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Eisenhower34: im in the internet biz for more than 5 years
Eisenhower34: thats not the problem. the problem are those comments : "Government ID please. ""We wouldn't want this to be another scam right?""Are you willing to provide a legal adress under which someone could be held accountable in case of fraud?" "I'll never conduct business with a "company" who refuses to even tell me the address where they are based."
Eisenhower34: with all those idiots asking for doxx and implying that im a scammer
Eisenhower34: aynway doesnt matter what it was
Eisenhower34: that was the idea, but as it has already been pointed out several times its a CDS
Eisenhower34: read the thread here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=109415.0 already tried to open a project but it doesnt make much sense with all those idiots out there
Eisenhower34: If there wouldnt be so many douchebags out there, calling me a scammer all day, i would have already opened a stock market myself... would take ~2 weeks to code it ...
Eisenhower34: and could be caused by ASIC mining
Eisenhower34: the last rise from June 2012 looks very suspicious
Eisenhower34: y maybe they already mine with some of their products
Eisenhower34: OneEyed they "say" of course they wouldnt, but its on a different page what they really do :)
Eisenhower34: before i deliver them :)
Eisenhower34: for a week or something like that
Eisenhower34: OneEyed I would let it run first for myself
Eisenhower34: Sorry but you didnt understood the more polite way telling you that, what did you expect me to say?
Eisenhower34: thats what I say
Eisenhower34: "you think this is huge ?" " i have bets with people claiming > 100 th in the coming months" <- Cpt Obvious to the rescue!
Eisenhower34: its like someone saying "snow is white"
Eisenhower34: I only say that you stated the obvious which doesnt really deserves any answer
Eisenhower34: micea You know the answer yourself... and you should know that you cannot really compare asig TH scale iwth GPU GH scale, same as you couldnt compare GPU <-> CPU MH scales
Eisenhower34: usagi or not?
Eisenhower34: so you cannot blame anybody for any loss you made
Eisenhower34: noone
Eisenhower34: but who would have expected that huge difficulty increase the past few weeks
Eisenhower34: All i say is that mining isnt lucrative right now, not if you buy the equip yourself and not if you buy bonds
Eisenhower34: not really
Eisenhower34: ... sure
Eisenhower34: EskimoBob its the same when you buy mining equip yourself...
Eisenhower34: exactly
Eisenhower34: all mining bonds made something between 1.5% and 2% interest a week
Eisenhower34: BTC-Mining, the problem is not the small "interest" you get, its more the dramatic price drop
Eisenhower34: and if you would have kept your BTC you would have made more...
Eisenhower34: not those who kept their btc in a cold wallet.....
Eisenhower34: and if it rise, you lose money...
Eisenhower34: but looking now backward it would have brought more USD if you had keept your BTC in a cold wallet
Eisenhower34: ^^ y and if you dont hold it you risk a price rise :)
Eisenhower34: OneEyed yes
Eisenhower34: just a hint, its not only the makeup, also the alcohol :)
Eisenhower34: what a deep knowledge :9 bet he woke up next to one last night
Eisenhower34: :D
Eisenhower34: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=75126.0
Eisenhower34: amazingrando
Eisenhower34: ;;getrating Eisenhower34
Eisenhower34: only have right now perhaps 40 btc sutting around
Eisenhower34: so you would say its save to put some BTC there?
Eisenhower34: is that what he told you btw, or do you actually know what hes doing with the money?
Eisenhower34: why is he lowering payout? he already got the ipo price...
Eisenhower34: hm still strange
Eisenhower34: ahh, ok. You have to admit that this isnt at all what he actually said
Eisenhower34: and what does his funny "After that the Estimated Minimum Daily Payout will be the amount of the coupon until the market recovers. " means?
Eisenhower34: ahh
Eisenhower34: or do i understand somethign wrong?
Eisenhower34: when i buy shares i have to spend money, and dont get it
Eisenhower34: and why is it in our best interest to rebuy them?
Eisenhower34: did someone sell a huge amout?
Eisenhower34: why did it drop annyway?
Eisenhower34: whcih recent developments? the tygrr kick out or what?
Eisenhower34: "Due to the very recent developments, it is in the best interest of bondholders for OBSI.HRPT to begin to repurchase these bonds on the market. The next two daily coupons will be paid at 0.2% of IPO price. After that the Estimated Minimum Daily Payout will be the amount of the coupon until the market recovers."
Eisenhower34: Could anyone help me "translating" Obsis last statement here regarding his OBSI.HRPT
Eisenhower34: and when someone buys / sells someone, you ahve to go to tygrr and tell him the transaction
Eisenhower34: so you spam the irc channel every 5 min with your buy / sell order?
Eisenhower34: lol ^^
Eisenhower34: Bugpower because people want their money back for those shares?
Eisenhower34: they gave him the informations but hes still more than crippled
Eisenhower34: he received the details but how is he supposed to pay out dividends for example? or whats the market value for a buyback?
Eisenhower34: those 0.5 BTC are rediculous
Eisenhower34: someone is buying theymos out? did he lower his price?
PeanutPower: wow the xkcd map thing is quite cool
PeanutPower: *with... my dyslexic typing
PeanutPower: wow whats will all the legal talk :O ?
PeanutPower: hello world :) this channel seems quite active :)
Bane_Lowercase: hahahha
Bane_Lowercase: is that MPOE-PR?
Bane_Lowercase: rocket dildo!
Bane_Lowercase: http://www.microcash.org/
Bane_Lowercase: CHECK THE DILDO
Bane_Lowercase: kitten cream
Bane_Lowercase: mmmm
Bane_Lowercase: not kids
Bane_Lowercase: i meant kittens
Bane_Lowercase: "free candy" on the side of his van
Bane_Lowercase: ortego likes little kids
Bane_Lowercase: side effects may include viral infection and coughing
Bane_Lowercase: not okay
Bane_Lowercase: hi