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ben_vulpes: any idea of why he doesn't hang out here?
doppler: well to be precise bash doesn't actually have a seq builtin
asciilifeform: phf: interesting, and i don't recall ever seeing it used
phf: actually there's more in the relevant section, but these two use cases i've often missed, and have no idea how i didn't know about them till now
asciilifeform: looks like we don't disagree: distant.
asciilifeform: in re intel, it gotta die, but if it 'dies' merely by getting a chinese board of directors, but continues to produce ye olde x86 liquishit, with 35 yrs of idiocy built on top -- then didn't really die, not yet.
mircea_popescu: this isn't teh actual word tho. dun rewrite teh bible!
mircea_popescu: well no, it doesn't.
mircea_popescu: don't be ridiculous. the ibm at came out in the 80s.
mircea_popescu: anyway. this'll do fine for a stock answer to the people inquiring why $random-"standard" isn't supported. the account is delinquent. they owe a lot of money and are trying to defraud us of it.
mircea_popescu: of course you don't support it anyway. obviously. BUT IT FIRST PAYS THROUGH THE TEETH FOR THIS!
mircea_popescu: i ain't implementing nobody's standards for free.
mircea_popescu: and "foundations" SURE AS FUCK don't count as an improvement here.
mircea_popescu: because i sure as fuck don't want "free trade" and "open whatever" and "accessiblity" if what that means is that intel gets to rule it.
mircea_popescu: the point here being, again, to restate : if the developer didn't meet a minimum value of sales, sega paid the difference.
mircea_popescu: so sega, in desperation, introduced a "minimum sales program". whereby, if the developer didn't meet a minimum value of sales
asciilifeform: didn't it use cdrom ?
mircea_popescu: just mp-style "i can see the future but can't explain it to you, back to work."
asciilifeform: you wouldn't want to pump audio, or animation, etc over it.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 00:12 asciilifeform: if i ever make the fpgaized thing, it sure as fuck won't bother trying to drive an lcd or eat keyboard, wtf, just speak x11.
asciilifeform: having banged my head against subj for decade+ now, i'd be interested in hearing of one i haven't yet thought of.
asciilifeform: (still doesn't exist, and is actually the ~only reason i even said 'need foundry')
mircea_popescu: uldn't" dare piss on their faces.
trinque: and phy doesn't even appear to exist without mac init?
asciilifeform: still doesn't convert the public toilet that is unix/x86 into something else. but would shrink the audit surface considerably.
mircea_popescu: we're headed for the kernel for the kernel aren't we
asciilifeform: what i'd like is : 1) 'hardware not present? MODULE DOESN'T LOAD. EVER' 2) modules can be loaded, but strictly 1ce per boot.
trinque: isn't my doing that there is no tool to produce a kernel driver config other than booting EVERYTHING THAT EVER WAS
trinque: or builds drivers he doesn't use, even
shinohai: Still won't actually prevent said buffer overflow
shinohai: The Prof that really isn't a Prof @ cornell
asciilifeform: ain't this exactly what i said re the bolix collectors ?
mircea_popescu: and re "folks", the elephant of sadness in the field everyone's been dancing around since forever is that none of the buyers buy for anything like a sane puyrpose. much like the 55 firebird buyer who isn't buying it in 2015 to make teenie boppers suck his cock in it ; but to drive it by city dumps and industrial zones which used to be a town and stroke his memories.
asciilifeform: on my desk, or in a form that'd convince folx who grew up in cmachine monkeystan -- don't have.
mircea_popescu: this being the substance of the whoile discussion since yest : you claimed to want something you showed you have ; i deduced the confusion must be resolved. "concepts" in the sense of "metaconsiderations" aren't interesting ; concepts in the sense of concepts you already have.
mircea_popescu: yes but i suspect you don't actually know what the word "concept" means.
asciilifeform: they weren't handblown!
mircea_popescu: in retrospect, i can't believe my eyes lived through it.
mircea_popescu: well i wasn't gonna pick THAT example :D
mircea_popescu: oh incidentally, for the socialists in attendance : watch "quiz show". it's an utter piece of crap i couldn't comprehend why anyone bothered making until we got to the scene where the white priviledge guy apologizes for existing.
mircea_popescu: bitch... this isn't an excuse.
mircea_popescu: "oh no, that's just not poissible, who wouldn't want an obnoxious old woman." guess.
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/fmGhw << i don't even know where to begin with this 'day in the life of 28yo credit suisse banker'. is bi that fucking cocksure that they think their readers will swallow pictostory about nice kid who plays squash and eats in cafeteria all day ? as if this kid isn't pushing dodgy shit onto worthless clients he and his bank don't give a shit about all because his higher-ups have some bad
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 04:46 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-22#1631221 << define 'possible'. >x connections ? doesn't crash ? because i've been running trb on vps since it came out and have no particular complaints other than semi-regular st9 errors.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski holy shit it didn't freeze ?!
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 23:34 mircea_popescu: tbh i have nfi how you could run trb in a vps. i don't think it's possible, not really. would be certainly quite the medal of merit on any software that can handle such.
