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mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-17#1584892 << i would say that pretending the integration "was already done", as if it were some sort of artefact like an oven rather than a process, like respiration ; or pretending that "someone else" is responsible for it being done (such as don't say word x in front of person y because o noes they're too frail to manage) is pure infantilism. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 18:40 asciilifeform: if i had time, i'd buy the thing and publicly rape it (differential power probe) but i haven't the time.
Framedragger: i wasn't even aware that their ghetto currently allowed editing of english wiki articles by unregistered accts
mircea_popescu: " << journaho doesn't know how to compile, therefore imagines source and binary are two separate things, and not in the private-public key relationship.
mircea_popescu: note the "7,894" prices everywhere. because they won't fucking admit it's 10 btc for the life of 'em.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger that said, the whole field of "socpsy" is poppycock, entirely in the manner of "moscow psychology" - it exists to try and justify a, in mussolini's terms, "Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State;" ( http://trilema.com/2013/sex-in-the-news/#selection-105.0-105.64 ). they even admit their "bedrock" is this "fundamental attribution error". they don't however admit that the whole point of this
Framedragger: and in retrospect, my "/me agrees" was maybe childish, but it wasn't, i must point out, any appeal to kons3nsus. it was more like, "i agree with this point and if anyone has any counterpoints, i'd like to address them, too." something like that.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 13:25 mircea_popescu: id they said nothing or this ? c) the principle "if you're going to say i'm a dog explain why!" is sound, but this is sadly not always possible. an eminent example of a class of cases when this isn't possible is when someone says something in direct and seeming wilful contradiction of logic. d) statements about you by others are statements about the world-you object as perceived by them not about the i-you subject as perceive
mircea_popescu: f get to be su intellectuals ? i'm not saying he is or isn't, it's just not clear. i) why do we think whatever intellectuals do or don't do has any impact on what eventually happens ? j) maybe russians just shed a skin, like reptiles ? their decline was kinda brief and they came out of it with fire under butt, apparently. certainly if you look at "which white man nation has a shot of being still around in 2116" ru doesn't bot
mircea_popescu: this didn't seem worth the evaluation so i passed it) a "pyramid of science" pecking order may well be involved, in the sense that "oh, we learned null sets in kindergarten" and phf's english, while formally fine, does not actually serve him well enough to convey this difference i don't suspect. g) what's "das man" ? h) how did ph ☟︎
mircea_popescu: d by you. this one true largest gap in the theory of knowledge can not in practice ever be bridged, and must be allowed for. e) i don't understand which of the two examples given is a strawman nor how do the two examples given map to the conversation as it went. f) it seems to me very dubious altogether that there was a pecking order, as in, who's teh greatest lord consideration involved. on 2nd pass analysis (cuz originally
mircea_popescu: id they said nothing or this ? c) the principle "if you're going to say i'm a dog explain why!" is sound, but this is sadly not always possible. an eminent example of a class of cases when this isn't possible is when someone says something in direct and seeming wilful contradiction of logic. d) statements about you by others are statements about the world-you object as perceived by them not about the i-you subject as perceive ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: he is an engineer. he wants to know, inter alia, what do i do, and knows that "bitcoin isn't mined anymore". it becomes evident from conversation that she's living with him but isn't fucking him, and while the situation is perfectly acceptable to him, it's very tenuous for her.
trinque: and if this "skewering the thing that wasn't said, to the great entertainment of das man" was widespread among SU intellectuals, that'd be a fine reason for them to have gone into decline.
trinque: when the former supercedes the latter entirely, I'm out, retarded primates didn't contort their brains enough to think that day.
BingoBoingo would say he's confused but doesn't want to invite a dick into his mouth.
trinque: it's on the record. I don't need to make more hay of it.
mircea_popescu: i didn;'t think that was about you.
trinque: I think I've long demonstrated that I don't cling to a disproved belief.
mircea_popescu: which idem, won't go anywhere near a warzone later than 1990s
asciilifeform: (...won't get anywhere near battle)
asciilifeform: and moar 'we weren't raped!1111 really'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: believe me -- you aren't missing anything
mircea_popescu is going to ask kids this from now on. "oh, you have a github ? aren;t you ashamed of yourself ?"
mircea_popescu: i don't get it, how can anyone admit to having a github myspace nowadays ?
asciilifeform: btw i was mistaken, you don't need nonempty mempool
pete_dushenski: as someone who just oversaw ownership of early 2000s lexus is300 that put on 40k km in a year, i'm not sure i'd recommend it unless you're pretty handy. not hard to work on, but parts aren't super cheap, it's a bit dicey in the winter, it's a ~very~ firm ride, and it's soooo hard on consumables (gas and oil).
