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asciilifeform: asciilifeform doesn't see much wall paint.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform doesn't have much exposed wall !
asciilifeform: the house in the background doesn't look like a telco tho, no bars on 2nd story windows
asciilifeform: iirc it is at&t euphemism for usg bugwagens ,
ben_vulpes: also truffles are hard to find, aren't crickets farmed? or was that cockroaches
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, it rained so densely here antennas couldn't see each other half mile away.
asciilifeform: the immense difficulty of 'human' getting small qty. of just about anything that doesn't live in lolmart, is why i piss on people who piss on 'ebay' etc.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: many lulzy finds. for instance, anthracene ( from coal ) is still the all-time champ. BUT you can't buy it in proper crystal, other than su-manufactured on 'ebay' !
asciilifeform: anyway in this application it ain't 'the best' scintillator that wins, but specifically lyso -- because it is own gamma source.
asciilifeform: can't seem to unearth it nao.
asciilifeform: at any rate you don't want mEv photons hitting your die.
asciilifeform: you don't want to zap the deterministic parts.
asciilifeform: traditional geiger tubes, i rejected for this ( they 1) wear out quickly 2) require ~1kV dc, which has to come out of an oscillating boost converter 3) need very energetic photon to work, which means collecting radioactive crud locally, you typically won't be able to post it )
mircea_popescu: that'd be the ultimate rng pump. "We have this array of matter -- think memory stick. at every given tick, each either decays or doesn't. tick here has no physical meaning, it can be shorter than measurable irrespective of measuring mechanism"
mod6: Framedragger: alf's discovery of the padding flag wasn't found until after i had started this collection.
Framedragger: mod6: just fyi, your `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 of=fg1.fg3.bin` doesn't look to include that padding flag?
BingoBoingo: Perhaps you haven't landscaped in enough ambushes and other tactical features for cats to enjoy.
asciilifeform: them squirrels aren't eating rubbish, no.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I haven't seen cat since last year. Crediting kill to cat based on there being parts not eaten.
asciilifeform: incidentally this was the very substance of , iirc, nixon's argument to somebody re why he ought to bow. 'you don't have access to the mega-seekritz, how can you know that i am scum'
asciilifeform: just as mircea_popescu didn't care to bow to brezhnev. ( regardless of how fragmentary was his picture of how -- precisely -- brezhnev's palace decisionmaking conveyor worked. )
asciilifeform: i ain't gonna. period.
mircea_popescu: "except when he doesn't" "well yeah."
mircea_popescu: and don't open the pandora's box of "imagine" lest you fall under a hail of arrows wrt irl "alternatives" in compouting.
mircea_popescu: can't reference variables not declared in your scope, alfie!
mircea_popescu: oh. i didn't mean i personally shoot him. i just mean you know, he gets shot.
mircea_popescu: and if tomorrow i get in an argument with some idiot and shoot him, will you be all "dude, you shouldn't shoot people" ?
asciilifeform: every serious flavour of european had this concept. 'you just don't ~do~ that.' 'you don't rat to kgb.'
asciilifeform: doesn't compartmentalize.
asciilifeform: who doesn't want to -- obviously, i can't make'em. but asciilifeform goes, rate -1 conway, genderactivister.
asciilifeform doesn't grasp
mircea_popescu: 6. the reabsorbtion of this unseemly polyp in the general discourse of lower-upper class was a necessary evolution, and hadn't it punctured through the whole "how dare you say man-women are whores!" it'd have punctured somewhere else. lightning strikles on the basis of charge not on the basis of dielectric failure. heck, it'll create the latter to serve the former.
mircea_popescu: it did not actually have the wings to fly, which is why the social group in question eventually settled on "charity" as briefly mentioned yest. the whys and wherefores are worthy of a volume, and quite well fleshed out, but we won't bother here.
mircea_popescu: you know, they don't actually require fishermen to cut off their legs because boat anyway.
mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that it won't allow you to see engineer-politicians, which is ALSO not compartimentalizable : it will force you to beedog, ie, not become as good as expression and telling women's original haircolor as you could, on the basis of your genetics say, actually be.
Framedragger: i don't know, i just see an engineer who did engineer work and contributions before and after gender transition; and a person who got caught into politics/issues of genderstuff after involving self in genderstuff. "meh" is my reaction.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you can't tell ?!
Framedragger: asciilifeform: i disagree. in their mind, it is completely consistent to do activism as they are 'suppressed', etc.; so i don't see how that would necessarily follow
mircea_popescu: lol this shit. "The book especially defames trans women who are attracted to men, calling them "homosexual transsexuals" as if they were men themselves." ... which... they aren't, because... reasons ?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: from skimming her bio, she went into activism after tech career retirement, which followed ~quite a bit after~ the change. inferring cause-effect there is imho stretching it ~very~ much. but then, i haven't met her, etc.
Framedragger: she's been quite productive tho, neh? can't deny that?
asciilifeform: set about organizing witchhunts of psychologists who wouldn't repeat the 'party line'.
Framedragger: one lynn conway.. this name was mentioned here wasn't it..
mircea_popescu: Framedragger you know who was the original transgender engineer (and of course the smegma stains don't mention her, because why would they!) ?
Framedragger: > hm, this other person rants about something-politics, can't even be arsed to read. no content
a111: Logged on 2017-04-19 12:39 Framedragger: is there a more convenient way of organising and/or sending pgpgrams to irc folx? i have http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iCXI2/?raw=true which is ~fine. (it'll complain about unsigned key if target is such, and gpg will ask y/n there. add `--trust-model always` to gpg command if you don't like this and like to live dangerously)
asciilifeform: and under what circumstances is it that i can't get to irc, but ~can~ get to 'www endpoint' ?
