every single platform
DreadKnight: Namworld, people constantly complaining about viruses but not switching, that is the problem
DreadKnight: because it's about the people using the website
DreadKnight: btcjam basically has the same amount of credibility as any crowd funding website in existence
DreadKnight: benkay, the website itself doesn't seem to be a scam, but yeah, there are scammers on it for sure
DreadKnight: there goes my excitement for sharing an interesting website
DreadKnight: great, just got banned in #bitcoin for sharing a link :\
DreadKnight: alt tabbed back to website and it proceeded, so dunno wtf
DreadKnight: ok seriously, how do I list gpg key id? xD
DreadKnight: probably with even a few original games as well
DreadKnight: a second hand ps3 is probably 100 bucks now, at least around here
DreadKnight: got ps3 and I don't even touch it for a long time now
DreadKnight: and people keep saying "not enough games on linux"
DreadKnight: using linux for about 10 years yet I suffered a lot from being addicted to gaming
DreadKnight: bringing games as an argument is like you're deliberately trying to play the same few games that just aren't made with other operating systems in mind
DreadKnight: enjoy your windows but stop complaining of constant buthurt
DreadKnight: he should, windows sux and all that it's good about it is related to Bill Gates stealing and getting ahead
DreadKnight: how to I list gpg key id's btw? using shell/terminal
DreadKnight: thestringpuller, tell that to the average joe
DreadKnight: benkay, oh, I sure hope so and it sounds pretty likely to happen
DreadKnight: it's like buying games for nintendo console and wanting to play them on your ps3.
DreadKnight: kuzetsa, lmao; plenty of linux games, plus linux can also run windows games; that reputation is total FUD, it's based on people believing that and keeping at it
DreadKnight: I'm not sure what bitcoin has to do with the OS
DreadKnight: gave up on windows a long time ago because of that kind of crap
DreadKnight: I'm like "switch damn it and stop complaining already" in my mind
DreadKnight: I often hear windows users complaining about antiviruses, viruses and a lot of other stuff