ben_vulpes: possibly 'lemon' if you can't get in a car and hear mid diff wobble, possibly lemon if you don't do the sale at a dealership and pay 100 for the safety inspection before purchasing, possibly lemon if all sorts of 'civilian'
ben_vulpes: i don't think it's quite as simple as 'brew install eulora', although it was close
trinque: if I were in an area with trains I'd go without a car for a while. wouldn't be the first time.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 0 pavement that isn't a city street.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i haven't anywhere where to assemble
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: anyways, don't get hung up on initial capital outlay, even if you're thinking of financing. tco (total cost of ownership) is the name of the game. ask ben_vulpes.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it needs tmsr-rsa (i ain't releasing anything with aes or koch's idiocy)
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: don't you hold shift with the left?!
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes don;t you hold shift with the right ?
mircea_popescu: well evidently the tmsr-rsa isn't ready, so i'm guessing ad interim a scheme like this could work
asciilifeform: haven't been since i was a boy.
asciilifeform: which ain't cheap
mircea_popescu: it's not just that computing isn't thought ; what happens in the brain is also not reason. as far as the logic is concerned things may be whatever they are, but in the objective development of the subject there's an i-ontology and a world-ontology. this disjunction is or is not resolved in time ; but from the subjective development it was never a problem in the first place.
mircea_popescu: i just pointed out the method works ; didn't say it's the only approach.
mircea_popescu: this isn't actually what i said though.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger you don't so far find it to be an idea altogether, as best it can be determined.
BingoBoingo: Framedragger: Then don't linger in any null sets?
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just to clarify so you don't think i'm trying to fuck around, i mean that all predicates would be true under null set. i don't find that to be a good idea. that's all
mircea_popescu: don't stereotype alf, we're doing diversity day.
trinque: it wasn't reactionary at all. now all my ratings of phf are 10.
Framedragger: i don't know how a logician can entertain the latter. well, many things can be entertained, but it's not exactly.. how shall i put it.. ontologically economic?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-16 18:00 mircea_popescu: you can't test for all properties.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-16 17:13 mircea_popescu: as to the blue hair issue : if you can't produce a member which has non-blue hair, the proposition stands ; and if i can prove you can't (which i prove by showing there's no elements in the null set) then the proposition evaluates to true.
mircea_popescu: you can't test for all properties. ☟︎
Framedragger: hey i thought trinque unrating phf was a stupid reactionary thing. don't use this as a red herring.
Framedragger agrees. (but fwiw i don't think it's legit even in terms of logical analysis, even before practical considerations)
mircea_popescu: anyway, the problem generally is that "all things" have an ontology and a gnoseology, which is separate and so trivially separable even the greeks were privy to it (hence plato's ideal objects) ; except for the void, which is AT THE SAME TIME the absence of ontology and the plenarity of gnoseology. which is to say, the same "thing" at the same time doesn't exist (ie, as nil) and implies everything (ie, as "false").
mircea_popescu: the proposition "four is a prime number" doesn't stand, because a factor is known ; the proposition "this and this rsa key is made of two primes" stands, but is not known to be true.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger a proposition ~stands~ until falsified. and is true once it can be showed it can't be false.
Framedragger: that's all well and good when you can enumerate countable set elements exhaustively / have firm grasp of a term's extension, but what if you don't - any predicate stands true until shown otherwise?
mircea_popescu: as to the blue hair issue : if you can't produce a member which has non-blue hair, the proposition stands ; and if i can prove you can't (which i prove by showing there's no elements in the null set) then the proposition evaluates to true. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: well part of the problem is that nil can't be used to mean anything other than nil./
trinque: nil is used everywhere to mean false, not say "this question can't be answered"
mircea_popescu: note however that many languages (which aren't english) allow purely constructive usage ; such as adjectival forms constructed from nouns, the noun of a verb and the verb of a noun and so following. depending on semantics bagumpa is blerpy could well have a truth value - if say your definition of is includes an equivalency class for all elements starting with the same letter.
mircea_popescu: i know it's commonly taught as equivalent, but saying "x doesn't have an y" is not the same as saying "x's y is nil"
mircea_popescu: Framedragger if your semantics allows for it. whether they do or don't is not the same as the truth-value BEING nil however.
mircea_popescu: but nil isn't on the possible results list.
trinque: from where I sit one can't ask a question of nothing regarding properties nothing doesn't have.