Framedragger: is there a more convenient way of organising and/or sending pgpgrams to irc folx? i have http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iCXI2/?raw=true which is ~fine. (it'll complain about unsigned key if target is such, and gpg will ask y/n there. add `--trust-model always` to gpg command if you don't like this and like to live dangerously) ☟︎
mod6: grab this quick, because I probably won't leave it up there long.
asciilifeform: (unless you want to dispute whether it is correct to say 'hashpower' if someone somewhere is mining using a non-bruteforce algo, 'cheating', or with whatever witchcraft that doesn't require walking the hash)
asciilifeform: 'RSK miners cannot double-spend, as the Federation provides the checkpointing service, and every Federation member node is highly connected to the RSK network to prevent Sybil attacks. The Federation will use the checkpointing power to prevent reorganizations of high depth which are not related to a protocol fault. The Federation cannot double-spend, as a Federation member is not allowed to checkpoint two blocks having conflicting t
doppler: oops, I actually do get that warning. totally didn't see it the first time. coreutils-8.27 here
doppler: I didn't get any warnings. you're using coreutils dd, correct?
asciilifeform: except that the idiocy in question doesn't preserve any data.
ben_vulpes: but you don't see that from your career of programmering to date?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-18#1645740 << i can't iamgine how. the skeleton we found is just about 50 years old. ☝︎
Framedragger: yes well, granted it doesn't support additional command line args, so has to handle fewer things. but then, maybe that, too, is *also* correct...
asciilifeform: but apparently doesn't like kB/s variable thing.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didn't i tellya it'll be geometric ?
shinohai: I didn't discover it until late last year lol
diana_coman can't quite believe that's from 2015 already, ha
mircea_popescu: well at least didn't hose whole machine eh ? :D
mircea_popescu: can't believe you didn't start using it once you saw all of us use it in eulora lol\
mod6: gnuplot is actually really cool. can't believe i never used it before.
mod6: well, maybe it is? i see some spikes in the 30000ms range... didn't think it was ever that high.
mod6: this can't be right...
mircea_popescu: quoth her : "fuck me, i bet i know what happened. power went out for like 10 minutes yest, musta been the water duct froze in the interval then power being back on it maintains the ice cork and it can't make more ice."
asciilifeform: in mod6's buildtron, the kernel isn't even used.
asciilifeform: lobbes: uclibc definitely won't work.
lobbes: Perhaps musl is better option? Fwiw, I posted over on gentoo forumz with my specifics, but am not versed enough to know if the suggestions they gave (e.g. using glibc) will fuck me over building trb or not: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1062324.html?sid=c3ea68da31445ec3e870e5344a443dd3
lobbes: So, I'm midway through my first gentoo adventure. Currently on the compile kernel step (genkernel), but running into funkiness with uClibc errors. My question is: if I abandon uClibc for, say, glibc, will I have issues building trb? (I remember reading in logz that trb doesn't use glibc)
ben_vulpes: t i shit thee not is for trans
mod6: <+asciilifeform> anyway looks like you don't have this << ahh, sadly, no.
asciilifeform: anyway looks like you don't have this
mod6: I don't see a "stall time".
pete_dushenski: new bbet policy #2 : don't communicate with users but do negotiate with them
pete_dushenski: new bbet policy #1 : communicate with terrorists but don't negotiate with them
asciilifeform: me -- ~none. but i also didn't use the stinkpad that year.
asciilifeform: still not a real comp, but you can't fit a real comp in airplane tray
asciilifeform: ain't cheap, either. was there an up-side?
mircea_popescu: no idea why i didn't before, but anyway. doesn't seem to have gone down from it either, so all good.
trinque on 80char black and white display atm. obsd doesn't know what to do with this gpu
mircea_popescu: pretty much been trying to ride the news since day 0. sorta like the divorcee in rhodes island pretending she can't sleep because she's heard all the new york chicks got insomnia.
mircea_popescu: i know. and i don't see why they would.
asciilifeform: in yet-other lulz, the tardano makers don't sleep, http://ubld.it/products/truerngpro << New! Improved! with two... soldered-down shields. and oscillating voltage booster right on the pcb.
ben_vulpes: well visualizer of 'M' doesn't mean much
asciilifeform: there ain't a replacement.
mircea_popescu: doesn't seem to be working worth a shit, but hey.
mircea_popescu: they went into charity because those were the only people who couldn't say no.
mircea_popescu: craziest shit i ever saw, mostly because if one has even a vague familiarity with dogs they seem to look sadder than when they couldn[t move barely at all.
asciilifeform: which is why i suspect that it ain't about the tools.
mircea_popescu: let her ENJOY the fact that she actually is a thing of this world and contributes with her hands to this world. why shouldn't she.
mircea_popescu: i don't follow ?
asciilifeform: won't run off.
asciilifeform: won't stab you in the back!
mircea_popescu: there;s no fucking life to "get on with" outside of all the shit you don't do but should have.
mircea_popescu: hey, it works because there's a large contingent of morons who "want to move on with their life". what fucking life ? "make money on auto-pilot". bitch... do do what ? i wouldn't make money on auto-pilot if you paid me to!
Framedragger: sent email kindly requesting post mortem or *anything*, can't hurt. probably lots of people did that tho.
davout: then again i don't visit it erryday
BingoBoingo: What if Hussein Bahamas *really* isn't Kenyan and that propaganda was started to hide the fact he is Ethiopian from the moslems?