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-22#1631221 << define 'possible'. >x connections ? doesn't crash ? because i've been running trb on vps since it came out and have no particular complaints other than semi-regular st9 errors. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: some guy came up with the bright idea of ading a fine copper mesh to miner lamps so they dont' start fires anymore, about the same time. it didn't fucking change mining from milk to ambrosia.
mircea_popescu: it's just a different category of special pleading. even if you get me to fuck liz taylor tonight, and even if i personally fucking love it and propose marriage, i still won't agree she's structurally different from womanhood.
asciilifeform: well i can't very well by force of magic will, teleport mircea_popescu into a pre-airbrake train so he can feel he diff on own skin.
mircea_popescu: look, the label game only works if you can enforce it. and you can't.
mircea_popescu: yes, catalytic convertors could go away. they don't work with carburetors. so ?
mircea_popescu: there isn't a single engine on the market, the kind with shaft driven aspiration and carbureted intake. so what.
mircea_popescu: there's just about nothing interesting you could find by opening hood of ancient car, as an engine designer today. not one trhing. most of them are collected, and are revered by a so-minded public, and aren't documented worth didly squat. i dun think this sunday hobby item is different from that.
asciilifeform: it wasn't an outrageous / illogical / atrocious thing to do. smbx was a fabless chip maker which competed directly with, among others, TI ('explorer' lispm)
doppler: well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask them
doppler: I haven't done anything in that regard personally
asciilifeform: which, i suspect, is why they got lizarded away. 'they' don't want cheap radhard cpu, rom.
mircea_popescu: imo us and su failed exactly the same way : once the message got put out that "don't worry, do your own thing, we got X covered", it died the next day
mircea_popescu: but to get back to it : no, hitler didn't have much of a clue, nor were any of his decisions either sound, useful or correct.
asciilifeform: faux crypto ain't ever going away, it is like homeopathy, astrology, fills a niche in the poor, the lazy, the intellectually powerless, for 'control'
mircea_popescu: that's the rub. not "need one billion". you don't. but you DO need a giant fly swatter to oppress teh masses with.
asciilifeform: it already does not exist, 'but the squirrels don't know'
asciilifeform: i thought mircea_popescu was of the notion that you don't need economy of mass to do si fab.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tru! but won't be pin-compatible with traditional roms
phf: speaking of FUCKGOATS, project PITCHFORK? i still can't get over that one
asciilifeform: (they don't come in any size bigger than , iirc, 64kB, either.)
phf: that would be a nifty project if it didn't just reduce to "raspberry pi"
asciilifeform: or what, it won't process 'click on exploder and go to such-n-such url' ?
phf: i think the argument was, you can't do aa with ttf unless you're composing client side.
asciilifeform: i've lost track of all of the crackpot 'i can't believe it's not x11!'s.
asciilifeform: if i ever make the fpgaized thing, it sure as fuck won't bother trying to drive an lcd or eat keyboard, wtf, just speak x11. ☟︎
phf: i think the only thing i haven't tried yet is the stylus, which doesn't work if you just startx. i vaguely suspect there's a second mouse device i need to wire into the right place..
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i don't even see any mention of g3 lappy on the vendor's www
asciilifeform: box won't see it.
pete_dushenski: powerbook g3 ? thought those were nifty as a kid but i was still on desktops at the time. brief foray into laptopery didn't come until college in 04
phf: pretty sure it won't, i even read a reason for it, but don't recall what it is anymore
asciilifeform: i don't recall ever installing gentoo, for instance, any other way
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, pete_dushenski , trinque , et al : here's a top from asciilifeform's house of horrors : don't bother selective-booting the things. just yank the drive and put what you want on it ~directly~, then put back.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: i've spent the last couple evenings since ppc thread re-emerged trying to run openbsd 6 on macppc. can't get the bloody machine to recognise cdrom OR usb. open firmware, boot screen, etc nada zilch zip.
asciilifeform: you couldn't
mircea_popescu: tbh i have nfi how you could run trb in a vps. i don't think it's possible, not really. would be certainly quite the medal of merit on any software that can handle such. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( and you couldn't put, e.g., trb in there. )
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 21:49 asciilifeform: the minus is that it is (yes) in usa, and has very limited support for anything that isn't text www
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-22#1631052 << part of the problem is eg trilema has i dun recall how many gb of acumulated pix. though i've seen very hardcore text blogs and didn't look so bad. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: you want to hoon around the parking lot making smoke? buy a drift slut, don't do that to the wrx
ben_vulpes: the one additional point possibly worth making is that don't run your engines hot if you want them to last.
asciilifeform: konsoomer electronics doesn't much like oil
ben_vulpes: as if the plane weren't stupidly complex enough already, let's bolt another pile of heinous complexity to it as well
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i don't have any quads yet
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it wasn't the quad ?
ben_vulpes: i don't think i want watercooled irreplaceable computronium
mircea_popescu: they can't do it even when dressed.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well... considering what's on youtube, i wouldn't be surprised if they had.
diana_coman: that sounds close enough/toward the "make money renting folding chairs" though, doesn't it?
mircea_popescu: i imagine he ran. also i don't imagine he got any this year.
ben_vulpes: what, he wasn't going to offer you one for the privilege of staring at your babe?
mircea_popescu: anyway, it was lulzy, "let's see your papers" "well i don't carry them" "why not ?" "the embassy told me not to because i'll get robbed." "oh".
mircea_popescu: i didn't get a ticket for it.
ben_vulpes: i don't want to think about that