phf: trinque: i don't get it
a111: Logged on 2016-12-16 15:30 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-16#1583902 << http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/f_everyc.htm where (every (lambda () nil) ()) => t (some (lambda () t) ()) => nil. this is a functional equivalent of and/or macros, where (and) => t and (or) => nil
mircea_popescu: "dear abby - i noticed today that while wearing my chastity belt, i can't seem to have sexual intercourse. please advise."
shinohai: weird, my browser didn't render it
shinohai can't seem to find dragon, checks dates
mircea_popescu: splendidly, if you don't expect most to make it to 2nd year.
thestringpuller: i thought most engineering schools wouldn't allow you to use calculators for math classes? We weren't allowed to use anything but our brains for all Math even DiffEq. I think statistics was the only class where there was an exception.
mircea_popescu: i don't teach math by computer either. it's like teaching cooking by washing socks.
phf: surprisingly! fwiw at moscow state evening math school you didn't start with programming. for a couple of years the classes were physics, math and boolean logic. programming in C with frbrgeorge was considered an advanced class and the only ~actual touching of computer~ class
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-16#1583902 << http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/f_everyc.htm where (every (lambda () nil) ()) => t (some (lambda () t) ()) => nil. this is a functional equivalent of and/or macros, where (and) => t and (or) => nil ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform at least they're coherent, "anti-missile shield is not a nuclear weapon". sure it isn't.
Framedragger: (that being said, /me considers working part-time in the future to come, and working more on personal/worthy projects on the side. i don't know how asciilifeform is tmsr-productive while doing other stuff full-time - maybe i should go on a modafinil diet heh)
mircea_popescu: there's no way to fix this other than "don't work for https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fe/de/d0/feded087bb5b76da57473b6e7078ffaf.jpg )
mircea_popescu: on which note i should wish to muchly encourage the ~competent~ youth to not fear "suicide" of this nature. it's a control artefact implanted by the socialist motherhood for their detriment, a sort of imaginary pain box of the bene gesserit. there's no reason to even HAVE a "group of women who don't fuck" as a political entity, let alone ridoinculous imaginary boxes.
mircea_popescu: he was wrong on one point, re the "political suicide". not that the niggers aren't PRETENDING of course, but their pretense aside my credit's evidently better than clinton's.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger there's a lot of interesting stuff at the "western world" - japan interface. japan being, of course, the only non-european industrialised country. but it doesn't stop there - when the whole socialist world went up in flames in the 20s, japan was doing absolutely fine ; even made a bundle speculating the loser's currencies.
mircea_popescu: (btw, mind that * in rm -f doesn't match dotfiles)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu, what do you have in cert list if you don't mind me asking?
Framedragger: well there's no cert *outside* mozilla dir. maybe it's the ubuntu's organized. fresh install, don't ask...
mircea_popescu doesn't even HAVE mozilla directory in ca-certs because wtf.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, the greatest skill in the world isn't to you know, get named head of michelin south america reporting directly to francois michelin and then turn it around in a coupla years.
mircea_popescu: fortune "gave him" some "best in business ~OUTSIDE OF US~" title, in typical byzantine style of "our nose's so upturned if it rains we drown" ; but then both gm and ford begged him to take them on (and he didn't. why didn't he ? is it because no great again possible in the us according to the people who specialize in great agains ?)
mircea_popescu: i didn't know you were a girl.
mircea_popescu: no big deal, it'd be confusing if we didn't know what this is.
mircea_popescu: sadly this can't entirely be avoided it turns out.
Framedragger: i don't even
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: well, didn't *serve*, but benchmarked myself. i can try again tho, that was long ago
mircea_popescu: i honestly don't know anyone (who is someone, i don't mean kids with no money, no power and no value dicking about ; and who isn't actually nsa) is still using the thing.
Framedragger: even Framedragger doesn't push tor anymore. *and that's telling you somethin'* :D
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yeah, good point. well the hosting provider is ~shitty and quality of bw offered is not great (OVH), but it *does* make a more-or-less successful attempt at providing an actual full duplex 100 mbps, which isn't a lot, but still decent to my liking. so at least there's that.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-16#1583914 << btw, i'm hosting a copy of the whole file, so you don't get hammered too badly. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "are {} all the elements of the empty set ?" "yes." "name one such element." "there isn't one."
trinque: I don't think much of luck, so I'll say do well instead!
mircea_popescu: oh, on emerald islands ? it can't be done.
mircea_popescu: i honestly thought i should run around drinking random fluids more. isn't random-fluids-drinking the death preventer ? it is ARMOR !?