3900+ entries in 0.085s
ThickAsThieves: regulatory approach to strive for an international, and ideally global, coordination, otherwise
ThickAsThieves: "the global, internet-based nature of VCs would require a
ThickAsThieves: !up Duffer1
ThickAsThieves: http://www.eba.europa.eu/documents/10180/657547/EBA-Op-2014-08+Opinion+on+Virtual+Currencies.pdf
ThickAsThieves: they go on to say this authority could be decentralized, but it doesnt quite make sense to me
ThickAsThieves: authority would be required to comply with regulatory and supervisory requirements of various kinds to mitigate identified risks.
ThickAsThieves: 154. The entity would be called the ‘scheme governance authority’, which is a non-governmental entity that establishes and governs the rules for the use of a particular VC scheme.24 It is a legal person, and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the central transaction ledger, the protocol, and any other core functional component of the scheme. The scheme governance
ThickAsThieves: lol if i'm reading this correctly, the EBA is suggesting that any virtual currency "scheme" would be required to have a central authority representing it
ThickAsThieves: my wife loves em too
ThickAsThieves: http://cryptome.org/2014/06/gao-14-496.pdf
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: only by association
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: stereotypist!
ThickAsThieves: mp bitches no one will show their tits, then bitches they won't show face, I see where this is going
ThickAsThieves: http://retroshare.sourceforge.net
ThickAsThieves: he's lucky he sent them to lawyers ☟︎
ThickAsThieves: this guy got his coins back http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/273vi2/if_you_just_received_800_bitcoin_out_of_the_blue
ThickAsThieves: nice
ThickAsThieves: maybe they just wanna make money by mistake too
ThickAsThieves: bill gates is workin on shit, youll have post-famine boobies soon enough
ThickAsThieves: people in famine got no interwebs
ThickAsThieves: my bad
ThickAsThieves: he's the OT guy
ThickAsThieves: Chris Odom
ThickAsThieves: http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/famous-pickup-artist-is-now-a-bitcoin-expert
ThickAsThieves: isnt it the mastercoin guy or one of those guys who's a former pickup artist?
ThickAsThieves: maybe andreas is available for evangelist consulting, or there's always the mastercoin guy
ThickAsThieves: that's what happens when you try to be a feminist
ThickAsThieves: your game is slippin
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
ThickAsThieves: if we control everything, everything will be okay
ThickAsThieves: after put thru the Bloomberg filter: EU Banks Must Shun Bitcoin Until Rules in Place, EBA Says
ThickAsThieves: http://www.eba.europa.eu/-/eba-proposes-potential-regulatory-regime-for-virtual-currencies-but-also-advises-that-financial-institutions-should-not-buy-hold-or-sell-them-whilst-n
ThickAsThieves: it's where the airport is
ThickAsThieves: yep
ThickAsThieves: points to forum, some dude saying he got Danny's Gox Bankruptcy mail
ThickAsThieves: https://twitter.com/zeroblock/status/484725454343913472
ThickAsThieves: zeroblock made a random neo tweet today
ThickAsThieves: did they ever find that Malaysian plane?
ThickAsThieves: til
ThickAsThieves: ah, i see, it's madagascar
ThickAsThieves: 500m south is ocean, no?
ThickAsThieves: Dalrymple obv a dealer
ThickAsThieves: 10 Examples of Decentralized Art
ThickAsThieves: will you settle for habit-forming?
ThickAsThieves: plenty holes as is!
ThickAsThieves: gj benkay!
ThickAsThieves: Inject feminism into your daily conversations with other men.
ThickAsThieves: If she is “nagging,” you are probably lagging.
ThickAsThieves: niggas wont let up
ThickAsThieves: for NFLX*
ThickAsThieves: now GS is recommending post-earnings Calls
ThickAsThieves: sue all the risk!
ThickAsThieves: it's also funny that it's "avoid the risk of"
ThickAsThieves: a warmer safer square
ThickAsThieves: Circle is kinda like US Neo I guess
ThickAsThieves: https://squareup.com/
ThickAsThieves: organofcorti
ThickAsThieves: then they will release "free" bitocin purchasing
ThickAsThieves: circle is now doing a little media trolling to get attention
ThickAsThieves: vaporbank
ThickAsThieves: bitcoin may be volatile, but it isnt like you can just unload 100btc at any price you target
ThickAsThieves: indeed, so far, volume is the hardest thing for me to work with
ThickAsThieves: that all helps
ThickAsThieves: thx
ThickAsThieves: just the sheepness i guess
ThickAsThieves: i dont like them but i cant articulate exactly why
ThickAsThieves: or anyone
ThickAsThieves: mp what's your view on PAMM accounts? ☟︎
ThickAsThieves: Georgia’s new gun rules kicked in Tuesday, allowing residents to carry firearms into bars, nightclubs, classrooms and government buildings in a measure slammed by anti-weapon activists as a “dangerous kill bill.”
ThickAsThieves: guncentralize all the things!
ThickAsThieves: On Tuesday, a misunderstanding between two armed men in a convenience store in Georgia led to one man drawing his gun and being arrested on the first day of the “guns everywhere” law.
ThickAsThieves: or counting no longer taught
ThickAsThieves: too many bullet holes to count i guess
ThickAsThieves: "Christian was shot an unknown number of times by a Purcellville police officer"
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves permanently elevated plateau i say! /// such progress.
ThickAsThieves: we blew past it! no chance of crash anymore1
ThickAsThieves: champagne for all!
ThickAsThieves: Dow broke 17k
ThickAsThieves: lolz https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=339417.msg7658308#msg7658308
ThickAsThieves: indeed
ThickAsThieves: i imagine a clearer answer could be, it will resolve when the results of the open FOIA requests are responded to
ThickAsThieves: <+kakobrekla> http://shrani.si/f/2L/xi/lRh7miy/customer.png /// lol
ThickAsThieves: dude outright wont say what he paid :(
ThickAsThieves posts a "Do Not Feed the Trolls" sign.
ThickAsThieves: these guys just wont spit out the price huh
ThickAsThieves: Draper called him Satoshi Nakomura
ThickAsThieves: http://new.livestream.com/draperuniversity/bitcoin-auction 3m to start
ThickAsThieves: Bitcoin payments on Expedia exceeding their expectations, “I think we’ve already seen what we’ve needed to see..."
ThickAsThieves: exactly
ThickAsThieves: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, a White House watchdog group that condemned the Obama administration's phone surveillance program earlier this year, has released another report ... According to the board, though, it's completely legal.
ThickAsThieves: Sheryl Sandberg apologizes for Facebook's News Feed experiment: 'we never meant to upset you'
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/circle-ceo-jeremy-allaire-issues-challenge-bitcoins-core-developers/
ThickAsThieves: http://new.livestream.com/draperuniversity/bitcoin-auction in 45m
ThickAsThieves: like issuing BUY status and then selling
ThickAsThieves: is that kinda thing regulated?
ThickAsThieves: yep, like GS unloading all their NFLX this week
ThickAsThieves: but i get most!
ThickAsThieves: not entirely true p