20300+ entries in 0.05s
mod6: hey this is good thing: http://dpaste.com/2EMM9H3.txt ☟︎
mod6: In other news, I have 6 automated tests. This is pretty neat.
mod6: gernika: hmm, remember what openssl version & block number? was it our Reference Implementation? feel free to post a log like trinque did next time.
mod6: so for the record, this is a "VerifySignature" failure, similar to that seen in February with 168`001 ☟︎
mod6: nope. you're wedged.
mod6: this tx: fb0a1d8d34fa5537e461ac384bac761125e1bfa7fec286fa72511240fa66864d
mod6: ok so those happen a bit... then you hit block 124`275 and then fail to verify a tx in block 124`276 to no avail
mod6: looks like you made it 1500 blocks before you started seeing the nonstandard txin
mod6: alright trinque.
mod6: haha. perl it up.
mod6: what mp said
mod6: you wanna do this for sure anyway ^^ but maybe wait to build until you've patched?
mod6: apt-get
mod6: What you want to do is to start with v0.5.3.1 and go through his messages that he linked and patch 'em in one at a time after verifying the hashes and the sigs.
mod6: So then.
mod6: at least ... lol, i do.
mod6: so a lot to look out for... certainly not for the faint of heart. you really hvae to keep up in here and on the list to realize what's going on.
mod6: but there are a lot of other patches in there that are not a part of that line or "branch" perhaps?
mod6: it is a reference point. the good news is, most of the patches that depend on other patches are linked backwards in the emails (by ascii) and have notes that say "depended upon by <a href=..."
mod6: !up ascii_field
mod6: which is totally doable. there are like ~12 patches up through -verify all
mod6: that was poorly worded. i wouldn't bother trying to go through that list of emails unless what you want to do is this: download & extract v0.5.3.1-RELEASE and go through every email, one by one, and patch by hand.
mod6: err s/packages/patches
mod6: ok. so the stator tarball contains all of the relivant packages. I think by linking you to all of his patches are applied therein.
mod6: `curl "http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.tar.gz" -s -o db-4.8.30.tar.gz`
mod6: `curl "http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz" -s -o openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz`
mod6: and run these to pull down OpenSSL/BDB/Boost:
mod6: cd stator/distfiles
mod6: next
mod6: ok thx trinque, one sec.
mod6: `gpg --verify stator.tar.gz.sig`
mod6: next
mod6: (if you don't do that last step, you can not verify the sig)
mod6: then `mv stator_7447d6ad798179d04e9d277acb72799b3c7d0eae.tar.gz stator.tar.gz` and `mv stator_72424e6da0f81aea5ab09165c377fd8b7418983f.tar.gz.sig stator.tar.gz.sig`
mod6: run this to pull ascii's key: `gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0xB98228A001ABFFC7`
mod6: then...
mod6: once pulled down do this `sha1sum stator_7447d6ad798179d04e9d277acb72799b3c7d0eae.tar.gz stator_72424e6da0f81aea5ab09165c377fd8b7418983f.tar.gz.sig` and ensure that the output hashes match what's embedded in the file name.
mod6: stick them in a directory like `sandbox`
mod6: hanbot: pull down http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150627/stator_7447d6ad798179d04e9d277acb72799b3c7d0eae.tar.gz & http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150627/stator_72424e6da0f81aea5ab09165c377fd8b7418983f.tar.gz.sig
mod6: trinque: what do you mean that gentoo wouldn't build? like OS itself from our guide? or you couldnt build stator on there?
mod6: Then..
mod6: hanbot: ok so to complete your mission. you'll need a x86-64 / glibc linux environment - gentoo is great, others ok probably too.
mod6: ya, post log thx
mod6 looks
mod6: archive.today appears 52681 times
mod6: did you ever restart nsl?
mod6: i'm looking at it now...
mod6: !up ascii_field
mod6: ah cool, thx
mod6: !up ascii_field
mod6: Doesn't make that much of a difference. I'm working on a patched bundle now anyway.
mod6: er. well i missed an `echo` statement in that last one -- didn't seem to complain on my side anyway, but here's a corrected one: http://dpaste.com/0S2D9YV.txt
mod6: s/'//
mod6: i tried it on gentoo, but should build on other x86-64 linux distro's i'd think.
