3600+ entries in 0.027s
trinque: I took
a few passes at them to help with the business too, and this twat (yes you, alf) dares try to w/e, get me to take up the broken business or imitate it in same vein only after he's shat his pants.
trinque: I've just watched these other guys shred their savings making
a notbusiness and then apparently going to do the same thing in another spot, because the last one was cursed with the "locals are subhuman" or w/e, and having not to do with themselves
mp_en_viaje: trinque, iirc there was
a scheme discussed year or two ago re small sums and
a definition thereof ?
trinque: mp_en_viaje: around briefly, but away from fortress for
a few days
mp_en_viaje: running
a business is all about doing math. "am i willin gto pay 1.5% more for
a box to reduce losses by one in five million ?"
mp_en_viaje: what's
a failed read do, dirty
a cache page ? hurr, workers abound.
mp_en_viaje: incidentally, how about you offer l2s, new or otherwise,
a year of free hosting ? i'ma throw in
a free domain registration with it on my own account, and there you go, novice welcoming package.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'll bake
a blog post architecting what an ideal shared host machine involves based on the lessons of UY1 and anyserver.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'll work on
a shared server how-to with hardware resources necessary. I can tell you now such
a machine is going to want all the RAM it can get. On 'anyserver' MySQL's RAM consumption has been stable and depended so far on how many blogs it has been fed. Apache however benefits tremendously from spinning up new workers and there isn't another
httpd worth messing with for the purpose.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 13:03:05 mp_en_viaje: perhaps should lay into asciilifeform to offer
a shared of their own and we move all the stuff off BingoBoingo 's continuity bridge in there within
a month or two ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: that makes sense as
a direct replication of previous setup; I don't really see anything wrong with it either; alternatively I suppose I can always set it up even on
a vps with maxim or whatevers, it's literally "don't care where", all of it is public and fixed and should just be accessible for people to download stuff.
mp_en_viaje: perhaps should lay into asciilifeform to offer
a shared of their own and we move all the stuff off BingoBoingo 's continuity bridge in there within
a month or two ?
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-18#1946300 - meanwhile after reading
a translation of some chinese dude's similar attempts to "communicate", I start suspecting that everyone's chinese!! but after this experience, I'll add to #o curriculum documented interactions with unknown people to be done until result is judged acceptable.
a car will take 4 wheels 10 bucks each + 1 chasis 80 bux + 9 windows 2.20 + 1 engine 115 and our margin 20% comes to (4*10+1*80+9 *2.20+1*115)*1.2 = 305.76
a corp with significant dubaloo-denominated capital goods and bitcoin earnin gpower is like the golden boy of bitcoin finance.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i think i'd rather lease, do you have
a preference ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: let me go back through the whole log because honestly, I'm having
a problem with asciilifeform's frenzy-spitting in the logs
mp_en_viaje: i see. ok, so what'd the charge be for the building of two clones of the smg machines + 1 clone of the pizarro shared server and for
a year's hosting ?
mp_en_viaje: aite, so then, what's your plan, get
a rack and start racking ?
mp_en_viaje: i mean financed. eg when i logged into dns thing
a few days back at BingoBoingo 's request discovered i have like 1k usd rotting in there. and that place takes bitcoin, too.
mp_en_viaje: might be
a good idea to open yourself
a tab with them, too.
mp_en_viaje: and if in three weeks this "is solved" in the sense of no longer getting
a lot of loglines, and you happen to see
a teledildonic telescope on sale, and you buy that, i
mp_en_viaje: but in
a coupla years if the dc implodes and you decide you still can't move, i'll ???
mp_en_viaje: whereas the narrative of amateurship, also well standardized by now, is rather novel ; completed by about 1880s or so. "this is
a thing i do ; but i am not this thing i do".
mp_en_viaje: 3. you being
a fortunately specified thing, will have also clear needs. "i want 50k/year"
mp_en_viaje: 2. X being
a commercial enterprise, will have
a very clearly specified margin. "we charge 20%".
mp_en_viaje: it's not merely an actual q, it's
a universal, fixed-for-all-time and long long ago standard q.
