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kanzure: i don't know why you are surprised or confused about any of this. you don't do this kind of butt sniffing? it's what dogs do.
kanzure: i thought i quoted it later. keep reading.
kanzure: uh holding on to some vague amount of optimism that you're just full of shit about goallessness
kanzure: i must have missed that one from alf
kanzure: how did you get from submarine to city?
kanzure: eh it also has some reprogrammable features for different waveform zapmagic
☟︎ kanzure: all questions to ##hplusroadmap thanks bye
kanzure: words per minute. it's funny because i'm the fastest.
kanzure: what gets to qualify as a corn achievement anyway?
kanzure: are you one of those mouthbreathing micro managers
kanzure: well last update i got is that we're still testing it, maybe he hasn't configured shopify what a shame
kanzure: i have someone else handling his online ordering system
kanzure: re: the electroporator, it's a purchasable kit somewhere
kanzure: yes but he said something like <1000 or whatever
kanzure: peter madsen originally started copenhagen suborbitals, an amateur rocketry group; he is notorious for building and operating a submarine in denmark, and within the past ~week for also murdering someone on his submarine (allegedly).
kanzure: i was talking about fenn yes, until i started mentioning peter madsen
kanzure: small. he is into small dwellings i guess. who knows.
kanzure: (the recent peter madsen stuff has been weird)
kanzure: he started building a submarine
kanzure: more embarrassingly, the data used to be public
kanzure: i haven't. just the graphs (that was one-off).
kanzure: each conversation is documented with lots of tags and other data
kanzure: trinque: mighty big of you, thanks.
kanzure: the keyboard sucks anyway, there's like >10 ms delay between keypress recognition
kanzure: why can't i type urls right anymore
kanzure: ttps://phys.org/news/2017-04-capture-dinoflagellate-video-harpoons-prey.html
kanzure: there was a recent paper on ballistic weapons in microbes
kanzure: 1c8d50a5c99d0c65428e2e1da77430477be436d671ce8203a75ff4ae600ba85e thanks
kanzure: mircea_popescu: siliconpr0n.org guy? met him in 2007.
kanzure: why are you learning about that from me
kanzure: it's reason to shut them up
kanzure: microscopy is supposed to be gifs? next you're going to tell me webm
kanzure: you prefer individual jpegs?
kanzure: death rays ain't what they used to be
kanzure: sometimes brainwashing. but yes.
kanzure: nmz787 took an electron microscope. the gigascope never materialized though.
kanzure: eventually they realized we were harmless and only going to kill the nonbelievers
kanzure: so for at least a ~year many of us had regular "coffee meetings" with local area special agent
kanzure: fbi was concerned that we were bioterrorists
kanzure: however, the agents did not show up like that, and they were very disappointing
kanzure: ok i think you would be more interested in the time that the fbi weapons of mass destruction division assigned special agents to us
kanzure: i think there was an actual counter at some point
kanzure: ultrasound imaging requires a prescription in the usistan (sorry i forget your pet name)
kanzure: wheelchairs, can't build a wheelchair according to 'em
kanzure: turns out the fda regulates a lot of things
kanzure: alf doesn't know about /join
kanzure: so do lots of other people
kanzure: i'm confused because it sounds like a goal
kanzure: mircea_popescu: child labor is only as good as the children
kanzure: keep reading. same day i wrote my dad's eulogy.
kanzure: alright well why was someone paying you pennies? do you suck at negotiation or something?
kanzure: i was going to pay someone to read logs and write summaries but they chickened out
kanzure: "let's read all of wikipedia"
kanzure: how then would i maintain my reputation of overkill otherwise?
kanzure: i am bookmarks and so can you
kanzure: sure is a strange way to do coinjoin