28700+ entries in 0.062s
mod6: i gotta do that o_auth thing though huh?
mod6: maybe instead i'll just kill that old one and get the twitter feed instead
mod6: na, its not too important, but i had that one script that did it.
mod6: just was curious if that feed existed anywhere. kinda needed to either update that one script of mine, or deprecate it until some later date.
mod6: oh i just did a STAT, jurov
mod6: does anyone have the mpex-rss.php feed available via bot request?
mod6: ok back to winning with assbot
mod6: it was like: (16:08) <assbot> Processing.
mod6: yall should be doing the same thing.
mod6: i wont start by making any changes to the source, just review it as I can.
mod6: anyway, I'll pull to linux and go through the code.
mod6: cause i feel like i want to clone and start going through this thing again. last year, I made a shit load of my own changes to get it working on freebsd properly.
mod6: maybe bitotter can wait
mod6: (12:08) < mircea_popescu> that;s usually a good step towards specification.
mod6: (12:08) < mircea_popescu> mod6 actually once you're done with the iphone app, a very good use of someone's time is to go through the codebase and summarize it
mod6: i feel like we need a bitcoin RFC
mod6: but there can always be a little guidence on how it is designed, why something is implemented the way it is, etc.
mod6: cause the source speaks volumes itself
mod6: but... it doesn't have to be 50 volumes to be helpful either.
mod6: i've read tons of technical manuals. i quite like the strangely.
mod6: (13:35) < jurov> mod6 yea but if you don't painstakingly document it it just won't go past some threshold << documentation is amazing
mod6: i've said that before. but usually my code works too.
mod6: but then you know, you review, you think about it, you make changes and it gets better.
mod6: even the other night, i wrote that code quick that worked. i mean, it kinda worked, in the way that it fucked a donkey.
mod6: I think, at least for myself, every time I had to write a paper, or have written some code; I've gone back the next day or at some later date and done a `wtf?'
mod6: So, what I'm saying is, I think it's a really good thing to create a spec, and then everyone can punch eachother in the nuts over it until its perfect. This is the way to go.
mod6: well, i think this bitcoin project is again an "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US." type of thing.
mod6: right. no, this needs to be something that is adopted by the users of the system.
mod6: this is a solid plan.
mod6: anyway, drives me up a wall, I'll tell you. :)
mod6: im not sure what planet these guys are on, but if this is their baby and they have commitbits to the most widely used full-node base, they aught to make sure it functions correctly.
mod6: i just feel like, this should be like a HACK THE PLANET type thing, and people who want this to work will make it work.
mod6: it shouldn't be up to one dude to pay for all this shit...
mod6: awe fuck it, i guess that's long ago anyway.
mod6: i gotta look through btctalk for that *sigh*
mod6: like on upgrade from version 4 to 5 or something? there was a night where they did an upgrade and the similar thing happened.
mod6: didn't this happen or something very similar to it before?
mod6: so can we rewind the tape just a bit...
mod6: i still <3 you guys tho :)
mod6: ok i gotta walk away for a bit and think about this some more.
mod6: at least the SSL code they copied looks to be better: BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
mod6: its like: Dbc *pcursor = db.GetCursor();
mod6: i just hate looking at the client code. maybe its just their style.
mod6: for starters who does this? Dbc* pcursor = db.GetCursor();
mod6: they should back away after this
mod6: thats obvious to everyone in the world who pays attention
mod6: yeah, its WAY too large imho
mod6: or you just cloned and went forward?
mod6: yeah. its way out of hand
mod6: aint noone got time for that
mod6: i'd love to take the time to audit that shit, but who wants to fight with LukeJr and the others?
mod6: so i'll just my retard ass out of there
mod6: i never wanted to touch bitcoin's client or anything else because the #bitcoin-dev is filled with pompus retards
mod6: slice and dice shit out of there that needs to be replaced.
mod6: i dunno, i guess i'd have to spend some time in there. and the client needs to be combed through
mod6: im simply saying, look at how this problem was solved
mod6: im not saying about the transport, or anything
mod6: but when the size of UDP gets over 65,535 bytes (need to double check), it simply converts it to TCP and sends it that way. something can be learned from this, nothing more.
mod6: jurov: we can learn a thing or two, perhaps, about how DNS solves the issue. UDP is meant to be fast, and arbitrarily large since forward/reverse zones can contain an large amount of entries.
mod6: any thoughts on that? anyone know what I'm referring to?
mod6: and really... the UDP (TCP when needed) is a model that the guys should be looking at to solve this blocksize issue
mod6: similar to rootservers
mod6: not the SAME code, but similar to avoid attacks upon a weakness found in one
mod6: if they were modeled after mpex, that'd be a start
mod6: all independant of eachother that aren't scams
mod6: there needs to be at least 3
mod6: we're the laughing stock
mod6: i got trolled so hard by my gf for this shit yesterday
mod6: i don't think im smart enough for this stuff.
mod6: and fixing this block size thing is kinda crazy. its like you know when you get a UDP request to your DNS server and the reply from the Zone is > than the max size of UDP, it rolls over to tcp
mod6: this will help distrbute the load of exchange, and then btc wont have 1 place to look for price signals.
mod6: root servers don't keep the same code either, not exactly anyway, this way it prevents a simutaious attack against all
mod6: not that all the code should be the same.
mod6: dns has root servers worldwide to resolve requests. thinking that maybe btc could do well to have like 10-13 worldwide exchanges all independant of eachother.
mod6: and perhaps what we need is something like rootservers for fiat->btc exchanges