mod6: shinohai: thx.
mod6: This one will do the same as the one before, except this will create the dirs, pull the 3rd party packages, and build "stator" directly though this script. Please read the script. `realpath`, `gnupg` and `curl` are required.
mod6: So in addition to lastnight's script I posted [ pulls down ascii's latest patches (up through -verifyall) and applies them to v0.5.3.1 ], I've got an updated one that i've just tested & worked for me on x86-64 gentoo w/glibc: http://dpaste.com/2F68T3F.txt
mod6: (o(m(g)))
mod6: oh, i noticed a mistake above in my text, there is no such dir as 'bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RELEASE', it's simply 'bitcoin-v0_5_3_1'. hope that doesn't trip anyone up too badly.
mod6: anytime :]
mod6: At some point here we'll have a pre-patched source bundle that will be like a release candidate. I'm workin on it :]
mod6: Anyone else looking to build the same thing by hand (as opposed to just using stator as is) can use this above process ^^ for now.
mod6: those three command should be run from ~/sandbox/bitcoin-v0_5_3_1
mod6: boost="http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost" ; curl -L "$boost/1.52.0/boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 -s -o distfiles/boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2"
mod6: curl "http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.tar.gz" -s -o distfiles/db-4.8.30.tar.gz
mod6: curl "http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz" -s -o distfiles/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
mod6: Anyway, yeah, we can go through it tomorrow. I've also got some curl commands to pull down the distfiles:
mod6: I've probably done a dozen builds this way in the last 2 weeks.
mod6: If you run that script in a directory say ~/sandbox then you can `cd bitcoin-v0_5_3_1` `mkdir -p ourlibs distfiles` - then pull down the boost/bdb/openssl and drop them in distfiles. then finally drop in stator.sh into the ~/sandbox/bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RELEASE dir and kick it off. that should do the trick.
mod6: hanbot: so, this might help you, it's worth a read through anyway -- it's a script that I created to pull down v0.5.3.1-RELEASE, and then add ascii's recent patches up through verifyall [ read the script for all that are applied ]: http://dpaste.com/23VKWD8.txt
mod6: asciilifeform: probably 'whole orchestra'
mod6: ah
mod6: really, the main question at this point should be: do you wanna run the v0.5.3.1-RELEASE or are you looking to help test with the latest (pre)v0.5.4 patches?
mod6: it was designed to work on deb6, others had no problems. but *shrug*. what system are you using hanbot?
mod6: sure, use `script` to start a logging facility just type 'exit' when done and it'll dump out a 'typscript' file in the local dir.
mod6: asciilifeform: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000128.html
mod6: ^
mod6: "assbot: I don't do bots, mod6." << lollerskates!
mod6: <+ascii_field> ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, jurov, et al: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000126.html << nice work!
mod6: it's pretty cool tho 'eh?
mod6: so it'd be nice to eventually move this into something that other guys know how to do.
mod6: and.. i don't wanna be the only one who can write tests for this thing :}
mod6: well, i agree. i honestly like perl better, but that's maybe because I've been doing small things in it for 15 years.
mod6: again hopefully someone in the future can learn from what I'm doing here and take this over in python.
mod6: this one shows that we can connect with -connect & -myip, sleep for a bit, check connection count, shutdown bitcoind, then sleep a bit more (in case we restart bitcoind on the next test, we wanna allow some time for the DB to sync etc.)
mod6: here's another sample with another more advanced test automated: http://dpaste.com/15BA2H1.txt
mod6: so it's ok
mod6: but still chugging.
mod6: that one has been crawling for days.
mod6: my other instance is connected to the same node, and still syncing, but much further down the chain: height=215394
mod6: or at least have been all dayt.
mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, confirm that on ur one node i'm wedged at 365441 ☟︎
mod6: *shrug*
mod6: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/net.cpp#0636
mod6: clock is < 1 minute off
mod6: asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/2YKPPYY.txt
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-07-2015#1208811 << i am looking forward to the fallout from this :D << heheh. well, with any luck it might help us this time around. my hope is that some python hero will pick up the torch and take this thing forward next time around. ☝︎
mod6: yay!
mod6: !up ascii_field
mod6: but not enough to keep up then obv.