BingoBoingo: If this thing grows and you fill cages upon cages, it survives. It it doesn't grow, when shit happens instead of being an ISP you end up with your upstream deciding you are
a "problem customer"
mp_en_viaje: well, so therein lies the problem : your margin must >= your living expenses, else the "dedicate life" is
a sorta joke.
a coupla boxes from me won't ever support such
a margin, so what's missing is what you intend to do about this.
mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> if you're just looking for
a coupla week's amateur entertainment, i got
a whole line of hookers looking for same pounding down my door.
mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> no, i'm not interested in sending you
a harddrive so maybe you'll do something whatever in your garage.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: well, there was the naive assumption on my part that "how hard can it be"; fwiw though I rather doubt it really makes
a difference simply because there is no real interaction from the other side either.
mp_en_viaje: hey trinque, you about for entitrely unrelated issues from
a few hours ago ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: should I set her up with
a ftp account on logs.ossasepia.com?
mp_en_viaje foresees
a whole fucking ocean of these before we're done, much like the few good rockbands of the 70s had an entire fucking ocean of morons with guitars trying their best to choke them out
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 22:13:06 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in heathendom lint traps,
new lolz from
a very old
lolcow .
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 19:38:00 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i actually have
a pogo in stock, if you like just-for-you it can be plugged in.
mp_en_viaje: stop tryna fix imaginary problems as
a transparent cover-up for not fixing existing problems. it's transparent and it'll stay transparent, disavowing it'll NEVER work
mp_en_viaje: the problem of pizarro was, 100%, your joint an' several failure to build it
a customer base.
mp_en_viaje: if you don't change for change's sake then you're happy with everything as it is, if hilary didn't give you your rights then pangloss gave you the best possible world, god fucking love 'em with
a sharpened stick already.
mp_en_viaje: they're big networks in the sense bizantium was
a big city cca 1000ad
mp_en_viaje: aite. i shall read ; atm buried under
a pile but yes
diana_coman: fwiw on irc-project, thimbronion contacted at least
oftc, undernet, dalnet and
espernet but because 1. he has to improve there 2. they are all into this wank of "us big networkz, no need serverz" , I'll have him get some proper data and write it up to have it in clear: set up some bouncers and log for
a while all chans,
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I don't know about moving blogs right away, but I am interested in
a something to spread out the DNS record serving
diana_coman: asciilifeform: lolz, not yet; I still need to schedule
a meeting with at least
a few dc-s within reachable distance; then I'll see; fwiw though atm I don't have any rack-irons anyway
diana_coman: then again, I wouldn't quite want to *live* in
a dc either and computers seem to multiply in my house as it is so probably not much choice there in the end anyway.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: mind publishing
a torture test with pics and all that too?
diana_coman: asciilifeform: how much do you pay for
a dulap-box anyway?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 13:21:47 asciilifeform: diana_coman: and perhaps if you end up with
a full booth and lotsa irons, can even hire BingoBoingo .
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's gzipping at the moment. Prolly
a few more hours until done baking.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: thank you, that might be useful indeed; it does seem to me that I might not really have many choices other than picking at least
a dc within short distance and getting space there + searching them thoroughly for some human; but atm I'm under such
a pile of work on all directions that it's not going to happen tomorrow or next week yet.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 01:44:12 mp_en_viaje: b) it is unlikely any lawyer you don't previously know will treat this as anything but
a meal ticket. much like usg doctors don't treat the underlying condition in the sense of getting rid of it, but treat it as
a cash cow, in the sense of maximizing their own income from it, the whole fucking point of knowing lawyers ~prior~ to needing them rather than once you need them like the retail-buying schmuck is so as to
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 01:05:53 mp_en_viaje: it's
a thing, and as long as it's
a thing you own some ; dun even matter what you think about it, you can deem it as evil as you wish ; as long as it's
a thing you get yourself some.